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🍂🍃 Ryan Gatts 🍃🍂 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 21, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
just checking out the apple tr- incredible whiplash playing the new fire emblem after three houses. Like if 3h's biggest flaw was that the scope of the writing was too ambitious, Engage is just "there's a dragon, it's evil, fuck you, collect twelve magic gems. everyone has the worst haircut you've ever seen"
Oct 30, 2022 31 tweets 13 min read
Making my computer worse at displaying images, on purpose, for fun ImageImageImage took like two days actually

Oct 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
absolutely lmao at this bit from the wikipedia entry on calvinism

"we dislike this term because it is vague and imprecise. Instead we will use a far less precise, much more vague term that could reasonably describe basically everyone including the lutherans" Image my dudes you are protestants you are all already reformed you literally called it the Protestant Reformation
Oct 6, 2022 218 tweets >60 min read
im gonna play Final Fantasy XIII (2009)

widely regarded as The Last One They Made Before The Roman Numerals Got Too Big For Anyone To Remember How Roman Numerals Work Image this game is extremely good, as proven by the fact that everyone on /r/gaming in 2010 fucking hated it
Mar 31, 2020 196 tweets 47 min read
Sep 9, 2019 32 tweets 10 min read
Experimenting with rendering in Fourier space

Constant magnitude, drawing sine waves into phase space, then running inverse DFT to generate image: Okay so I've been doing a bunch of experiments with 2D Fourier transforms at @LevelExGameDev for the past few days; gonna make a thread to document this stuff so I don't forget it lol
Mar 20, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
IMO yelling about latency on streaming consoles is missing the point. All the rumors point to Microsoft and Sony focusing similarly on streaming for the next gen, and no amount of physics is going to stop them

This decision isn't about technology Why would they go all-in on obviously inferior tech? Because it transforms them from hardware companies into middleman monopolies that can extract money from every conceivable facet of the industry

The goal has never been Netflix of Games, it is very explicitly Spotify of Games
Aug 15, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Still working on X-ray sim shaders at @LevelExGameDev

Got variable beam energy working and it's pretty neat to see how it affects the image: Ignore the extremely placeholder lungs lol

The actual anatomy is fairly approximate right now (bone has no marrow, heart is just a solid mass of muscle without internal details), but the materials and their interaction with the X-rays are real values:…