alissa azar (active on bsky) Profile picture
Syrian Journalist• Covering right wing violence in the PNW • • kolektiva & bsky- @AlissaAzar IG- @ R3volutiondaddy
4 subscribers
May 28, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
Since milkshake is stealing my videos & lying about what’s happening again, PSU president & local media are insinuating the cop went to the hospital due to physical harm from protesters, & the portland police chiefs false statement, here’s what actually happened: After the arraignment for the two students arrested Wednesday, 2 people chained themselves to the admin building at Portland State University again on Thursday. As they were chaining themselves, students and community supporters immediately formed lines in front of them.
Feb 29, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
A moving act of solidarity as veterans burn their uniforms at a vigil for Aaron Bushnell hosted by veterans against war. This was after some extremely moving speeches, including a Vietnam War veteran who was a part of the SDS and did a lot of anti-war organizing. While what happened to Aaron Bushnell is heartbreaking, this was by no means a somber vigil. There were sad moments, but the energy was high as at least 6 speakers who were all veterans used their time to remember Aaron Bushnell and empower the crowd to act-
Feb 5, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Even though this weekend turned into something else entirely with “gods army” at the Texas border, I think it’s really important for ppl to realize how prepared a lot of these fascist groups & militias are for a “civil war,” & the things that they are willing to spill blood over. Neo-Nazis and Christian nationalists are becoming more dangerous and emboldened by the day. All the while gaining more support from the fascist GOP, law enforcement, and other people in this country who have actual power.

The post J6 shock and awe from liberals has dissipated.
Oct 14, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Easily a few thousand people out in LA marching in support of Palestine A very large Palestinian flag being carried by marchers
Aug 22, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
A thread on Andy and PPB: Andy’s lies, exaggerations, and misinformation he constantly posts about me and others continues to put people in the same exact danger he cries about daily. Andy has openly admitted this in court just months ago. Andy says I was stopped by officers after I brought a “shiv” to the courthouse. The reality? My necklace, a small coffin nail I forged, set-off the metal detector when walking into the building. A security person asked that I leave it outside. No officers, no shiv. No problem.
Jan 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Everyone should be paying attention to what’s happening at state levels, especially in regards to schools and education. This is a terrifying escalation. The Republican Party has dramatically escalated its war on education, & their war on education, I would argue, is one of THE most crucial factors in their push for a fully fascist institution. Over the past few years much of this was done under the guise of combating things like
Nov 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
After repeatedly trying to avoid answering questions related to his constant targeting of ppl on twitter, far-right grifter & renowned content stealer And* Ng* was forced to admit that his tweets do indeed cause ppl 2 b targeted, often resulting in harassment & physical violence yes he’s in portland. and his accent goes away each time he panics (which is a lot)
Jul 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The new “civilian” director of training for PPB is an LAPD sergeant who will be getting paid over $200k a year to retire and come to Portland to fill a role meant for a non-cop to improve accountability. He has a podcast on policing which he started in 2020 to pushback against valid criticisms on policing & brutality.

On his podcast he has expressed / agreed with views such as;

Adam Toledo was a “guy” who was justifiably shot.

“I always push back on the term ‘police reform’.”

“Good” police leadership needs to push back against progressive policies
Jun 12, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Here’s a little rundown on the detainment:

So yesterday I stayed near patriot front and continued filming until the last 1 remaining was unmasked. Afterwards I started to make my way to the car. The day got really hot really fast, and the car was scorching hot, so the doors were left opened to cool it off a bit. I sat on the sidewalk right next to it to cool off and take a break. A police car pulled up within less than 5 minutes. It was one sheriff in the vehicle and he parked and got out of the car. He immediately began asking questions. After I didn’t
Jun 11, 2022 31 tweets 10 min read
holy shit. patriot front detained arrested*
Jun 11, 2022 34 tweets 12 min read
I’m currently in Coeur d’Alene where an annual family event called Pride in the Park is projected to come under attack from fascist militias and right-wing / christo-fascist extremists. This is a significant day because of the predicted fascist incursion and the two year hiatus due to covid, but especially so as the mere existence of queer people comes under increasing attack from the violent & extremist GOP.
Jun 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Options360, an evangelical pregnancy crisis center in Vancouver, WA, was hit with some red paint last night and had “Jane’s Revenge” written on the front of the building. Crisis pregnancy center (CP...Crisis pregnancy center (CP...Crisis pregnancy center (CP...Crisis pregnancy center (CP... Centers like this one are a key part of anti-abortion disinformation and harassment networks. These atrocious establishments tell pregnant people that abortions cause breast cancer and severe mental health issues. They peer pressure and traumatize people with their evangelical
Feb 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
a mass shooting occurred in portland tonight, targeting a group of antifascist activists who were meeting up in a park for a solidarity w/ MPLS march for Amir Locke. This all happened before the march could even take off. I’m feeling a lot of things right now. Plz check in ppl i don’t know whether to cry or scream rn. I know this is a lot. I love you yall. We really need each other. Take care of each other and please check in on your people 🥺 my heart is both broken and in flames. 🤬🤬🤬
Feb 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Hey Andy, fuck you. you literally made a post calling for a mass reporting campaign to get my patreon taken down (which worked), then go on to whine about antifascists reporting you for actually putting people in danger? What a pathetic whiny hypocrite. Your actions actually hurt people.
Dec 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I got an anonymous message from someone and it seems in response to yesterday’s fascist incursion as Nazis took to the streets in DC in full display of white supremacy, some Portland antifascists sent a message to show their solidarity-Including a liberated patriot front banner 3 people in black bloc in f...3 people in black bloc in f...Two folks in black bloc cro...A person in bloc holding up... The message that I got also included a message to share:

“Portland antifascists stand with DC antifascists, whose community was invaded on December 4th by the ethno-nationalist group Patriot Front.
Sep 6, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Here’s a bit of an account on what happened yesterday…

I ended up alone and trying to leave the area. I had a group and safety… & just a block and a half away is where I needed to be. I was at an intersection about to cross but when I looked to my right I saw that large group of proud boys. I’m pretty sure this is who was standing in front of the group and yelled “there’s Alissa!get her!” But honestly I had tunnel vision for a lot of it and could be wrong. He is one of the men who ran ahead of the crowd and assaulted me. The only footage I’ve seen of
Aug 23, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
That dude in the weird christofash armor ducking at that firework lol After the melee had been happening for at least 15 minutes, tiny lead another group of proud boys behind the gas station to attack. They were immediately met with fireworks, paint, and other projectiles.
Aug 22, 2021 17 tweets 6 min read
Currently down at the waterfront in downtown portland with hundreds of antifascists who are gathering here today to make sure fascists know they are not now, nor ever, welcome in our city Some art on the walk over 👀
Aug 13, 2021 26 tweets 4 min read
Just spotted these flyers posted around the Eastmoreland neighborhood in SE Portland 👀👀 ImageImage Lmfao someone just drove by yelling “get the fuck out of my neighborhood douche bag” to some dude with an infowars sticker on his truck
Aug 11, 2021 28 tweets 10 min read
extremely normal Barry just made a comment to someone about wanting to ra*e me, then made comments about my eyes lips and ass.
Aug 11, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Currently in Salem at planned parenthood where a group has gathered to support accessible reproductive health care and to counter reactionary extremism. Last month on 7/13 armed and violent neo nazis, including proud boys, violently attacked community members outside of the planned parenthood in Salem while spewing their hate and bigotry. Homophobes, terfs, some PB’s and other reactionaries are currently present as well