Allum Bokhari Profile picture
Published leaks exposing Google, Facebook, YouTube. Author of DELETED (Center Street, 2020). Managing Director @FFO_Freedom
fche Profile picture Magdi Shalash Profile picture 🇺🇸 WenJE 🇺🇸 Profile picture 3 subscribed
Mar 14 6 tweets 2 min read
EXCLUSIVE: USAID supports censorship of GAMING SITES.

A USAID "disinformation" primer obtained by @America1stLegal claims "gaming sites" have become hubs for "problematic information."

USAID also characterizes "satire and parody" as misinformation.… USAID: "problematic information regularly originates from networks of alternative sites" including gaming sites, Reddit, Discord, and 4chan.

These alternative networks create a "populist expertise" offering "interpretations of the world that differ from mainstream sources." Image
Feb 23 4 tweets 2 min read
The rot at Google has been apparent for a while.

An anon Google employee, speaking to me in 2017:

“the diversity gospel has been woven into nearly everything the company does.”
Image “Pro-censorship voices have the management’s ear. The anti-censorship people are afraid of retaliation.”

“Our leadership (Sundar in particular) is weak, so he capitulates to the meanest bullies on the block.” Image
Feb 12 7 tweets 3 min read
Congressionally-Chartered Nonprofit’s "Disinformation Dashboard" Used to Track Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Once again, an organization that claims to be a non-partisan opponent of "disinformation" participated in 2020's biggest disinformation operation.… The suppression stories about Hunter Biden's shady foreign business deals had a tangible effect on the 2020 election.

Significant numbers of voters said they wouldn't have voted for Biden had they known the facts before the election.…
Feb 9 8 tweets 3 min read
"Trusted Messengers"

A head of 2024, the censorship industry is adopting a more targeted approach, focused on key demographics.

Central to their plans is the cultivation of "trusted messengers" who can overcome so-called disinformation spreading in particular communities.… "Trusted Messenger" is a marketing term, describing a person or institution with public trust. It's popular among NGOs and government agencies trying to win people over to their agenda.

During COVID, the government sought out "trusted messengers" to overcome vaccine skepticism. Image
Feb 2 13 tweets 6 min read
'Civic Listening': Political Informants, Rebranded

Paranoid that someone is spying on your based groupchats? You should be..

Government-funded online censors are cultivating a network of informants to monitor "disinformation" on private messaging apps🧵… Every modern regime that has tried to police the opinions of its citizens has ended up fostering networks of informants, aka snitches.

At its height, the GDR's Stasi had 1 informer for every 50 citizens.

But that's just a German thing, right? It couldn't happen here...Image
Jun 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Britain is often incorrectly accused of being woker than the U.S., but the NHS has now banned puberty blockers for kids faster than a few red states.

Critical race theory is another invention of the American left that has totally failed to take off in Britain.

There are some…… Britain’s education Deep State was actually quite opposed to the spread of American-style wokeness at one prestigious school:…
Jun 1, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
"Net Zero" is coming to the video games industry. But what is Net Zero and why should you care?

The subheading of this CNET article carries the core concept.

"What will games have to give up?"

Spreading into every industry, Net Zero makes the same demand.

🧵👇 Image "Net Zero" is everywhere, but it always makes the same demand: lower your standards!

Lower-quality protein: bugs instead of steak.

Lower-quality stoves: electric instead of gas.

And now, lower-quality video games.…
Jun 26, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
Your guide to virtue-signaling at #EURO2020

Of the remaining teams, the worst are England and Belgium. Switzerland are also bad.

Wales, like the rest of the British teams, were also big on kneeling. They were knocked out today👌… Denmark, which knocked out Wales (4-0 lmao) seem ambivalent on kneeling. They don't care much either way.

Other remaining teams in this category: Italy (some players kneeled, some haven't) France (initially planned to kneel, but noticed the fan feedback), Germany. #EURO2020
Jan 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
"Global elites" is a misunderstood term. They aren't primarily the politicians. They're the NGOs, corporations, media conglomerates, academic institutions, pressure groups and bureaucrats that shape the views and policies of politicians. They aren't always successful. Politicians range from those who are 100% agents of that ecosystem (Buttigieg, Clinton, Blair) and those who are 100% independent of them (Orban, Salvini, Bolso).

But there are also plenty of politicians who are in between those two extremes. Boris Johnson is one example.
Jan 11, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The irony: Europe, without a First Amendment, may end up with more internet freedom than the US.

In Europe, governments decide definition of hate speech, extremism, etc. They are bound by legislative processes.

In the US, Silicon Valley decides. And it is not bound by anything. Called it.

Even foreign politicians who are the complete opposite of Trump in terms of style/policy aren’t happy to see Silicon Valley silencing a world leader.
Jan 10, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
It's not like they put this all down in writing or anything.… Not like they were caught on video!…
Jan 9, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I've seen a lot of media-democrat outrage spirals so I know how they go... thread: Day 1: Media gaslights conservatives into engaging with their concerns in good faith. Dead Syrian refugees, George Floyd, etc. Anyone who offers a contrary opinion is immediately destroyed. The smart conservatives stay silent. Cowardly ones grovel.
Jan 9, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Journalists really are to blame for this.

The YouTube ad boycott, the Facebook ad boycott - that was all them.

The transformation of tech companies into weapons of the ruling elite would not have happened without constant pressure from the media. There were always people inside the tech giants who wanted censorship. But numbers swelled because of agitation from the media, and media-inspired ad boycotts immeasurably strengthened their hand. More than Democrats, more than the tech companies themselves, the media did this.
Jan 8, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
If only there had been a conservative news organization that, five years ago, established a dedicated team of reporters to cover Silicon Valley's growing attacks on free speech.

( If only there had been whistleblowers, and leaks, and smoking guns proving that the leaders of Silicon Valley were determined to stop the President and his supporters from effectively using the internet to communicate with voters.…
Jan 7, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
September 2020:
My book exposes a four-year plot to remove the President of the United States and his movement from the internet.

January 2021:
Facebook, Twitch, Snapchat, indefinitely ban the President of the United States.

We all knew it was coming.
Because of this rabid desire to censor the president, everyone's online freedom was destroyed in the process.

And you are not going to get it back, because everyone in power, including elected Republicans, a) wanted it to happen and b) want it to escalate.
Oct 20, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
The DOJ filed a landmark antitrust case against Google today.

No tech company has been caught red-handed trying to interfere in American elections than Google.

Let's recap...THREAD: ITEM 1.

Video leaked to Breitbart shows Google execs calling Trump's election "offensive", an exec threatening to make populism a "blip."

Use of their anti-extremism search manipulation tool, "Jigsaw," is discussed in the context of the Trump movement.…
Sep 3, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read

After we published this article, a Facebook spokeswoman reached out and said all four pages are being taken down. Soz, Assata Shakur fans! By banning defenders of Kyle Rittenhouse, who has not been convicted of any crime, Facebook must now ban any page or profile celebrating convicted murderers or terrorists.

You know, like all those leftists from the 1970s.
Aug 21, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read

Insider at Publicis Groupe (whose clients include McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Pfizer) reveals woke "day of training."

- "Make America Great Again" is "covert white supremacy"
- Employees want to cut ties to non-woke clients
- "Oppression matrix"… Employees encouraged to consider their position in the "oppression matrix," determined by skin color.
Jul 29, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read

Exclusve data analysis from @BreitbartNews reveals:

- Search visibility down 99 percent (!) since 2016 election
- Searches for "Biden" and "Joe Biden" return ZERO Breitbart links
- All conservative media affected!… This chart shows the visibility of @BreitbartNews links on Google search, from 2011 to the present.

Google pushed our visibility off a cliff in 2017, following an algorithm change shortly after @RealDonaldTrump's election.

Visibility on Google has declined 99%
Jun 2, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read

Morning Consult poll shows 71 percent of American voters back use of the National Guard in riot-stricken cities.

58 percent support use of the U.S. Military.… via @BreitbartNews Even Democrats have had enough.

68 percent of polled Dem voters said they support sending in the National Guard.

48 percent of Dems - a plurality - said they support sending in the military.
Apr 24, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
TikTok follows the same pattern of political censorship as western social media companies, despite being owned by the Chinese.

Here's why [1/5] It's true that Chinese censors don't care much about the priorities of western SJWs. They have other concerns: Uighurs, Hong Kong protesters, Tibetan independence advocates, the Falun Gong, Tiananmen square talk, etc.

However, TikTok wants to succeed in the U.S [2/5]