Alex Rodríguez Profile picture
Regular guy. Also marketer, author, speaker, entrepreneur, musician, husband, dad, and pastor. ———————— Polyglot |🇺🇸|🇪🇸🇩🇴|🇧🇷|🇯🇵|🇬🇷|
Jun 12, 2020 42 tweets 6 min read
Re: The "racial" tension we are living in right now. Very long thread ahead.

It’s OK to disagree with everything I say here, as long as you read through the whole thing before you do.

First off, as every opinion is necessarily colored by its source, let me first clarify where I'm coming from.

As is obvious from my profile pic, I'm a light-skinned Dominican Latino. Not white, though; more like… pale yellow?

Dec 20, 2019 37 tweets 13 min read
Soy pastor #Cristiano, y esta es mi opinión acerca de la #Netflixboicot.

Esto será un hilo bastante largo. Lean y reaccionen, o ignoren y no reaccionen. Pero por favor, no reaccionen sin leer.

1/♾ —1) LA PIEZA

Vi el material que ha causado tanto furor. Bueno, vi sólo la mitad, porque es tan malo que no aguanté. Y me refiero a que es malo *como comedia y como pieza de entretenimiento*.

#Netflixboicot 2/♾