Amanda ZZ - Atkins Profile picture
Metabolic Health, Chronic disease education, Sponsorship, Feline hospital ( FIP, Cancer ..) Film producer, Nutrition, Drama, Horror Rtd Public Ins co. CFO
dr roth ⓀⒸ Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 23, 2021 20 tweets 8 min read
On the subject of taking MEDS for T2 (Meat Eggs,Diary and Seafood )plus the odd plant instead of med(ication), (& exc sugar seed oils, grains) As an accountant I present this chart . Complex but interesting. It measures 40 odd health markers 1 year in from T2 dx. The light blue columns represent the distance from the mid point of the range on the lipid panel expressed as a % . so 100% the mid point = the base line = zero bars. If my lipid panel was at the mid point of the range the actual columns for 2016 and 2017 would be blank
Oct 14, 2019 13 tweets 5 min read
@ahhite 1/ Great analysis Adele, However I think it remains an interventionist, paternalistic message that assumes the individual is a pawn in the advice/ services provided by their more knowledgeable/ wealthy/ superior/ brethren. @ahhite 2/ Currently we have guidelines specifically advising AGAINST things that make us healthy . The chances that governments worldwide will say "mea culpa" and stop telling people is worse than zero. Too many careers/ reputations etc. already depend on it