Amalia C. Halikias Profile picture
running 5 min late start without me • 🇺🇸
Michael Severino Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jul 24 14 tweets 4 min read
Took a leisurely e-stroll through
the legislation Kamala Harris introduced or sponsored during her time in the Senate.

It is not an exaggeration to say the vast majority of it is inane race equity stuff, squatter’s rights, and mandating useless environmental reports: Introduced the “Ensuring Diverse Leadership Act,” which is a generic form of affirmative action in hiring for the Federal Reserve Image
Nov 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Good morning! We're eating white pills for breakfast out here in Arizona. The gap continues to shrink, and Democrats on the ground are beginning to freak out.

The question remains: What is the total number of ballots we have yet to count? And there, we have reason for optimism! AP, NBC, & NYT (yes, yes, I know) estimate that we have only counted between 66%-69% of all ballots.

That puts the expected total number of ballots over 2.6 million — meaning over 800,000 votes left to count, the bulk of that in Maricopa.

Senate matchup as of 8:35 AM AZ: ImageImageImage