Alonso Gurmendi Profile picture
Lecturer in Int’l Relations @KingsCollegeLon, @warstudies | writes @opiniojuris and @TheInterceptBr | Esp/Eng/Port | Views personal
OdontoFlores Dental Spa Profile picture May Shigenobu PhD (重信メイ・命) (مي شيكينوبو) Profile picture Martin Cloutier Profile picture Jean-Marc /Othman Profile picture محمد الذهبي Profile picture 9 subscribed
Jul 20 39 tweets 9 min read
Tracking state reactions to the ICJ's Advisory Opinion on Israel's Policies and Practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 🧵 Qatar 🇶🇦
Jul 19 32 tweets 9 min read
From reading the Separate Opinions, it seems that except for Judge Sebutinde, the Court did not have many profound disagreements. This is important considering prior experience with the Court (remember Comma-Gate). Here, things seemed pretty straght-forward. Some thoughts 🧵 Abraham (🇫🇷), Tomka (🇸🇰) and Aurescu (🇷🇴) disagreed with the majority that the occupation could become illegal as a whole. They rather believed that Israel was doing illegal things in the context of an otherwise normal occupation Image
Jul 19 11 tweets 2 min read
"yeah yeah but it doesn't matter anyway"
Sure, this Opinion will not stop Israel in Gaza. But there's some things you should consider before dismissing this historic Opinion... 🧵 This case was never meant to be a reaction to Gaza. It began in Jan. 2023 as part of a broader effort to use the law in defence of Palestinian rights. It is meant to help increase the tools at the disposal of Palestinians. In this regard, it has been extremely successful
Jul 19 49 tweets 5 min read
This is where I will be posting my thoughts on the upcoming ICJ Advisory Opinion on Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. You can follow the Court's live stream here, starting in 10 min:… Just as a reminder, the Court has been asked to answer the following two legal questions. An Advisory Opinion is not "binding" but it is "authoritative", in that it reflects the Court's understanding of current international law Image
Jun 28 7 tweets 2 min read
More Fun Fact: if a Palestinian citizen of Israel marries a West Bank Palestinian, the latter is legally barred from obtaining Israeli citizenship or permanent residence in Israel through marriage /1 Even More Fun Fact: that same Palestinian citizen of Israel cannot legally marry a Jewish citizen within Israel. Since 2006, they are allowed to marry abroad and, since 2010, they are allowed to sign a civil union, but this affords them less rights than a married couple /2
Jun 20 18 tweets 4 min read
People are trying to construct an image of Balfour that simply is not there. His Zionism was not the result of anti-racist convictions, but rather religious belief. His support for Jewish causes was conditional on how they complimented his racist and xenophobic views For instance, between May and July 1905, he is on record condemning “[t]he medieval treatment of the Jews” as “a permanent stain on European annals” and as a “disgrace which tarnishes the fair fame of Christianity even at this moment”.
Jun 18 19 tweets 4 min read
Wait, we’re sanitising Balfour now? That quote comes from his Introduction to Nahum Sokolow’s “History of Zionism”. The text is essentially Balfour’s explanation as to why it is correct for the Jews to “colonise Palestine” but not say to “plant Buddhist colonies in India” /1 For Balfour, this is because Jews are different than other “races” in that they had been severed from their ancestral lands and yet retained “to the full its racial self-consciousness”
Jun 14 16 tweets 3 min read
This prompted a lot of discussion so I listened to the full episode. I think this snippet is not very representative of the broader argument, which is closer to “genocide is a very narrow category” than “genocide is virtue signalling”. Tbh, I have a diff critique than most Just to be clear, the episode was interesting and I am just trying to engage on the merits. And I haven’t heard Part 2, which is still not out, but I think my issue is too foundational at this point to fix it post facto.
Jun 11 18 tweets 6 min read
The idea that there can only be a genocide when members of a group are killed en mass solely because they are members of that group is a popular one, but I think it is important to look at it with more historical nuance. 🧵 Raphael Lemkin's original definition of Genocide was much broader:
He said that mass killing was not the only way to commit genocide. Genocide often meant "a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups" Image
May 30 4 tweets 1 min read
US Presidents have set up torture sites, staged coups, ordered human experiments, invaded entire countries, ethnically cleansed indigenous peoples, enabled genocides. That the first Presidential conviction ever is over hush money to cover a sex scandal is… very telling I guess But sure let’s celebrate the rule of law and how no one is above the law and how now everything is right in the election where the convicted felon can apparently still run I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️
May 30 7 tweets 3 min read
Did you burn 45 people to death? Are images of decapitated babies giving you a hard time?
Don't Worry! With this handy How To Guide you will not have to worry anymore!
This is: How To Excuse yourself from any Responsibility in your Own Airstrike. Available now!🧵 Step 1: Botch your own "safe zone" system, by announcing Block 2371 is a safe zone, leading hundreds of people to move there, but forget to shade Block 2371 yellow in your safe zone area map (image by @marcowenjones) Image
May 27 100 tweets 23 min read
Tracking State Reactions to Israel's May 26 attack on Rafah 🧵 Ireland 🇮🇪
May 24 22 tweets 5 min read
Reactions to the ICJ's Order for Additional Provisional Measures in South Africa v. Israel 🧵 Brazil 🇧🇷
May 24 6 tweets 1 min read
There seems to be disagreement among some ICJ Judges as to how exactly this sentence should be read. Image I read it as meaning that Israel has to halt its offensive in Rafah, period. And it should also halt "any other action which may inflict on the Palestinians conditions of life that could bring about their physical destruction".
May 24 19 tweets 6 min read
Ok let's give a quick glance at the individual opinions shall we? Judge Sebutinde: Rafah offensive is not a "new fact" but "part of the broader conflict initiated by Hamas on 7 October 2023" Image
May 24 24 tweets 2 min read
It begins! #SouthAfrica v. #Israel… Court: has to decide if there has been a change in circumstances and if this change warrants modifying the PM
May 20 32 tweets 7 min read
Tracking State reactions to the arrest warrants issued by the ICC OTP against Israeli and Hamas leaders, a thread 🧵 First, a reminder on method: I will only collect statements from HoS, HoG, and MFA, except for specific cases of specially affected states. I will also collect UNSC and UNGA statements. Statements by IOs do not count for individual members, unless signed individually by states
May 19 6 tweets 1 min read
Occupation follows the logic of a temporary administration of territory until a final post-war settlement can be achieved. Israel signed peace with Egypt 45 years ago, and yet continued the occupation of Gaza, thus turning it into an act of aggression against Palestine Why did the occupation continue? Because it follows a different logic - the logic of Nakba: the systematic and illegal domination, ethnic cleansing, settlement and annexation of Palestinian territory
May 14 24 tweets 5 min read
I think @harari_yuval is righ when he describes Zionism as an example of "19th century European nationalism", but I think he is wrong when he argues there is nothing racist about (all) 19th century European nationalisms. Some thoughts. The main idea of European nationalisms is, as @harari_yuval says, that the group constitutes a nation, a condition which grants it self-determination rights. But 19th century European nationalism existed on the bedrock of the Westphalian "nation-state"
May 8 34 tweets 8 min read
State Reactions to Israel's attack on Rafah - Thread 🧵 Egypt 🇪🇬
"condemns in the strongest terms"
Apr 30 7 tweets 2 min read
Judge Tladi, a sitting judge at the ICC, just penned a Declaration to the Nicaragua v. Germany Provisional Measures Order that in my view directly contradicts how many are reading Judge Donoghue's BBC remarks Image Judge Tladi says that for PMs to be granted, *the rights* need to be *plausible* (as Judge Donoghue said) but that this in turn means that there has to be "some prospect of success on the merits, i.e. (...) [that] *there is a case to be answered at the merits stage*".