Belkis بلقيس Profile picture
Mathematician, Tunisian, human || she/her/hers
Magdi Shalash Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 26, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
I have a flight from TUN to US thru Frankfurt and right when I make it to my layover in Frankfurt, @United texts me that the flight is canceled and that I’m rebooked for FRIDAY. There are no flights flying out of Frankfurt in the next days bc of a strike All the white passengers get to leave the airport while PoC people with no German visas stay behind. All Lufthansa passengers get hotel vouchers. I get left behind. I am alone in a shut off terminal. All restaurants closed bc there are no flights operating.
Aug 1, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
As Tunisians pushing for the constitutional "coup" are being accused of pushing ideological agendas or being secularists, I'd like to point out a few things to all new Tunisia experts we suddenly have: ImageImageImageImage 1. Repeating the obvious: Tunisia is not ur usual mena country with sectarian/ideological conflicts at the core of politics. Seeing things thru this narrow scope is suppressive of Tunisian voices + reductive as it pigeonholes us with the rest, as if our regional history is doomed
Jul 29, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Twitter misinformation list because some foreign policy editors are mentally lazy:

1/"KS did not assign constitutional court", WRONG: he didn't sign a bill that was going to amend how court is appointed. Ennahda delayed the appointment, violating the constitution. 2/"KS dismissed the parliament" WRONG: he only paused it and said in his video that he had no legal basis to dismiss it