Amir Talai 😈 Profile picture
Be rude = get blocked. Actor, singer, writer. Alastor on @HazbinHotel. Seriously unserious. Warren Democrat. Proverbs 14:31, 31:8-9. Nicer in person.
Mar 26, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
I am not a SAGAFTRA spokesperson, but as a union delegate and member of several committees, I am privy to information which other members may not be, and I am sharing what I can. I spent about 2hrs on a call with SAGAFTRA leaders yesterday. Below is what I learned. The staff and unpaid leaders of our union are working overtime in service of our members. President Carteris is working 18hour days, on calls with people not just within the union and over at the health plan, but all the way up to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Nov 15, 2019 17 tweets 8 min read
Inspired by #PayUpHollywood, I took my agent's and manager's assistants out for dinner to talk to them about the way they and their colleagues are treated.

Please read.

A few takeaways, not in any order: Most agents and managers have no idea how hard it is for assistants to make ends meet.

Even if they understood, it's unlikely they'd self-reflect and increase assistant pay, absent a push from assistants/clients/society at large.
Aug 20, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
A cool little story about my little role on Noah Baumbach's new movie #MarriageStory @MarriageStory.

I tried out for the role of Greg. I booked it! But before I accepted, I asked if they could change "Greg" to something Persian. I have never known a Persian guy named Greg. I thought it'd be cool to not just have a Persian actor in a Noah Baumbach movie, but a Persian *character*. But casting said I had to accept the role first, and then Noah would decide. I agreed.

I got to set, and nervously asked Noah if casting had mentioned--
Dec 2, 2018 19 tweets 7 min read
Name an awful old white man who you think the media would not sanctify upon their death, and I'll show you how they would. "RIP former president Donald Trump. He really shook things up and inspired so many progressives to get involved in politics. When America elected its first Black woman president, many credited that achievement directly to Trump's presidency."
Jul 22, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Wanna know how hard it is to register voters in Texas?

It's way harder than in California. In California, you can stand in a mall or whatever with a clipboard and registration forms, and then people fill them out, and then either you or they mail them to the county. Done. In Texas, you can only help register voters in the county in which you reside, and you can only register people who live in that county. So you can not volunteer to help other counties register voters, and if someone from outside the county wants to register, nope.