Amana Begam Ansari Profile picture
Former Research & Policy Analyst @CFPS_India. Columnist @ThePrintIndia, TV News Panelist, Host India This Week
Sep 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The year 1974 marked the emergence of the Rohingya Patriotic Front (RPF) — an extremist armed group ostensibly inspired by global pan-Islamist movements and driven by a deeply radical ideology.
++ The group split in the years that followed, and, in 1982, the more radical faction known as the Rohingya Solidarity Organisation (RSO) was formed. Further splits led to the formation of the Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front (ARIF). ++
May 29, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
Yesterday I exposed Mohammad Zubair of Alt News, after he could not provide me a single verse from the Holy Quran which calls 4 d killing of Nupur Sharma. His propaganda busted & his ego bruised, he has unleashed an army of his rabid hate monger followers on me. 1/n My love for Hindu Majority India exceeds your hate for it. I will continue to counter your Politicization of Islam. Bring it on, I am not afraid. 2/n
May 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
U can't unleash violent mobs on a person who a/c 2 u z committing blasphemy. N Islamist like u bringing disrepute to Islam,but also baying 4 d blood of our target. Show me 1 single verse from the Holy Quran which calls for killing Nupur Sharma, which u are hell-bent on doing 1/2 And now you want to paint a target on me, shame on you.

Mar 12, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
This is not a review of #KashmirFiles 🧵
Finally watched KF wd my mom yesterday,couldn't write immediately,since d reality of d suffering& pain of KP which I was aware of but not in dis depth hit me hard.All my mom said to me was how on earth a human can do dis to another human.+ Forget all other reasons and just watch to know the suffering of humans and long injustice to them. How politics didn't allow even to speak their stories, how our so called fighters of justice failed them because that injustice didn't fit into their narrative. ++
Feb 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I was looking out some photos in our family album today morning, I came across this pretty pic of my mom as a bride.

At every stage of life, she had to give up on her desires/ambitions because it was against either belief or honour of family according to d male of the family ++ They decided that riding a bicycle was against family honour, sports in skirts too brought a shame to the family and singing and painting was a big no-no according to their faith. While the same men would follow faith as they feel comfortable and always came up with the argument+
Oct 2, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Upper Caste Indian Muslim(Arfa Khanum Sherwani) vs Lower Caste Indian Muslim(Dr @FayazAhmadFyzie)

1/n 2/n
Aug 25, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
In Partition historiography, by way of exoneration, it is fine to say that only about 12 per cent of the population were enfranchised in the elections of 1946; therefore, the guilt of Partition shouldn’t be generalised. Correct. But the question to ask is who were these 12 1/n 12 per cent who gave 96 per cent of d Muslim seats, under the separate electorate, to the Muslim League, which was contesting on the plank of Pakistan?

They were mainly d self-styled Ashrāfs — literally, the superior and privileged class — d descendants of d foreign rulers, 2/n
Aug 23, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
@najmul_hoda writes

Taliban & RSS

So, guys, seriously, Taliban and RSS could be spoken of in the same breath? Which madrasa taught you such elegant equations? We know who you are — have known you long — so, we aren’t surprised over your jubilation at Taliban’ victory. 1/n No one stops you. RSS doesn’t. But why this kinky equation between ur beloved Taliban and the hated RSS?
BJP (RSS, if U like) has been in power for the last seven years. How many of you have fled India, or even social media? On the other hand, look at the Muslims — yes, 2/n
Jun 6, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Dear Indian Muslim, have you seen Muslim brides of the world?
Did you pay attention to their white attire at the time of Nikah?

Why is your custom different? Why does an Indian Muslim bride wear red?

From where your unique custom of Haldi, Juta churayi etc is adopted by? The ritual called Tattva or delivering fish for Gaye Hould where large Rohu fish, which is decked up as a bride, draped in a sari, and decorated with jewelry, paan and some turmeric gifted to the bridegroom's family among both Hindu and Muslim Bengali. ImageImage