Ana Vanessa Herrero Profile picture
Washington Post reporter for South America - Former NYT - Based in CCS - RT´s just mean "check it out" - -
Jun 21, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
#ADVERTENCIA #TriggerWarning
Tras dos años de investigación, por fin puedo compartir esta historia con todos.
En Venezuela, los sacerdotes culpables de abusar a niños han vuelto la iglesia, incluso después de la condena. Un “macabro” pacto entre poderes. Durante la investigación vimos patrones comunes: los sacerdotes encontrados culpables de violentar niños y adolescentes suelen ser beneficiados con medidas cautelares, o dejados en libertad.
Jun 21, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
#TriggerWarning containing abuse
Our two-year investigation reports on church abuse in Venezuela for the first time. In #Venezuela, priests returned to ministry -some without touching jail- after being convicted of crimes against children. We found cases in 11 of Venezuela’s 23 states. All shared an element in common:
Victims came from poor and vulnerable backgrounds.
This investigation shows the irregularities of a broken justice system that benefits the powerful - like the Church- but never the victim.
Jan 7, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
The story behind the video:
Minutes before this happened, the National Guard “evacuated” the pro government legislators. “Run, quick”, they said as they pushed José Brito, the last one to get out. Inside, being the only one, the National Guard told me not to take pictures or videos of their faces. There were only a