Dr. Amy Tan Profile picture
My views only. There's no self-care without collective care. Humanity always.
Oct 12 4 tweets 1 min read
Honest question: how do we get organizers AND conference venues to understand that hybrid/virtual options for mtgs is an accessibility justice issue, and not a mere convenience request? Disability accommodations are required for daily bodily function to be able to participate /1 In this day and age, not offering hybrid/virtual options (d/t climate crisis, disability justice, pandemic), because of cost, equip, more work/logistics is outright exclusionary, discriminatory and ableist. Why does this burden fall on the disabled who must always point this out?
May 30 21 tweets 4 min read
I just got COVID for the first time. I got it at work caring for patients as a disabled MD in wards teeming with COVID-19 the past month despite wearing my self-sourced N95s and goggles all the time. The same month after the "resp virus season" declared over & masks optional./1 COVID is not a seasonal virus. I've worn n95s and goggles ALL THE TIME for 4.5 years. I only drink water at work OUTSIDE. As a disabled person, not only has it worsened my pre-existing issues I have to live with everyday, it completely knocked me off my feet and mobility aids/2