Alphabet Workers Union (AWU-CWA) Profile picture
Organized Alphabet workers, unionizing with @CODE_CWA as members of @CWAUnion Local 9009. Contact us:
প্রদীপ্ত মৈত্র (Pradipto Moitra) Profile picture Olivier Duquesne aka DaffyDuke Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jan 24, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Today at Google offices across the country we've held events to bring our coworkers together to discuss the recent layoffs & the need for real democracy in the workplace.

Workers also wrote letters to their former coworkers because they never got to say goodbye in person. 🧵 Image "Hey, I hope a handwritten letter is a more meaningful goodbye than being locked out of your e-mail unceremoniously. Unfortunately I have no way to reach out to you." Image
Jan 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
You'd think layoff 12k workers would be enough—but today we've filed a ULP on behalf of a unit of members at YouTube Music

Most workers were hired remotely &, after filing for union recognition, they were told to RTO or accept “voluntary termination”… Workers are paid as little as $19/hr & nearly a quarter of workers don't even live in Texas—so being forced to relocate to show up for worker in Austin is impossible.

Workers aren't paid enough to afford a big move, or the childcare that would be necessary if they have to RTO.
Jan 23, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
In one email, Alphabet executives took away the livelihoods of 12,000 of our coworkers.

Workers at every stage of their career were let go with little rationale as to why.

Today we're hosting a meeting open to all Alphabet workers to demand ACCOUNTABILITY. 🧵 We're asking our coworkers to drop a word to describe how they feel about the layoffs. Some of the most popular are:

Aug 18, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read

650+ workers across Alphabet have signed a petition demanding execs adapt our policies for a post-Roe world.

We sent the petition to Sundar & other top execs on Monday. We have yet to receive a response.

We need Google to adopt these changes & protect our rights 👇👇👇 We, the undersigned, recognize that all Alphabet workers, ofProtect all workers’ access to reproductive healthcare by Protect our government from corporate influence. Alphabet muFixing misleading search results related to abortion service First, after Roe was overturned, our Chief People Officer sent a letter promising benefits, like worker relocation & out-of-state healthcare.

But, like w/most things at Alphabet, this didn't apply to the 50%+ of the workforce misclassified as contractors.…
Jun 16, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read

There's a major story in the NYT today about one of our members & his lawsuit against Google. It's about a literal *cult* w/in Google that dominated his former team.

But it's not just a salacious story, this is really about workers' rights & TVCs.… Kevin joined Google in 2017 as part of GDS, an in-house team for video production. He quickly noticed that almost half of the people in his team were from a small town in northern California, "Oregon House," & that they were members of a cult: the Fellowship of Friends.
Feb 8, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
What is union-busting?

Union-busting is any action by management to prevent workers from exercising their right to organize.

Companies spend $$$$ to silence workers every year.

Let’s break down this example of union-busting from @GoogleFiber subcontractor @BDSConnected ⬇️ So this intro immediately tries to 3rd party our union.

Yes, the NLRB did notify BDS Connected Solutions BUT we, the ACTUAL WORKERS, sent an email before filing with the NLRB to notify management that we (the workers) had organized a union.
Jul 28, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
We've been hearing about folks who are pushed into EAP—employee assistance program, i.e. therapy—when they raise workplace concerns like harassment.

Now this pattern is public. And worse, Google is actually using therapy records against people in court.… @chelseyglasson filed a pregnancy discrimination lawsuit against Google b/c she was stripped of management responsibilities & told her pregnancy would "rock the boat."

She had gone through the EAP therapy. When she filed suit, Google used her therapy records against her. More than a year later, when Ms. Glasson filed a pregnancy d
Apr 14, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
We stands in support of the historic lawsuit filed by the @CalDFEH against @Cisco for caste-based discrimination.

This lawsuit marks the first time in U.S. history that any institution is being held accountable for caste-based discrimination.… We support tech workers around the world who are speaking up about casteism & hostile workplaces.

Caste-oppressed workers face many barriers throughout the tech industry, including at Alphabet.
Jan 7, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
Our statement on yesterday's coup attempt at the Capitol.

Social media companies, including YouTube, an Alphabet product, bear tremendous responsibility for the growing fascist movement in the US.

We have organized against this before & we stand ready to do so again—as a union. ImageImage Text: Alphabet Workers Union Statement on Yesterday's Insurrection
Yesterday, a mob of fascists, urged on by the sitting president of the United States, stormed the Capitol in Washington, D.C. in an attempt to prevent the certification of the results of the presidential election.
Jan 4, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
We're Alphabet workers. We’ve been organizing for over a year, & we’re finally ready to share why.

This morning, we're announcing #AWU, the first union open to *all* workers at any Alphabet company.

Every worker deserves a union—including tech workers.… The past few years at Google have been tumultuous: secret military AI projects, multi-million dollar payouts to execs who sexually harassed our coworkers, profiting from hate speech, & more.

Coworkers who've voiced concerns have even been fired, illegally, as retaliation.