Ali Davis 🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture
Nerdery, politics, and silliness. That URL will take you to my book. She/her
Jun 11, 2019 18 tweets 3 min read
I would like to talk about the "I don't agree with it" construction. You know the one. "I'm not prejudiced against homosexuals. I just don't agree with it. I just don't agree with the lifestyle." ("Lifestyle" itself is gross, as it carries the insidious implication that actually getting to build a life with a person you're in love with is a frivolous and expendable thing on a par with dancing in clubs or chainsaw sculpture. But that's not why we're here.)
Apr 9, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
It is a given that the monstrosities happening on the border are happening primarily because Trump is a terrible person who is being manipulated by terrible people and spineless eeldicks who are selling out the country. However, I think there's another unexpected factor. Fox News is used to trying to manipulate the conservative base. That's why it was created, after all. But the model was always to work in tandem with GOP politicians who were also in on the joke: Whip up the base, tell baldfaced lies, and then set policy you can get away with.