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#AltNPS Unofficial Washington D.C. Office #Resistance Team. Protect & preserve the US from fascism #AltGov #WeAreAltGov I study everything and know nothing.
Mar 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Anyone who tells you that we can't transition to renewables is an idiot.

From 2008 to 2018 the amount of electricity generated from renewable sources doubled.

/1 As of the end of 2021, over 20% of all electricity produced was from renewable sources. Meaning that, roughly 10 years ago, it was rough 10%

Jan 23, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
@FiddleSpider Not exactly.

He placed regulatory freeze on a rule that would block federal funding to community health centers unless those community centers charged low income patients the acquisition price + an admin fee for insulin and epi-pens.

@FiddleSpider The rule which was set to take effect on Jan 22 would have required those community centers to pass on the 340B discounts to low income and high cost sharing individuals. The rule had effectively not been implemented yet.

However there are a few important things to point out

Jan 12, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Who has information on this person?

I would like to know more. I want to know who they are and where they were during the attack on the Capitol. I'm actually so interested..

That I will pay $2,000 to the person who can identify them.


I reasonably believe this is that person. The individual shown below is shown multiple videos to have broken windows to foam access to the Capitol.
Jan 10, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
At the beginning of this week, my expectation was to throw on CSPAN in the background while I teleworked. Then after work, I'd hit the home gym, cook dinner, and watch The Expanse.

Instead..I asked for time off and spent majority of the time going through videos one frame... At a time because a bunch of idiots decided that they wanted to be terrorists.

"Officer, I had no idea that it was illegal for me to crawl through a broken window ofñthe capital"

Shut the fuck up. You know what you were doing. You know what you did.

Own the fuck up..
Jan 9, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
For anyone who needs it, here is the full video of the Ziptie Terrorist's facebook account which was retrieved before the account went down :… He was identified my multiple live streams in the hotel after the events at the Capitol due to wearing the same closes.

That lead to the actual identification of him by others due to him attending events in the past with the same clothing.
Jan 9, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
I cannot say this with confidence.. but the guy in these images (will share link to video momentarily).. Is wearing what appears to be a similar shirt, down to the black patches (or whatever it is) on his shoulder.

A similar hat, and a similar watch.
Jan 8, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Alright, I'm taking a small break from literally watching videos fram by frame to grab images of faces. (And thank you to everyone who helped find videos, pics, etc.. and share them with the FBI and DC Police)...

However, I also want to say something a little more serious.

First, look I get it there were a lot of people that were involved yesterday. Some of them are just delusional people who went to go listen to a crazy man speak. Many of them believe the crazy man's speeches.

Jan 6, 2021 59 tweets 34 min read
Don't forget, Federal investigators will have to investigate any reports of stolen documents or items.

Here are some of the terrorists. ImageImageImageImage Here are more. ImageImageImageImage
Dec 25, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Ok so what we seem to know so far regarding the RV explosion in Nashville is:

Someone called the police about gunshots in the area, which prompted the police to investigate.

After arriving, the police heard a broadcast from the RV stating... That a bomb would go off at a specific time (not sure what the exact wording was).

This prompted police to call in the bomb squad and to begin evacuating people. At roughly 6:30 am the RV exploded.

The RV was near AT&T building and the damage has caused widespread outages.
Apr 7, 2020 8 tweets 1 min read
Side effects of hydroxychlorquine:

Loss of appetite

(Contract your doctor immediately for these)

Slow heartbeat
Symptoms of heart failure
- shortness of breath
- swelling ankles/feet
- unusual tiredness
- Unusual/sudden weight gain

Mar 9, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
Uh huh, sure @altyellonatpark All of us are "right wing infiltrators".
Feb 27, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
Before the great recession the record high of the DJIA was $14,198.10. This was on 10/11/2007

The DJIA reached it's low of $6,470.00 on 3/6/2009. That's a loss of $7,728.1, or 54.43%

This wasn't just the Dow, the vast majority of the market was cut in half. That's what the financial markets looked like during the Great Recession.

There is more to it though. The IMF describes a global recession as a decline in real per-capita world gross domestic product.

Using that metric the decline started in December 2007.
Feb 11, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
I really want to say something inspiring tonight...

Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot to say at the moment. Mostly because I work a whole lot, even when I'm "off the clock".

And when I come home and catch up on the news, it's a hundred articles on... Trump's proposed budget and the GOP recommendations to "fix" the government.

These include, eliminating the recently granted parental leave, cutting retirement while also making feds pay more for retirement, making it "easier" to fire people, ...
Nov 27, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
I've unintentionally distanced myself from Twitter these last several weeks.

There have been quite a few reasons for this.. Some to do with work and life changes, others to do with my sheer annoyance with the ongoing Trump situation, and still others to do with the fact... ... that I just need a break.

I have a lot to say over some of the more recent ongoings. I just haven't figured out exactly how to (or how I want to) frame it all just yet... So, for now, I will just say this:
Sep 18, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Tomorrow Trump is is expected revoke a rule that allows for California to set stricter and cleaner emission regulations.

This is a clear attack on the climate and our future generations. So we need you to act now.… We need you to call your congressmen/women and your Senators.

We need you to tell them that you oppose rolling back climate regulations.

We want you to fax and email them too.
Apr 23, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
I'm going to rant for a second here...

We are seriously on the verge of significant and irreversible changes to the Democratic way of life.

Within the next two Presidential election cycles we face major advancements of other economies in the world, significant automation... And duress, if not collapse, of our social safety nets (social security and medicare).

This is at a time when both the Republicans and Democrats have leading candidates, who, while pushing significantly different policies, align on a populist agenda.
Apr 12, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
With all the political grandstanding going on, I want you to remember that much of this is a smoke screen for the admin to demolish the government behind the scenes.

They are ripping OPM apart.

They are ripping EPA apart.

They are ripping DOI apart. They are doing it slowly and methodically, sometimes under the guise of efficiency. All the while instilling individuals who are loyal to their cause to oversee it all.
Apr 2, 2019 40 tweets 6 min read
Since healthcare and insurance is most definitely going to be a really really hot topic for #2020Election, let me take a moment to explain how insurance works.

[Thread] Way way back in the day insurance didn't exist. If something unfortunate happened, like say a family member died, you had to cover expenses for things like a funeral in full.

The unfortunate problem is that you never know when it's going to happen, so..
Mar 26, 2019 25 tweets 5 min read
Alright, I know I have not been on here that much these past few weeks. I'm about to cut through a whole bunch of bullshit.

But first.. I decided to unplug for a few hours. I enjoyed a nice glass of a and watched the last episode of the walking dead. WOW. Angry & sad, but... It was an amazing episode. Sue me, I'm a real person too 😂.

Now on to this stupid ass Trump shit. And I'm sorry if I'm a little bit explicit in this post, but honestly at this point I really don't care what your thoughts on my use of words is...
Mar 21, 2019 20 tweets 3 min read
The electoral college, as explained in the Federalist No. 19, was put in place a mixture of state based and population based government. Where the Senate was state based, Congress was population based, and the President a mixture of those two. Before the electorial college was established, it was regonized a popular election was preferred, but that many many states would not give consensus due to the prevalence of slavery in the southern states.
Jan 8, 2019 10 tweets 1 min read
Let's get batshit crazy here for a moment...

Let's assume that tomorrow, Trump declares a national emergency under the authority of 50 USX 1501.

On the surface, it let's him build his wall, without congressional approval..

It does so under the authorities of: 33 USC 2293, which allows for the Secretary of the Army to defer civil works processes and apply the resources to the emergency.