City-dweller craving greener pastures. Another n=1 changing life w keto, 220 lbs down. Join our free app community
Oct 20, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
LONG THREAD Today marks 12 years since I last spoke to my mom before she died suddenly fr congestive heart failure, direct result of T2D. She was a proud, unapologetic 50s housewife, wanted nothing more than to take care of my dad, sister, brothers and I. /1
She was also the personification of love, warmth and grace. She imbued me with a strong sense of family (those by blood and our chosen ones), loyalty and the importance of not sweating the small stuff. I'm so grateful for the years I had with her. /2
Jul 30, 2020 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
For 40 yrs I desperately tried to to lose weight. I failed at everything, ended up nearly 400lbs, thought it was all my fault. I was broken, unsalvageable. Now I know differently, but there were skills from each paradigm that have been instrumental in my low-carb journey: /1
From Weight Watchers (joined over 35x!): counting points. Eventually I transferred that to counting carb macros. I don’t think weighing/measuring/counting is ultimately a sustainable solution but in early days of low carb it taught me what I was eating and where carbs lie. /2