John Andaluso Profile picture
Researcher in early Islamic history, with particular interest in the theological developments of Shi’ite beliefs. My only account
Dec 3, 2021 35 tweets 11 min read
The brother below has written a response to my thread on the lovers of Imam Ali from Ahl al-Kitab going to heaven.

I will leave aside the arrogant tone mentioned in the thread, and will focus on the content of his post.

Although as we will see, arrogance while regurgitating Superficial information and not having a holistic outlook on the matter is not the way to approach deen.

Apr 1, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
(Al-Kafi, vol 1, page 538)

Imam al-Sadiq tells his Shi’a:

“I take money from you, despite being the wealthiest among the people of Medina.

This is because I want you to be purified” [referring to verse 9:103] Image Being so, Imam al-Sadiq’s deputy & money collector al-Mu’ala ibn Khunays was crucified for his khums collection activities for the Imam.
Mar 23, 2021 26 tweets 7 min read
Just have some thoughts on groups labeled as ghulat

Trying to understand their mentality

[Thread] The variety of ghulat groups I’ll be discussing in particular are those of the antinomian variety.

In other words, those who believe Sharia is abrogated for the Shi’a of Al Muhammad. And the forbidden becomes permissible for them.

If one has ma’rifa of Al Muhammad
Dec 27, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Al-Kafi, volume 1, page 285:

Abi al-Hasan [al-Kadhim] عليه السلام said:

“O Aba Muhammad, neither the speech of any of mankind nor bird nor livestock nor anything that has a soul is hidden from the Imam.

And whomever does not have these traits, he is not an Imam.” Reminds me of this verse where Hafsa was shocked that Prophet was aware of her speech / actions with Aisha - which he received knowledge about from God

“And when he informed her about it, she said, "Who told you this?"

He said, "I was informed by the Knowing, the Aware." (66:3)
Dec 26, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Al-Kafi, volume 1, page 459

Imam Ali visited the grave of Rasul Allah after burying Fatima secretly, and said:

“Peace be upon you, O Rasul Allah on behalf of myself.. and peace be upon you on behalf of your daughter, and your visiter, and the inhabitant of the earth of your Image spot [i.e, your house] and one whom Allah has chosen to quickly follow you [i.e, dying shortly after you]..” Image
Dec 25, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Al-Kafi, volume 1, page 458:

“Abi al-Hasan (as) said:

‘Indeed, Fatima was a steadfast affirmer of truth and martyr. And indeed, daughters of prophet are not touched [i.e, they are virgins” Image The causes of her martyrdom - ones who eventually caused her children to be orphaned
Dec 24, 2020 14 tweets 4 min read
Reading today “Al-Intisar” by Al-Khayyat al-Mutazili (d. 933 CE)

The author responds to the arguments of the mutakalim Ibn al-Rawandi (then a Shi’i) who promotes Imamism and attacks Mutazili belief (particularly thise espoused by al-Jahiz)

Here are some interesting snippets: Image Written in the era of al-Ghayba al-Sughra, it confirms some intrinsic aspects of Shi’ism was wholly crystallized.

Al-Khayyat states, “Al-Jahiz knew that the Rafida did not perform takfir on Ali ibn Abi Talib, al-Hasan, Husayn, Salman, al-Miqdad with 3 or 4 of the Sahaba. Image
Dec 3, 2020 20 tweets 5 min read
Some of my thoughts on the sister’s ides that the tragedy of al-Zahra is a red line :) 1) Are there any “red lines” in investigating historical events?

Most definitely.

Let’s us follow some case examples from the Quran:
Nov 16, 2020 25 tweets 7 min read
A dear brother asks:

‘What evidence is there that the Quran is from God?’

I shall answer this question inshallah from the Quran’s evidence to this in three angles:

(1) Polytheistic
(2) Judaeo-Christian
(3) Contemporary Of course, I am doing this knowing that carbon dating, literary, inscription, mass transmission and such type of evidence has proven the Quranic text’s early 7th century origins. More elaboration later.

Anyway, let us begin.
Sep 29, 2020 25 tweets 8 min read
‘Everything explained in detail’

What does this mean?

[Thread] 1) ‘Explains everything in detail’ is not quite what the verses Ridvan is referring to are saying.

#1 “And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things” (16:89) Image