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Founder @theriveterco, @inc Female Founders 100, raised $30M, mama to 4 girls, wife, creator with audience of 500k, attorney. Sign up for my newsletter!
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Mar 8 9 tweets 3 min read

In a stunning filing last night, senior DOJ leadership pointed to texts between prosecutors that show casual conversation about political motivations to bring federal criminal charges against an American.

There should be outrage over this from ALL sides. But /1 Image There will not be outrage. Because somehow in America it's okay to deprive Americans of due process if it's "our side" doing the depriving.

This is why our institutions are broken.

You think it won't matter to you - but when my husband was falsely accused by Bezos, it did /2 Image
Feb 24 12 tweets 5 min read
Corruption at the FBI isn't a myth. And it impacts real Americans, like my family.

Take for example this warrant to raid my home. An agent swore to the truth of the facts in the affidavit.

He lied. I can show - but only b/c this document was accidentally unsealed. /1 Image The agent told WDWa judge Mary Alice Theiler that $ my husband was allegedly paid was "fraudulent" for one reason.... /2 Image
Feb 14 13 tweets 5 min read
When prosecutors Matthew Burke & Jamar Walker told my husband not to record a call, I recorded it.

With Amazon lawyer Yousri Omar on the line, they told my husband he’d get what he deserved if he didn’t stop defending himself in a civil lawsuit filed by Amazon. /1 They also told my husband that they would find a way to charge him with obstruction of justice or perjury if he didn’t capitulate.

They said he was fighting a 2 front war he could not win - against an unholy alliance between Amazon and DOJ. /2
Dec 24, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Free advice: If you're company is in litigation/under investigation, the company's lawyers are NOT YOUR LAWYERS. They are representing the company's interests; not yours.

This REALLY surprised me when Amazon came after my husband. I'll explain. /1 Amazon's target Brian Watson is now suing AWS exec Keith Klein. Klein didn't have his own lawyer when Amazon came after Watson & my husband. Gibson Dunn, Amazon's lawyer, represented him. And according to a new lawsuit, Klein VOLUNTEERED that he had told a company (IPI) to break a contract with Watson. If it's true, that's textbook tortious interference.

I mean, I would expect lawyers who represented my interests to perhaps not let this testimony come out voluntarily. But ... again, Gibson Dunn represented Amazon - not Klein. /2Image
Dec 23, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
5 years ago today, Amazon bought a piece of land in Virginia from billionaire, Herb Glimcher. My husband - who’d left Amazon nearly 7 months before - had partnered with Glimcher to rezone the land for data center use.

Amazon accused my husband of a crime for selling it land. /1 Amazon agreed to the price for the land. The price was below market. Amazon kept the land and built data centers on it, reaping billions.

Amazon doesn’t sell real estate development. So, my husband wasn’t violating his post employment non compete.

But … /2
Dec 7, 2024 18 tweets 5 min read
In an extraordinary moment, 4 living presidents - Democrats & Republicans - confirm that @DOJCrimDiv can be & has been weaponized.

If presidents say this OUT LOUD, we must demand reform NOW.

First, @joebiden: DOJ selectively prosecutes. (Duh.)

/ Here is @BillClinton confirming the same. He says @JoeBiden has reason to believe that Hunter was unfairly prosecuted because he is the president's son. /2…
Aug 10, 2024 36 tweets 13 min read
When I went to law school, I knew a law degree would be helpful no matter what I chose to do in life.

Never did I imagine that I would use my skills & training to "prove" my husband's innocence to federal prosecutors after @jeffbezos & @amazon tried to imprison him. A 🧵 /1 My husband worked at @awscloud. His offer letter said it contained ALL the terms of his employment. ALL OF THEM. You can see it here. Here are pages 1 & 2. /2
Apr 24, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
The @FTC’s ban on non-competes is so important.

Why? @ajassy & @aselipsky spent years trying to secure criminal charges against my husband for violating his non compete. We prevailed - but spent $3.6 million to “win.”

Amazon has gone after so many men. Take a look. A 🧵/1 Image They sued Christopher Zyda when he went to EBay. /2 Image
Apr 2, 2024 59 tweets 45 min read
Today is the 4 year anniversary of my life exploding into a billion little pieces

Today, I want you to imagine you are my husband & read his story

Maybe it's the truth; maybe every single piece can be backed up.

Maybe it's the story that changes everything

A thread 🧵/1 Imagine that you work at a Very Big Tech Company in real estate development, helping to find, secure and develop properties for data centers - that is, big buildings where the internet lives. You do well - but you start young and you top out at a Level 7, which is a manager but not an officer or director. You aren’t an approver of deals. No, even in your most senior role eight people in various divisions of Very Big Tech Company senior to you make those decisions.

Imagine that the CEO of Very Big Tech Company is an entrepreneurial guy with his hands in many businesses. When he starts his company in the 90s, he comes up with a 10-page employment contract that in very plain terms over numerous pages details all of the various types of outside work you can do while you work at Very Big Tech Company. You can start your own company and seek investment, so long as the investor is not an investor in Very Big Tech Company. You can consult with businesses and people doing business with Very Big Tech Company - while you work at Big Tech Company - so long as your arrangement with them is not “substantially similar” to Very Big Tech Company’s “arrangement” with the outsider.

Apr 1, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
Today - 4 years after @amazon launched a $100 million legal war against my family - 4 documents related to DOJ's seizure of my family's bank accounts are meant to be unsealed.

As of right now, they remain sealed.

An update and why this matters. /1… In 2022, DOJ returned the seized $.

The $ was seized based on Amazon's allegations that my husband had deprived it of his "honest services."

Even though the $ was returned, DOJ asked to seal docs related to the seizure. /2
Feb 9, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
I FOUND AN UNSEALED AFFIDAVIT, used to obtain a warrant to search my home.

Amazon lied to the @FBI a/b it's employment duties, so the FBI could seek a probable cause warrant for honest services fraud - which requires a breach of employment duties.

Amazon LIED.

My god 🧵/1 Image The affidavit is long & full of alleged facts - mostly about $ and where it moved.

But $ moving isn't a crime. There had to be (a) a breach of employment duties by my husband and (b) a kickback. A kickback alone doesn't get you probable cause - statute requires (a), too. /2
Jan 20, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This email was sent to @amazon General Counsel @DavidZapolsky in September 2020.

3 years & tens of millions burned on @gibsondunn lawyers by Amazon, a federal judge ruled that I was right & my husband acted per the terms of his Amazon contract.

This is a real problem.
I emailed @jeffbezos & CEO @ajassy multiple times.

Their lawyers publicly called me a conspiracy theorist and threatened to accuse me of a crime just for speaking out.

The DOJ vacated 2 guilty pleas obtained with these falsehoods.

Who answers for this? Image
Jan 7, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read

@JeffBezos control over DOJ.

DOJ told my husband to plead guilty to @amazon fraud claim or they’d prove at trial he caused Amazon to overpay for land by $25 million+. Email ⬇️

Husband refused.

In 2023, judge ruled no fraud & no proof of one 💵of overpayment. /1 Image DOJ never indicted although my husband refused to plead and lie.

But if he had plead - neither DOJ or Amazon would have had to PROVE anything. You just agree to a statement of facts and that’s that.

And 98% of Americans accused of federal crimes plea. Amazon knows that. /2
Jan 6, 2024 25 tweets 8 min read
SCANDAL: @JeffBezos

Amazon: it's a "conspiracy theory." We didn't lobby DOJ for criminal charges. (See below.)

Evidence: You met with prosecutors over 100x & gave "pitch presentations" for charges. You *asked* for civil forfeiture.

Here is WHY they've hunted my family. /1 Image This is all over a bad business decision that could cost @amazon hundreds of millions.

IPI (partly owned by Iconiq, see article) - partnered with a developer (Northstar) to build data centers.

Amazon agreed to lease the data centers. /2…
Jan 6, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
This is an American scandal - with @jeffbezos and @amazon CEO @ajassy at the center of a horrifying scheme.

Here is a small part of our story: Amazon using civil forfeiture to leave my babies penniless and then suing my husband in civil court knowing he had no money.

It gets worse.

Amazon asked DOJ to seize my husband’s $$. DOJ obliged.

When that was done and Amazon knew my husband had no money in any bank account - and 4 daughters under the age of 6 - Amazon sued my husband in the same district where they were working with prosecutors. /2
Jan 5, 2024 26 tweets 6 min read

When @amazon's lawyers targeted my husband, their lawyer - a former federal prosecutor - emailed his former colleagues & said Amazon would talk to DOJ about "asset restraint/recovery."

DOJ then seized $7M from Amazon's targets based on Amazon's allegations. /1 Image (These docs are all on the public docket in Amazon's civil case against my husband, where a federal judge ruled in April that my husband - even if he did exactly what Amazon said he did - acted in accordance with the "explicit terms" of AMAZON's contract.) /2
May 26, 2023 13 tweets 8 min read
BIG UPDATE. Amazon asked DOJ to seize assets after it alleged it'd been defrauded of $50M. DOJ seized - per @SeamusHughes - $7M from Amazon's targets.

Three years later - after judge in Amazon's related civil case found no harm & no fraud - DOJ has returned all but $200,000. /1 Image Amazon & its biz partner IPI had a massive incentive to secure federal felony charges: They'd broken a contract with their main target, a real estate developer, and unless they could prove he'd committed a felony, they'd owe him nine figures. Delaware Court of Chancery agreed: /2 Image
Dec 29, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
Looks like @DavidZapolsky, @yousriomar & @amazon have finally copped to lies.

For years, they claimed my husband & others defrauded Amazon of "tens of millions."

A court filing reveals - though redactions - that Amazon's OWN expert says there were...ZERO DOLLARS in damage. Image Look at what Amazon said in April 2020 - in a secret complaint unsealed for prosecutors on an emergency basis so Amazon could get DOJ to seize funds: Damage of at least 50 MILLION. Image
Nov 15, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Hey @davidzapolsky:

Amazon & IPI broke a contract. Amazon didn't gain a $. IPI? Pocketed $100M. IPI could've broken contract alone. Says Amazon "made" them. Now IPI & Amazon face $100M fine.

Gibson Dunn rep'd IPI & Amazon. Gibson told Amazon to breach. Is that a conflict? /1 Fully story. IPI was just a $$ provider - didn't have real estate expertise. But it WANTED to work with Amazon on data centers. So it bought a developer, STACK, in 2019! But couldn't get any traction with Amazon. /2…
Nov 12, 2022 7 tweets 7 min read
I can prove America is an oligarchy.

@JeffBezos *admits* to stealing $60 million in driver tips. Builds $500 million yacht & flies to moon.

@JeffBezos *accuses* employee of not giving @amazon "honest services," @TheJusticeDept seizes his $ & raids home. No charges filed. /1 ImageImageImage In an oligarchy, rulers are selected from a small class of elites & exercise power on behalf of their class rather than for the greater good. Look at how the billionaires OWNED the elections. In 2010, they spent $80M on elections. This year? Nearly $1B. /2
Aug 20, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
It’s been 871 days. I’m going to start trying to fight Amazon & what they’ve done in every way I can. No company should be able to drag a family through a terrifying, multi-$ legal fight - in violation of state law. No one. I’m just getting started. I don’t mean this flippantly. Or joyfully. But for 871 days, lawyers at Gibson Dunn - Pat Stokes, Liz Papez and Lora MacDonald - have shot a gun loaded with Amazon’s millions at my family every day. /2