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Sep 26 5 tweets 2 min read
RFK Jr. and Jordan Peterson's "Make America Healthy Again" nonsense is often chalked up to "horseshoe theory."

Instead, woo-woo was always reactionary, not progressive, despite a crunchy exterior.

Alt-med going full MAGA flowering into its final form.… Why read past headlines, especially before replying: Yes, I read Naomi Klein's "Doppelganger."

I take her insights and add more about why "alt" and other woo-woo is reactionary, even fascist.

Plus, these guys simply lie about mainstream medicine.…
Sep 25 4 tweets 2 min read
My analysis of Trump's bizarre "protector" speech and Bernie Moreno declaring women are "crazy" to care about abortion rights.

What links these speeches together is anger and resentment at women for daring to have minds of their own.… "Trump doesn't actually think he'll make American women healthy or confident, but he does feel, if he wins, he will have the power to force them to pretend otherwise."…
Sep 20 5 tweets 2 min read
Melania Trump's weird "defense" of her nude photos suggests that the Trump campaign is out of ideas.

All they know how to do is "trigger the liberals." This play was an effort to distract from Trump's anti-choice views.

But I don't think it's working.… Why read past headlines: A lot of people seem confused that Melania is "defending" herself against non-existent criticisms.

I have an explanation. I'm not saying it's genius, but fits their pattern of trying to creat conflicts and distractions.…
Sep 12 4 tweets 2 min read
Taylor Swift's "Childless Cat Lady" signature isn't just a funny joke.

It exposes what MAGA men fear most: That women no longer have to care about their opinion.… Why read past headlines: As someone who was around for Gamergate and the Great Vocal Fry War of 2013, I bring a deep understanding of recent history.

It wasn't that long ago that men were categorically empowered to judge women. Not so much anymore.…
Sep 11 5 tweets 2 min read
There's a fantasy of "prosecutor Kamala," in which she litigated the case against Trump so thoroughly he can't speak.

But the reality was so much better. She expertly baited her hostile "witness," exposing the "jury" to who he really is.… Why read past headlines: I went into this debate knowing Harris planned to establish the narrative that Trump is old and losing it.

She certainly did that. I cautiously predict the media will scale back the "sane-washing" of Trump.…
Sep 4 4 tweets 2 min read
The assumption about Trump's flip-flopping on abortion is he's trying not to lose women.

I have a different theory: He's worried being anti-abortion will hurt him with the bro vote he's been courting.… Why read past headlines: Trump's theory of how to win is to go after young, single men with a "fun" misogyny message

It's not the worst strategy, though his methods are evil. But I argue that it conflicts with the forced childbirth agenda.…
Aug 28 6 tweets 3 min read
The press may not talk about QAnon much anymore, but they are still around. They may be more popular than ever, and drawing in people who otherwise would never vote for Trump.

Exciting QAnon is one reason why Trump was so eager to bear-hug RFK Jr.… Why read past headlines: I spoke with experts about how QAnon works these days, and how figures like RFK Jr. help create cross-crank alliances.

Various fringe groups have serious numbers and power when they band together.…
Aug 22 5 tweets 2 min read
We @Salon spoke with delegates at the DNC this week, and asked what they think about calling Trump and Vance "weird."

It's a word Tim Walz used again in his speech last night.

First, they burst out laughing. Then they offered thoughtful answers.… Why read past headlines: Initially, definitions of "weird" seemed disparate. But when I read quotes, a theme emerged.

We did these before Walz's speech, but these folks hit the same note: People see MAGA hate as abnormal, and want a return to decency.…
Aug 16 4 tweets 2 min read
It's hard to keep up with all the vile quotes of JD Vance and his buddies.

But I take a moment to analyze the "postmenopausal females" and anti-dog rhetoric. They're tied in with "cat ladies."

A specific misogynist idea holds all this together.… Why read past headlines: You, extremely online, have heard all the quotes.

What I add: Analysis that exposes the ugly — and weird — misogynist worldview that condemns women for working and for owning pets.…
Aug 14 4 tweets 2 min read
"Can my husband find out who I am voting for?"

The question went viral. (The answer is no.) We don't know how much men control women's votes.

But the idea of it resonates this election, which is about weird men who are obsessed with controlling women.… Why to read past headlines: I looked into whether there's evidence of widespread male control of women's votes. There isn't, in part because most is "soft" control and hard to measure.

But there's a larger truth here that makes this idea arresting.…
Aug 8 4 tweets 2 min read
Tim Walz offers a model of masculinity that is easygoing and joyful, instead of the angry and bitter one Trump and MAGA speak to.

And it's making them nuts. So nuts that they think "gross, he cares about women" is a fruitful line of attack.… Why read past headlines: You, extremely online, already know about the dumb "Tampon Tim" meme.

What I add: An analysis of how MAGA assumes all masculinity must be toxic. And how Walz's cheerful rejoinder scares them, because he so easily disproves them.…
Jul 20 4 tweets 2 min read
Final reflections after being at the RNC. The gender politics were fascinating and disturbing.

One thing was clear, though: MAGA women who thought they could be leaders are being marginalized.… Why read past headlines: Delicious on-the-ground details about how Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kari Lake could barely rouse any interest in their book signings.…
Jul 19 5 tweets 2 min read
Trump's "unity" speech was an incoherent and boring mess. But it was fitting. That's been the experience all week at the RNC.

Salon asked attendees what "unity" means to them. Once they got past the dictionary definition, their answers were haywire.… Why read past headlines: I don't spend too much time on the speech, which was nonsense anyway.

What you get from this short and tasty read is on-the-ground reporting of what people here are saying. I also watched Tucker Carlson and Hulk Hogan in person.…
Jul 18 4 tweets 2 min read
After watching speeches by Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, JD Vance and other people who secretly hate Donald Trump, I figured out what Republicans mean with all this talk of "unity":

They are joined in their collective mission to debase themselves for Trump.… Why read past headlines: I was on the floor for many speeches. Crowd reactions are part of this, not just impressions from TV.

Here, you really get a full sense of how the speeches are about having his former opponents bend the knee before spectators.…
May 9 4 tweets 2 min read
The media reaction to Trump's team pulling the ol' "nutty and slutty" defense has been widely negative.

Further proof of the point I made this morning, that #MeToo has caused lasting, positive change in how these issues are discussed.… As I say in the piece, no telling what the majority-male jury thinks of this. Trump is banking on his belief that regular men secretly share his deepset misogyny.

But it is worth noting two majority-male views sided with E. Jean Carroll against Trump.…
May 8 5 tweets 2 min read
Seems like people are finally getting that it wasn't an "affair."

The Stormy Daniels testimony was unnerving, but necessary. Along with E. Jean Carroll and Dobbs, it was a griping reminder of how deeply misogynist Trump is.… Why to read this article past headlines: I put Daniels's story in the context of everything from Dobbs to E. Jean Carroll's story.

There's evidence some swing voters are starting to see it all goes back to misogyny.…
May 7 4 tweets 2 min read
Kristi Noem won't shut up about killing dogs.

But that's what happens when "triggering libs" is the only political strategy you understand.

An analysis.… Why to read this article past headlines: Where else will you see Noem compared to G.G. Allin?

I wrote a book about trolling and have become well-versed in how it works and why it's such a hard — if not impossible — habit for Republicans to break.…
May 6 4 tweets 2 min read
One aspect of the MAGA-fication of Trump's defense team: They keep spinning out half-baked conspiracy theories painting Trump as a victim of the Stormy plot.

But what I've noticed: Even his base isn't biting. So I doubt the jury will. An analysis.… Why to read this past headlines: MAGA will gobble down seemingly any conspiracy theory. But they aren't really biting on the "Trump was innocent" claims about the hush money.

I explain why they're taking a pass on this one.…
Apr 30 7 tweets 3 min read
Of course I was going to weigh in on the Kristi Noem puppy-killing story. Explicating MAGA sadism is my wheelhouse.

My analysis is about why she thought this would win over the base — and why it's backfiring. It's not just "everyone loves dogs."… Why to read this article past headlines: This is about more than revealing the sadism that drives MAGA.

This incident reveals that, as gross as it is, there's an art to fascist demagoguery. Noem is just too dumb to get how it works.…
Apr 29 8 tweets 3 min read
Polls have shifted to suggest RFK is peeling off more Trump voters than Biden voters now.

Which isn't a surprise to those watching his campaign. He's targeting Trump voters in his appeals ways more.

My thoughts on why RFK might prefer MAGA.… Why to read past headlines: You, savvy, already know RFK is a crank with inherent appeal to conspiracy theory-soaked MAGA.

I flesh it out by analyzing why he's running and why marketing to MAGA is a smarter move for him than going for Biden voters.…
Apr 26 6 tweets 2 min read
Because Trump wasn't included, the response to the new Arizona election indictments was surprisingly muted.

But make no mistake: This hurts Trump. It furthers his isolation, making sure his eroding support network deteriorates further.… Why to read this short article past headlines: You, extremely online, can name all 18 indictees off your head.

What I offer is context: Trump is without his family or the MAGA mob. Now even his co-conspirators are having to keep their distance.…