Alexander Raikin Profile picture
Freelance writer interested in medical ethics and bad statistics / an Israeli-Canadian married to a Brit living in Washington, D.C.
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 26 20 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: Here's a thread of the "significant announcement" by @InclusionCA @BCANDS1 and other Canadian disability organizations regarding an imminent "Charter challenge".

(for Americans tuning in, it's Canada's version of their Bill of Rights)

🧵 MEDIA ADVISORY     Disability rights organizations to make significant announcement     On Thursday, a coalition of disability rights organizations – including Inclusion Canada, Council of Canadians with Disabilities, Indigenous Disability Canada, and DisAbled Women's Network Canada – will make an important announcement regarding a Charter challenge.     When: Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 10 a.m. ET  Where: Terrace West Meeting Room, Chestnut Conference Centre, 89 Chestnut Street, Toronto, ON M5G 1R1 (across the street from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice) @InclusionCA @BCANDS1 Krista Carr from @InclusionCA is speaking first:

"We are here today because of an appalling injustice happening in our country." She lists a list of disability organizations and two people with disabilities joining this Charter challenge.
Sep 14, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
Silencing whistleblowers. Laughing about sedating a patient into euthanasia. Expanding MAID to the vulnerable, homeless, and children, especially Indigenous children.

The next cover story for @NRO tries to answer: how did death care replace health care?… @NRO Consider a 2021 seminar from the leading group of "MAID providers" in Canada, a group that is funded by the gov't to train clinicians nationwide.

"How would folks interpret someone who... [is] shouting, pulling their arm away as one tries to insert the IV to provide MAID?"
Mar 21, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
Are there problems with Canada and its euthanasia program, the world's largest? Over 140 disability groups and three UN special rapporteurs say yes.

But the @Humanists_UK claims that's all "misinformation": no one died who wasn't supposed to die.

Only problem? It's just bs. 🧵 Accounting for all this, th... @Humanists_UK should know better. They concede that "the facts surrounding some of the cases featured in the coverage are often hard to verify," leading to their analysis being "difficult to conduct".

That's by design. Police investigations in Canada have also been stonewalled  Alicia Duncan's testimony ...
Jan 29, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
SCOOP: The Alzheimer's Association promises that it is "committed to transparency" with its partners.

So why is it hiding its new partnership on "historically underserved communities" with America's leading assisted suicide lobby?… "Our Commitment to Transparency:  With our broad partne It's a bizarre match. The title of an op-ed by the CEO of Compassion & Choices called dementia "a fate worse than death".

After this article came out, Compassion & Choices quickly changed the title... but not everywhere. A Google search for  "A Fate Worse than Death" Op-ed on C&C's website describing "A Fate Worse than DeNow the title is "Living with advanced dementia"The original title on IllinoisTimes is "A fate worse th
Jan 4, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
What I still can't understand about euthanasia in Canada is the reality of it.

Mary wants to live. "She has no other options"--in part because she's been maxing out her credit cards. This is what MAiD providers in Canada heard in their own training seminar. This is the exact situation they said that doesn't exist.
Dec 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Leon Kass in @firstthingsmag in 1996: "Physician-assisted suicide, once legal, will not stay confined to the terminally ill and mentally competent who freely and knowingly elect it for themselves. Requests will be engineered and choices manipulated… @firstthingsmag by those who control the information, and, manipulation aside, many elderly and incurable people will experience a right to choose death as their duty to do so. Moreover, the vast majority of those who are said to “merit” “a humane and dignified death” do not fall in
Dec 16, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
What's going on with Canada's MAiD program? Let's ask the physicians in charge.

This piece took a long time to report. I interviewed 50+ people. I went over two years of training seminars. And it turns out, MAiD in Canada is seriously flawed… Stefanie Green is the president of CAMAP, Canada's leading organization of MAiD providers and assessors. She told me that no one is accessing MAiD because of a lack of housing--or poverty, or lack of medical care. Image