Alexandra Chalupa Profile picture
American mom of Ukrainian heritage, lawyer, human rights advocate, & political strategist studying International Security at @Sydney_Uni. #StandWithUkraine
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Oct 21, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Julian Assange’s dad, in Moscow for the BRICS Summit, thanked Putin for supporting his son, a Kremlin influence agent who advanced a multifaceted Russian military intelligence operation attacking the 2016 U.S. election to help Trump secure power.

🧵 1/4…Image While in Moscow
attending the BRICS summit at the invite of a US felon/Russian state-sponsored propagandist, Assange’s dad also praised Putin’s far-right allies Orbán & Fico.

Like his son, Shipton has well over a decade-long history influence peddling for the Kremlin. 2/4
🍎🌳 Image
May 4, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
A more accurate title:

‘How the Sydney Opera House fell victim to classic Russian deceitful statecraft organized within the Russian Consulate’

Goals: attempt to make fools of Australians; taunt Ukrainians in Australia; support Russia’s war crimes. 🧵… 1. Russian Orthodox Church is part of the Kremlin’s espionage & military influence apparatus.

A Russian orthodox choir invited to the Kremlin & that performed under banner linked to sanctioned Konstantin Malofeyev who helped with the illegal annexation of Crimea, knows this.
May 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Paul Manafort works for Vladimir Putin and is directly linked to the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States. Manafort and all of his associates must be arrested. This is a national emergency with global consequences.

Manafort helps Putin wage war. He is a war criminal. Common Sense: Those who help Putin’s rogue terrorist regime wage war on the free world, a war Ukraine is on the frontlines sacrificing to protect humanity, must be arrested as war criminals and put on trial at The Hague.
Mar 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Putin’s killers in Ukraine tried to murder British journalists. The Sky News crew clearly identified themselves; Russian soldiers continued firing.

If the U.K. & NATO do not take this attack seriously and understand they are officially involved in this war, then they’re cowards. Image If the U.K. and NATO look the other way after Putin’s killers tried to assassinate their citizens, that’s cowardice of another level. It’s bad enough they’re watching a nuclear terrorist destroy Ukraine with missiles and refuse to help protect Ukrainian sky.
Feb 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
In 2015, Ukraine’s President Poroshenko warned Facebook it was being used as a weapon by the Kremlin to flood disinformation as Putin waged war on Ukraine. He called into a FB town hall, said he had evidence & asked FB for an office in Kyiv to stop it. Zuckerberg laughed at him. Here’s the Washington Post article about Ukraine’s President Poroshenko’s pleas to Facebook in 2015, asking Mark Zuckerberg to stop allowing the Kremlin to weaponize the platform with disinformation about Ukraine.…
Feb 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
It’s clear Donald J. Trump will soon be arrested and that he’ll break down and rat everyone out, including his boss Vladimir Putin.

One consistent with Trump - he only serves himself.

The U.S. government is preparing to secure the country for his wrath.… It’s not a coincidence that Putin is threatening Ukraine at the same time Donald J. Trump is going to be arrested. The two are connected.

Neither is doing well, Vladimir Putin is dealing with many powerful Russians who want him dead.
Jan 24, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
From 2014, when Putin first invaded Ukraine (since, approximately 14K killed, 3K civilian, & 1.5 million internally displaced)…

Ukraine honors it’s soldiers who die defending Europe from Putin’s war. This is what Putin does to Russian soldiers’ mothers.… Russian soldiers who died in Putin’s war against Ukraine are disposable to the Kremlin, not honored for giving their lives fighting his illegal war, but hidden in unmarked graves, their deaths buried with lies.
Oct 12, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Article doesn’t mention how Spain’s far-right Vox was founded in 2013 with funding by the People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK was taken off State’s list of terrorist organizations in 2012) or how Vox’s leader spewed QAnon disinformation re 2020 US election and spoke at CPAC in 2021. While Ted Cruz provides support for the MEK-initiated Vox party in Spain, Rudy Giuliani is under criminal investigation for his work for MEK, which he’s acted as an agent for since at least 2010 when it was on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations.…
Aug 29, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
More terrorist attacks are expected as countless people are stranded in Afghanistan trying to evacuate while the Taliban calls the shots and ISIS and Al Qaeda target the U.S. and fight for power.

Trump and Biden both have blood on their hands for their part of this crisis. The Trump administration was a treasonous criminal regime; its top guy is among many facing future criminal indictments.

The Biden administration failed to treat the job like a crime scene. Any deal that Putin’s POTUS made, especially with the Taliban, needed to be voided.
Aug 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
President Joe Biden’s speech was a failure, just like his decision to withdraw from Afghanistan. It was misleading and offensive. It was a speech of a one-term President. When Putin’s former POTUS used his position to weaken the Afghan government and strengthen the Taliban, the U.S. military stabilized the situation. Biden’s job was not to worsen it. He failed and gave a speech blaming those currently fleeing for their lives from the Taliban.
Aug 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Every member of the Kremlin’s ‘Freedom Caucus’ needs to be prosecuted for crimes against the U.S. and the deaths of countless Americans.

These criminals are spineless cowards who will go as low as required to serve Putin while humiliating themselves and betraying their country. Putin’s ‘Freedom Caucus’ members need to be arrested and prosecuted for conspiring to overthrow the U.S. and participating in a domestic terrorist attack against Congress and the Vice President to illegally keep in power Putin’s Oval Office operative.…
Aug 2, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The Republican Party is split between those who work for different sectors of Vladimir Putin’s interests. Some as disinformation/chaos agents, others as business partners, like in the energy industry. The former are openly leading QAnon. They need to be arrested and interrogated. The President of the United States is Joe Biden. Any elected official who says otherwise needs to be immediately terminated from office and arrested by the FBI as a domestic terrorist. Traitors need to be put on trial, including current/former members of the House Freedom Caucus.
Jul 26, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
a) Putin causes humanitarian crises, he doesn’t alleviate them;

b) Putin uses humanitarian crises, including those he causes, to further the Kremlin’s agenda, using Russia’s “aid” as political propaganda that advances military objectives.

1/6 In 2014, Putin invaded and illegally annexed part of Ukraine, causing a humanitarian crisis displacing millions and escalated his war in eastern Ukraine using humanitarian aid as cover to advance military operations; fake aid for a crisis he created.

Jul 26, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
With a million new cases of Delta variant in the UK the past month, and 50K new ones a day now, the government is ignoring health experts and lifted protections against the pandemic while opening night clubs and endangering the youth. European leaders are implementing measures to deal with Boris Johnson’s failed leadership as the Delta variant spreads, including his anti-common sense approach as he lifted basic safety measures and his total disregard of warnings from health experts.…
Jul 20, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
Billionaires have power to launch themselves into space and rewrite history. During America’s darkest hour, Van Jones normalized fascism and treason; that’s not courage and civility, it’s allowing yourself to be used as a tool by a criminal regime propped into power by Putin. Image Van Jones sucking up to Trump was on full display by February 2017, when he praised Trump for using a Navy Seal’s widow as a prop at the State of the Union, “One of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics, period,” he said.… Image
Jul 20, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Huge deal that Donald J. Trump’s longtime business partner and friend who headed his shady Inauguration (of which Rick Gates was called “the shadow chair”) has been arrested. Barrack was Trump’s connector to Middle East and worked w/ Manafort since 1970s.… Tom Barrack successfully gaslit journalists and Congress with an email he wrote Trump about hiring Paul Manafort, “a real killer,” on the campaign. Yet, the three men worked closely together for decades. His email gave Putin’s guy Manafort cover.…
Jul 19, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Israel classifies NSO’s Pegasus spyware as a military weapon, requiring Israel’s Defense chief to sign off on every external license. Netanyahu’s government authorized its sale to authoritarian regimes, which used it against human rights activists, journalists, and dissidents. 1/ NSO’s Pegasus spy weapon has been reported on for the past years, but this is a massive exposé by The Pegasus Project, overseen by @FbdnStories with forensic support by @amnesty, and a coalition of 17 media outlets. Its website is chilling…

Jul 15, 2021 25 tweets 8 min read
While this document released by a “leak” in the Kremlin confirms Vladimir Putin held a meeting January 22, 2016 and ordered multiple Russian intelligence agencies to attack the U.S. to install an “unstable” Donald Trump as President, the plan was in place years before. 🧵 1/ 1980s: Trump takes KGB trip to Moscow, returns, says he’ll run for POTUS, pushes Kremlin agenda

1990s: Trump-Russia mafia deals/Epstein compromised. Test run for POTUS

2000s: Russian mafia deals, Kremlin agenda promoted

2010s: Attacks Obama, executes Kremlin’s POTUS plan

Jul 15, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
This is a big deal. Donald J. Trump told the Secretary of Defense that he was planning to pull the U.S. out of NATO and “blow up the U.S. alliance with South Korea.”
Translation, Trump was going to fully implement Putin’s agenda in a second term.
…… It’s clear the United States has all the evidence it needs to prosecute Donald J. Trump and his co-conspirators for treason. Congress should abolish the death penalty and the Department of Justice needs to start dropping indictments.
Jul 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Ken Starr used “scorched earth” tactics to desperately defend child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who compromised powerful westerners & provided intel to Mossad/Russia/Russian mafia. Starr, who investigated Epstein’s pal Bill Clinton, helped Epstein avoid real accountability. This painting that kompromat collector and child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein displayed in his NYC mansion, symbolizes his power:
Epstein’s close friend Bill Clinton was aggressively investigated by Ken Starr (1994-1999), Ken Starr aggressively defended Jeffrey Epstein (2008).
Jul 14, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Castro regime has to go and Cubans deserve strong support from the U.S., but one doesn’t need to be a chess master to understand Putin’s soldiers Rubio and Cruz are part of an operation to help install a Cuban mafia regime, mirroring the playbook of the post Soviet Union. Republicans, including Rubio and Cruz, don’t care about human rights in Cuba. They don’t care about human rights in the U.S., including in their states. These are professional transactional operators, it’s business and they have an interest in a new Russian/Cuban-mafia regime.