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Sep 14 12 tweets 7 min read
Italy on Trial: Matteo Salvini Faces Six Years for Defending Borders in Globalist Soros-Backed Attack on National Sovereignty

“I declare myself guilty of defending Italy and the Italians. I declare myself guilty of keeping my word.”

Read the article:…
Soros and his globalist buddies despise Salvini ...

In 2019, Salvini uploaded this revealing video to his Twitter page. The video exposes the coordination between NGO migrant ferries and illegal human traffickers.

These human smugglers are transporting migrants off the coast of Libya to the shores of Italy. 

 Shockingly, these human traffickers leverage their Facebook page to promote their services and recruit “customers.”

Read more:…
Jun 5 6 tweets 4 min read
Three years ago, I released a video showing how the left-wing government funds Antifa. On the German Bundestag floor in March 2020, Federal Minister Renate Künast of the radical Greens party called for a law guaranteeing consistent funding for Antifa.

Künast voiced her frustrations that Antifa and NGOs receive only “one-year employment contracts each year.” She is demanding more “dependable financial support” from the government on their behalf:

"To be honest, I’m tired of the way we have been fighting for decades in order for committed NGOs and Antifa groups to be able to receive their money. Year after year, they are only permitted to have work contracts."

So, politicians like the AfD, who were just yesterday knifed by left-wing radicals, are nothing more than the government's henchmen. In the summer of 2017, the Greens Party and Antifa held an election event. Two Greens Party leaders, Cem Ozdemir and Katrin Goering-Eckardt were in attendance; their faces are circled in the picture below. Also circled is a logo with the Antifa (“anti-fascist”) flag. Image
Apr 29 22 tweets 7 min read
Media Blackout: Islam’s Sexual Enslavement of White Women

In 2018, leftists and their media lost their minds after Germany's only conservative political party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), used the following painting in its election campaign to illustrate one of the many reasons it was against immigration (predominately 3rd world Muslims).

Painted in France in 1866 and titled “Slave Market,” the painting was described as “show[ing] a black, apparently Muslim slave trader displaying a naked young woman with much lighter skin to a group of men for examination,” probably in North Africa.

The Alternative for Germany party (AfD) put up several posters of this painting with the slogan, “So that Europe won’t become Eurabia.” 

Many on both sides of the Atlantic were “triggered” by this usage; even the American museum where the original painting is housed sent AfD a letter “insisting that they cease and desist in using this painting” (even though it is in the public domain).

Objectively speaking, the “Slave Market” painting in question portrays a reality that has played out countless times over the centuries: African, Asiatic, and Middle Eastern Muslims have long targeted European women—so much so as to have enslaved millions of them over the centuries.

As it happens, there is something else—another medium besides writing—that documents this reality: countless more paintings than the one in question concerning the abduction, trafficking, and sexual enslavement of European women; altogether they further underscore the ubiquity and notoriety of this phenomenon.

Indeed, this was such a well-known theme that many nineteenth and early twentieth century artists and painters specialized in it, often based on their own eye-witness accounts. (As one art gallery puts it, “Many … of the most important painters did travel [to the Muslim world] themselves, and what they painted was based on the sketches they had made while they were there…)

Below are just 20 such paintings (there are many more).Image “The Bulgarian Martyresses,” by Konstantin Makovsky, 1877.  It depicts events from a year earlier when Ottoman irregular soldiers (the so-called bashi-bazouks or “crazy heads”) raped and massacred the Christian women of Bulgaria and their children. 

American journalist MacGahan, who reported from Bulgaria, wrote the following of this incident: “When a Mohammedan has killed a certain number of infidels he is sure of Paradise, no matter what his sins may be.…[T]he ordinary Mussulman takes the precept in broader acceptation, and counts women and children as well….  the Bashi-Bazouks, in order to swell the count, ripped open pregnant women, and killed the unborn infants.”Image
Apr 8 8 tweets 4 min read
Allahu Akabr Michigan!

Muslims at Al-Quds Day Rally in Dearborn Let their hatred for America, Jews, and the West be known...

Dearborn hosts the largest Al-Quds Day gathering in America, home to a significant Islamic population of Hezbollah and Iranian regime supporters.

Dubbed the Arab capital of North America, it houses diverse Islamic migrant communities predominantly of the Shiite Muslim denomination. Arabic signs adorn businesses, and Halal meat is served even in public schools, gradually introducing more and more elements of Sharia.

As of 2023, Dearborn has become the largest city with an Arab majority in the US, with 55% of its 110,000 population claiming Middle Eastern or North African roots in the latest census. (remember, the 'Great Replacement' is just a right-wing conspiracy theory)

Where is the FBI? OH, that's right...they are too busy harassing peaceful patriotic Americans involved in the January 6 Capitol incident.

Flashback: Remember, when Robert Mueller was the head of the FBI (2001 to 2013), he worked with groups linked to Islamic terror-tied groups to purge the FBI of all training materials offensive to Muslims.

Mueller presided over and approved the removal of all mention of Islam and Jihad from counterterror training materials, thereby hamstringing agents’ ability to understand the motives and goals of jihad terrorists and to counter them effectively.

Instead, the FBI is now busy learning about the alleged threats of ‘Islamophobia’ and Trump supporters and conservative parent groups. The need for effective law enforcement that protects against Islamic terrorists and does not politically target Americans is more pressing than ever.

Read my full article here:

Read more about the compromised FBI here:……
Oct 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Breaking: Terror in France

Knife attack at Gambetta High School in teacher killed, two seriously injured; the terrorist has been arrested

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announces that the perpetrator has been apprehended.

The "individual" reportedly shouted the Islamic battle cry, "Allah Akbar," during the attacks!

It appears that Hamas' calls for Jihad have been received, and they are starting in Europe

More on the Day of Jihad from the alleged terror attack by an Allahu Abbar-shouting terrorist in France!
Apr 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Give Tommy Robinson His Account Back!

Why would @elonmusk silence one of the only journalists in the world who put his life on the line to expose Britain's Pakistani Islamic grooming gangs sexually abusing children?

Despite the beatings, death threats, imprisonment, media……
Jan 7, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read

The founder of the radical left-wing activist group Insurgence USA, John Sullivan, was inside the capitol & filmed Ashli Babbit lying in a pool of blood dying!

Sullivan is a well-known violent agitator in Utah who was arrested for violence against conservatives Image CNN interviewed this criminal about the video but seemed to "forget" to ask him why he was there? And why he was arrested for violence against conservatives and starting riots in Utah!

The Daily Mail was to lazy to investigate too!…
Oct 29, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read

Knife Jihad attack in the Notre-Dame basilica in Nice: 3 dead, including a beheaded woman, and several wounded

It is being reported that a Terrorist has been arrested!

How many more people are going to have to DIE before we admit there is a problem!? Another Attack on Christianity by Jihadis in France....

Two women are among the victims.

One was slaughtered in the Notre-Dame Basilica Church in Nice, the other died after taking refuge in a bar

The 3rd victim would be the guardian of the basilica, killed inside the Church
Sep 25, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: Terror Attack in France

Machete attack near the former Charlie Hebdo premises

3 injured police declare an emergency -

Media reporting a “Pakistani or North African type” individual wearing a black sleeveless jacket, black bottoms & red shoes is on the run Reports are now coming in that a suspicious package has arrived in the former premises of Charlie Hebdo

Stay tuned...
Aug 13, 2020 15 tweets 17 min read
I have been banned in Germany and France since 2017. Twitter has taken my voice away and refused to allow my account to grow. Despite begging the @GOP for help, I have been ignored and my account has silenced. The only thing Twitter allows is for Democrats to dox and attack me. @jack @TwitterSupport @leslieberland how long will you keep my account frozen and my tweets shadow banned? At what point will I be removed from your black list? Image
Jul 30, 2020 6 tweets 7 min read
Hi @jack, @leslieberland & @TwitterSupport my account is frozen. Since you claim to not discriminate against conservatives, can you help me with this problem that I have been dealing with for years! Stop the censorship - I will send you a pic everyday so I can prove it to you. Image Hi @jack, @leslieberland & @TwitterSupport my account is frozen. Since you claim not to discriminate against conservatives, can you help with this problem that I have been dealing with for years!

Stop the censorship - I will send a pic everyday so I can prove it to you.(day 2) Image
Apr 4, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Ireland has been Conquered!

Holy Week starts in 2 days - Catholics will be locked out of their churches during this sacred time.

There have been no special arrangements made for them EXCEPT - @tuamarchdiocese has invited an IMAM to hold Friday prayers at the altar with a priest Does anybody realize that allowing Islamic prayers in a place consecrates that place for Islam as a sacred space forevermore?
Mar 31, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Islamic State of Belgium!

In the no-go-zone of Molenbeek the Islamic "call to prayer" is broadcasted to remind unbelievers they are living under Sharia.

The majority of Islamic terrorists in Europe have originated from the Molenbeek neighborhood - WHY APPEASE THEM?

(continue) Belgium: the First Islamic State in Europe?

Leaders of Belgium's ISLAM Party openly brag of turning Belgium into an Islamic State. They call it "Islamist democracy" & have set a target date: 2030

Belgium's Islam party already elected two Islamic Politicians who fight for Sharia
Mar 25, 2020 21 tweets 12 min read

- froze my ability to grow my account & will not register new followers

- deletes followers daily

- deletes tweets from TL

- changes numbers of retweets & likes of my posts

- refuses to fix censorship problems for me or other Trump supporters

@jack @leslieberland Day 17 and still no change or help from Twitter.
Feb 15, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
ALERT: Italy's Radical Left Gov't is Prosecuting Salvini for "Kidnapping" Migrants!

Salvini refused to allow illegals to disembark from a SOROS NGO so the Left is fighting to get him Jailed!

Soros & the EU NEED Salvini gone to continue flooding Italy with dangerous migrants. Salvini ‘ready’ for arrest over detention of Invaders

Italy’s Deputy PM, Matteo Salvini, refuses to allow SOROS & the EU to DESTROY Italy:

“I am proud if you want to question me & ARREST me because I defend the borders & security of my country, and welcome you with open arms"
Dec 17, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read

Fahad Qureshi, founder of Islam Net, a radical org, released a video to raise 1M for an International Terror backed Sharia Compound

One project backer is Siraj Wahhaj, a co-conspirator in WTC bombing who calls for the replacement of US gov't with a Caliphate

1/5 ALERT NORWAY: Imam Siraj Wahhaj is Dangerous!

Wahhaj warned America it will fall unless it “accepts the Islamic agenda”

Wahhaj also asserted “if only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the U.S. & replace its constitutional gov't with a caliphate.”

Oct 11, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
EXPOSED! Islamic Patrol Officers in NYC Are Enforcing Sharia!

There is Proof that the Lookalike NYPD Muslim Community Patrols have been put on the streets to enforce sharia law first in the Muslim community & then in America.

USA is Turning Into Europe!… German courts ruled Sharia Police are not against the law & can patrol German streets!

Sharia Police provoke, intimidate, and force their ideology upon others while harassing women, gays & kafirs.

Merkel BANNED my twitter account in Germany for exposing her support of Sharia.
Apr 21, 2019 9 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING! Terrorist Attack On Christians!

Serial Terrorist blasts rock Sri Lanka, at least 80 hurt in SIX Attacks on Churches and Hotels!

The Churches were targeted during Easter Mass!

Stay ALERT & VIGILANT Christians - Media will not warn you of the threats you are facing! Absolutely Horrific - Pray for these Christians Please!

More footage from outside one if the churches that was bombed...

Do not ALLOW the Anti-Christian Media to Ignore our Sisters & Brothers

Mar 22, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
In a show of force, Hizb ut-Tahrir, a radical group banned in many countries, gathered in front of Danish the Parliament

Crowd waved black flags with the Shahada, an Islamic creed, written on it:

“There is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is the prophet of Allah”. Nothing more! Hizb ut-Tahrir female at Danish Parliament incites anger

Meanwhile, men chant, “There is no god but Allah & the martyr (singular) is the Beloved of Allah”

Significance of (singular), it's not just referring 2 those who died in NZ, but the ongoing martyrdom in the cause of Allah
Feb 20, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
When will @TwitterSupport Help

The past 46 days I have received emails everyday from twitter alerting me of reports filed against me

Wall Street Journal reported HAMAS-Linked CAIR had Laura Loomer removed from Twitter after their complaints

Are the complaints below from CAIR? At what point will @Twitter, @TwitterSupport or @jack stop allowing this fake mass reporting? When will they allow me to add followers for months - it’s been nine months!?

Twitter has time to send me daily reports against me but won’t answer my reports about this harassment?!
Feb 19, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
When will @TwitterSupport Help

The past 45 days I have received emails everyday from twitter alerting me of reports filed against me

Wall Street Journal reported HAMAS-Linked CAIR had Laura Loomer removed from Twitter after their complaints

Are the complaints below from CAIR? At what point will @Twitter, @TwitterSupport or @jack stop allowing this fake mass reporting? When will they allow me to add followers for months - it’s been nine months!?

Twitter has time to send me daily reports against me but won’t answer my reports about this harassment?!