Ali Abunimah Profile picture
Director of Author of “One Country”and “The Battle for Justice in Palestine.”
Feb 5 5 tweets 2 min read
The US will not be occupying Gaza and Donald Trump won’t be building any resorts there. But on the whole it’s good that Trump announces the evil plans of the US openly instead of pretending to care about Palestinians while mass murdering them like the genocidal Democrats. The Democrats threw every bomb they had at Gaza to help the child-murdering “Israeli” underwear thieves try to take it over and failed. They can destroy and kill but the resistance still defeated them. Trump does not have any magic the Genocidal Democrats did not have.
Jan 10 4 tweets 2 min read
Israel killed a large but as yet undetermined number of its own people on 7 Oct 2023. Admissions trickle out slowly. This is only the latest, but it doesn't mean Israel is being transparent. There's good reason why @Netanyahu doesn't want a real, independent investigation. 1/4 Image Israel's self-investigation into its mass killing of Israelis at Kibbutz Be'eri, for example, was a total cover-up, as @davidsheen and I reported, to protect senior "IDF" officers. 2/4 Image
Oct 4, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
At Friday prayers in Tehran @khamenei_ir is giving a speech *in Arabic* addressed to the people of Palestine and Lebanon, pledging full support for their struggle and resistance and it’s being carried live on Al Jazeera. Remarkable. Following “Israel’s” murder of Nasrallah, there is no Arab leader alive who has a fraction of the authority of Iran’s leader, who unlike all the Arab princes and potentates, is the leader of an independent nation supporting liberation, not a puppet serving the genocidal empire. That’s the result of American-“Israeli” barbarism and aggression.
Oct 3, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
🚨 Zionist terrorists armed by the United States used warplanes to bomb a residential neighborhood in Tulkarem killing at least 14 people. This is the first time the terrorists have used warplanes in the occupied West Bank since the second intifada two decades ago - Al Jazeera This marks a severe escalation in the American-sponsored Zionist terror and genocide campaign against the Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank. @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris bear direct responsibility for this savagery.
Jul 12, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Constantly insisting that “Trump will be worse” when Trump isn’t even president is a way of minimizing or even denying the reality and scale of the genocide that @JoeBiden is busy perpetrating right now against the Palestinian people. It’s Holocaust denial. Is there theoretically something “worse” than Hitler? Possibly. How would that matter? Hitler, like Genocide @JoeBiden is not a “lesser evil” to anything, unless you think Palestinian life is worthless.
May 13, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
This is stupid and desperate propaganda. Of course Hamas has to run extensive counterintelligence operations to prevent blackmail and recruitment of collaborators by the genocidal enemy and its traitorous “PA” proxies. If they didn’t the resistance would be dead.…Image You know who does really spy on every Palestinian, including their sex lives, in order to blackmail them or murder them? Israel's Unit 8200 cyberwarfare division, as admitted by whistleblowers in 2014. Obviously the resistance has to counter that…
May 9, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Sad to see @democracynow and @ProfessorKumar still make evidence free claims about Oct. 7 "sexual violence" and totally ignore those of us who did the debunking, while giving credit only to johnny-come-lately @theintercept. I also don't understand why 60 journalism professors need to beg @nytimes to investigate itself when they could just do it, like @intifada @mondoweiss @TheGrayzoneNews @zei_squirrel @hoaxvstruths did. I truly don't know what "journalism schools" are for. Why is it left to a few independent outlets and an anonymous 🐿to debunk the most genocidal atrocity propaganda in decades? Why haven't these tenured professors done the job, or led their students to do it? Useless!
Apr 12, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
This must be taken as further evidence by the ICJ judges of Germany's full complicity in the Zionist genocide. Hitler's successors actively silence those who speak out against the Nazi-like extermination while arming the killers. There must also be individual criminal liability Don't let the Nazis win! You can watch live the Palestine conference in Berlin that @Bundeskanzler Scholz and his thugs are trying to suppress and from which they banned Dr. @GhassanAbuSitt1. I'm scheduled to speak tomorrow morning.
Apr 2, 2024 18 tweets 7 min read
Why does the Zionist genocide regime call the work of @WCKitchen “critical” after announcing it will destroy @UNRWA, the only agency truly capable of providing for needs of everyone in Gaza at required scale? Think. Of course WCK’s role can never justify enemy’s heinous crime An intended or unintended effect of the enemy genocide regime's deliberate murder of @WCKitchen personnel is to further legitimize and consolidate support for an organization that is playing a covering role in "Israel's" effort to destroy/displace @UNRWA. We must not permit this.
Mar 4, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
This is critical. Already @nytimes is misrepresenting this UN-branded regurgitation of Israeli atrocity propaganda as if it provides new evidence for the “mass rapes” lie. It’s simply a laundering of all the fabrications and evidence-free claims that have already been debunked Look how @nytimes is representing these repackaged lies as if the UN has independently investigated Israeli claims. Image
Jan 21, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
The White House-loyal press in the US is starting to acknowledge the military defeat of the @JoeBiden-backed genocidal Zionist enemy, whose only "achievement" on the field is baby murder on a truly Nazi-like scale.…
Image We learned from American official media "reporting" on Ukraine that "it's a stalemate" really means 'our side has lost but we can't admit it.' They're now calling the war on Gaza "a stalemate." In other words the mighty "IDF" has been military defeated by the resistance. Image
Sep 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
With all respect for some signatories, I won't add my name to the "open letter" about Mahmoud Abbas. It's not the job of Palestinians to apologize for the words of the collaborator imposed and funded by the Zionists and their US/EU accomplices to oppress the Palestinian people Abbas's offensive words were just that: words — whereas his crimes against the Palestinian people: murder, torture, imprisonment, betrayal of the resistance, have never been condemned by his US/EU and Israeli masters, on the contrary they fund him to do that.
Mar 10, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Very significant developments that confirm the growing international role of China, and the diminishing role of the United States and Israel (and their ability to sow chaos and destruction). US-Israeli efforts to drive division between Iran and Saudi have cost millions of lives. Israel and the US have nothing to offer the region: They don't build infrastructure, schools, airports, roads. In fact they destroy them. Their only strategy to maintain dominance is to sow division, hatred and destruction.
Feb 19, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
There is no ammo. “West” used Ukraine as its proxy against Russia and then left it high and dry. The truth of this “Putin talking point” is now being admitted by EU’s @JosepBorrellF. What a horrifying crime to let people die for nothing… As I said months ago, the “West’s” only strategy was to hope and pray for a coup in Moscow or that Russia would run out of weapons first. Neither is remotely likely. This bloody debacle (again) is what happens when you believe your own lies and propaganda.
Feb 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
As it becomes undeniable Ukraine is losing, @washingtonpost editorial board calls for major escalation of war. Not yet, but soon they’ll call for NATO troops openly in Ukraine. Risk of nuclear war is not negligible. They’ll never stop with this madness… The @washingtonpost can’t even articulate a US interest in potentially world-ending escalation except lofty moralizing nonsense which US, the biggest aggressor and breaker of international law, has no credibility to spout. You’re going to risk annihilation just to make a point?
Feb 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The Zionists are in disarray. All they can do is lash out in terror and collective revenge for the violence their oppression and persecution provokes from their Palestinian victims. More Zionist terror will never stop the kind violence that happened today… ImageImageImage It's time for Israel's so-called "friends" to tell it clearly and honestly that the violence it sows each and every day is the bitter harvest it reaps. A violent, racist, colonial-settler regime can never achieve "security" through more oppression and persecution.
Feb 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The tweet and attached release are carefully worded to say support for “the people of Türkiye and Syria” and not just “Türkiye and Syria” because the EU continues to boycott the government of Syria. The EU and Western states should set aside their hatreds, lift sanctions and mobilize a full-scale effort to help people in every part of Syria. No way that can happen without working with the government of the country.
Dec 26, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Under the guise of praising @LinaAbuAkleh for seeking accountablity, German government mouthpiece @dwnews uncritically regurgitates the enemy occupier's lies justifying murder of her aunt Shireen Abu Akleh. There were no "gunmen" and it was no "accident"… Image It's understandable that @aposylt is reluctant to challenge Israeli government lies since she could lose her job at @dwnews if she doesn't show loyalty to the Zionist apartheid regime, but this is not journalism by any standard Image
Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
You can only call China's COVID police a "costly failure" if you don't value human life above all else. Costly yes, but if China had the same death rate as the US, 5 million people would be dead. US lost 1.1 million but it's like it never even happened.… According to @maxboot, the "extremists" on both sides are bad: The American leaders whose policies let 1.1 million people die and the Chinese leaders whose policies saved millions of lives. But in the end, America is still the Most Moral🤯
Dec 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm skeptical about this "plot." Shaky Berlin regime may be exaggerating, if not manufacturing, domestic enemies to distract the population from economic disaster and enforce loyalty using sensational claims and fear… While I do not underestimate continued Nazi threat to humanity emanating from Germany, this threat has always come from the regime itself (and its Nazi-tolerant US masters), which until 1970s had more Nazis in its justice ministry than Hitler's government!…
Dec 5, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
“But I knocked on 80,000 doors and Ukraine came up in my election in Central Michigan. People are like, ‘I really support them and I want them to succeed, but when do we stop giving billions of dollars and is there an endgame?’”… Interesting that staunch pro-NATO outlet @POLITICOEurope refers to Ukraine as a “proxy war.” Have they been infiltrated by Kremlin agents too?