Molly Pitcher Profile picture
1A/2A Wife of a Veteran/Mama Grizzly. End Human Trafficking/Save the Children. Men are NOT Women/MSM is Propaganda. Followed by @GenFlynn @ScottPresler
Nov 20, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The American Medical Association has lost its damn mind.

A uterine transplant is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting a healthy uterus into a WOMAN who is unable to conceive due to a diseased or absent uterus. Image More from Wikipedia.

Mammalian males, including humans, do not possess a uterus to gestate offspring." The theoretical issue of male ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterine cavity) by surgical implantation has been addressed by experts in the field of fertility medicine, who stress that the concept of ectopic implantation, while theoretically plausible, has never been attempted and would be difficult to justify - even for a woman lacking a uterus - owing to the extreme health risks to both the parent and child.