From the Government that brought you Paladin's beach shack on Kangaroo Island, this was the Pacific International Hospital's clinic on Manus Island that the Australian Govt paid $21.5million for, for 'Comprehensive Health Services'
The new Pacific International Hospital contract that started out at $12,781,783.21 in July 2019 has ballooned to $106,526,285.92 and has just had its contract extended another 6 months and amended a further $10,891,766.00...there are only 125 refugees left in Papua New Guinea.
Apr 17, 2020 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Morrison is basically blackmailing Australians to hand over their privacy to ease restrictions & blackmailing teachers so parents can put "food on the table". This is not the first time he’s used dirty tactics involving freedom and children to get what he wants....A thread.
In December 2014, Scott Morrison promised to release around 1500 asylum seekers on Christmas Island in time for Christmas, including 460 children. He was accused of using the children “as bargaining chips, as pawns in his political play, to get legislation that he wanted through"
Jan 15, 2020 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
"Our most important responsibility is to keep Australians safe and protect our way of life, values and freedom."
Scott Morrison
Prime Minister
Let's have a look at how Australians and Australia being kept safe the LNP way (Spoiler alert...not very)
A thread.
Twenty-eight people are confirmed to have died in the Australian bushfire season since October 2019.
After the lies Dutton has been spreading today in regards to the Biloela family, I started reflecting on the first time I truly understood how dark and dirty this man can get. Remembering the lies & the Good Friday Shooting on #Manus Island
When the PNG Navy opened fire on the #Manus refugees on Good Friday 2017, Peter Dutton brazenly lied and said that no one had been injured, only one weapon had been fired in the air and then insinuated that it had happened because a young boy had been lured into the camp.
Aug 8, 2019 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
Thread - Facts vs Fiction on the standard of medical treatment received by the #Manus refugees in PNG at Pacific International Hospital via @moonanne21 FB
"I am outraged by Dr Gillespie and his statement that the men get medical treatment equal to regional Australia."
"I want to share just some of the messages that I've been sent by #Manus Men in PIH - many begging to get out.
I've been getting too many reports of abuse, assault and medical neglect at PIH for it to be ignored."
Apr 9, 2019 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Thread - Peter Dutton claiming today “ I am the most honest politician you will meet ...” is as ludicrous and disingenuous as when he claimed that he was "a person of high integrity".
Dutton...Truth...Integrity...A trip down memory lane 🙄😡