Donald Trump has been making some very huge hints about what is in store for his next term in office. One of the most tantalising has bee this mentions of the power that tariffs have to fund the nation.
The implication is that tariffs could reduce or even eliminate the federal income tax.
What I am perceiving is Trump’s intention to return the USA to its proper constitutional foundations. He is pushing back against what I think of as the counter-revolutionary forces that ...
Oct 1, 2024 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
I have been reflecting on the question of the most likely outcome for the Presidential election. Lots of others have been doing the same. This is my personal gut check and not a finely balanced prediction or analysis.
My take is pretty simple:
In 2016, Trump said he was going to win.
He won.
In 2020, he said they were going to steal it with a 3:00 am dirty trick.
At 3:00 am it happened.
As in, right at that moment. Spot on.
Oct 1, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
My take on the horrific storm/flood damage in the southeast.
From the period of time after WW1 and extending until well after WW2, there was a Golden Age of investment and development of large scale infrastructure in the USA.
The most famous example of this would be Eisenhower's Interstate System, but this extended into massive flood control, water storage, hydroelectricity, irrigation, and other water management frameworks.
Sep 26, 2024 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
Please pressure your local Members of Parliament to protect NZ's kids.
Here is my latest attempt:
This clip is an extraordinarily bad look. An actual doctor suggesting that one"science" is his truth is completely antithetical to science itself.
I am having an interesting interaction with @allangmiller1 @MemberOfTheMass about the tools used to 'find' covid, i.e., sequencing, PCR, etc.
My assertion is that a simple explanation for all of the puzzling circumstances that I've observed over the past few years... that the processes associated with finding/identifying/whatever the covid virus have been somehow gamed/corrupted/whatever.
The counter to this assertion is that such a thing is difficult to even imagine given the complexity of the processes/facilities/etc.
Dec 26, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
A comment on what is happening (Big Picture).
Ever since 2020, a great deal of effort has been invested in trying to answer the question of what is to be done, what will be done, in response to an election that was so plainly and grossly destroyed by fraud of many sorts.
Scenarios were examined, some bland and some farfetched. Certain of those farfetched scenarios, like devolution, persist in the minds of many to this day.
While I have no idea what makes Trump so confident that MAGA will prevail in the face of obvious attempts to rig 2024,...
Dec 24, 2023 • 20 tweets • 3 min read
Ever since @BarryYoungNZ , the NZ whistleblower, got the record-level data over to @stkirsch, X has blown up, at least my feed has, with massive debunkery from innumerable PhDs and MDs (yea, right) crying out that the jabs are safe and effective.
I am not going to address the technical aspects of the current debate. I will leave that to the actual statisticians, biometricians, clinicians, etc.
What I do wish to comment upon is the overall manner of the responses from the pro-jabbers and the anti-jabbers.
Dec 22, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Ever since @stkirsch dropped the analyses of the NZ whistleblower's data, the pro-vaxxers have gone nuts here.
And to those supporters of the jab, I'd like to say:
I completely understand your position. You are relying on what appears to be gold-standard scientific work.
And I am one who does not trust the jabs.
I acknowledge that a lot of the stuff floating around in the anti-jab world is not to the same gold standard that the pro-jab people are citing.
But I have seen enough very odd deaths and illnesses in my immediate circles...
Dec 21, 2023 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
While the fevered dreams of those who fantasise that Trump is still President, CinC, etc., are demonstrably false, I'd suggest that it's true that he is in certain important ways, still in charge.
Trump has developed a long track record of forcing the hands of the deranged left.
For example, Trump forced the Democrats to undertake vast and outrageously ham-fisted election rigging.
I think that January 6th, as it played out, was forced upon the Democrats too.
I have commented before about the fact that Trump has long had his own personal...
Dec 19, 2023 • 24 tweets • 4 min read
What's going on? What's the "plan"?
Kash Patel recently appeared on Glenn Beck's show where he said that the USA's most important strategic assets were in the sea and in space, and that there was some sort of 'battle' going on in space. (Space Force!)
This made me think about just what the plan was as Trump left the White House in 2021.
I have suggested before that it is impossible to imagine that Trump could not foresee much of what has unfolded since his departure. I have further suggested that he must have been...
Dec 12, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
What's going on?
!f you want to destroy my sweater
Hold this thread as I walk away
Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked
Have you noticed how calm and stable (Very Stable Genius, VSG) Trump has been?
He had a glowering moment for his mugshot, but otherwise, he's calm, positive, and consistent.
Dec 12, 2023 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Listening to @SeanPlunket engage with @stkirsch today was a frustrating experience. Especially galling was Plunket's refusal to engage with the obvious merits of a general release of all record level data after it is properly anonymised to permit open source analysis.
The best Plunket has been able to do is to suggest that the people at the Ministry of Health have better things to do with their time or are too busy to undertake such a task.
This is, of course, complete nonsense. There is no greater divide in the nation right now, despite...
Dec 10, 2023 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
I wrote earlier about how my original opinion to avoid the jabs emerged from doubts about the 6 months to safe and effective trope.
I also wrote that I believed that the way forward is the universal release of anonymised record-level data.
I then said that given the flood of frightening information that contradicts the official narratives, I saw no reason to resile from my precautionary principle.
Dec 10, 2023 • 8 tweets • 1 min read
Let us agree that the majority of those on either side of the jab question(s) hold their positions in good faith and in the hope they are advocating for the best for humanity.
Let us further agree that there is sufficient information to support either view, depending on which sources of information, analysis, etc., that you find credible.
Dec 8, 2023 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
I consider the last few hours to be a reasonable approximation of the assertion that gold and silver prices are manipulated.
Gold has been assiduously trading above $2000 and silver above $24 after gold reached a record high recently.
Here is a graph of the gold price for the past few days up until the market closed today. One may see that gold has been trading at or above $2020 for the past few days. The we get to the opening of NY COMEX on the last trading session of the week.
Dec 8, 2023 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Getting bombarded by pro-jabbers today. Either I touched a nerve, or it is just spillover from Steve Kirsch.
My position on the jabs is simple:
1. The notion of 'six months to safe and effective' flew in the face of everything I have ever been told about the time...
...needed to confirm safety and efficacy of a new drug, vaccine, medical device, etc.
2. The threat of Covid19 appeared to be on par with other seasonal illnesses, i.e., within the range between a common cold and a bad flu.
3. The jabs were/are based on a technology not...
Dec 5, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
I am all for being proud of one's culture. I am all for respecting one's ancestors.
But the primary accomplishment of paleo/neolithic societies is lasting long enough to move beyond that stage of human development.
Despising the cultures that delivered one's ancestors from...
...the brutality and suffering of pre-industrial existence is to deny the truth of the difficulty of that sort of life.
Blaming those more modern cultures forpresent-day grievances without thanking them for all that one's culture gained is a special form of dishonesty.
Dec 1, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Gold is going nuts.
But stocks are up too.
Nov 30, 2023 • 19 tweets • 3 min read
I have written before that I am of the opinion that Trump is, via his ongoing information war, building towards a huge crescendo which must be timed perfectly to achieve its creative purpose, i.e., to drive out the deep state.
Another way to look at this is to consider that Trump is telling a story and we are building towards a climax in that story, with a resolution being a return to liberty and prosperity.
Nov 28, 2023 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
We have recently seen the left beginning to panic and squawk about their fear that Trump intends to prosecute and punish (and, they say ‘execute’) his political enemies.…
In this is an element of truth here, i.e., I do believe that a re-elected Trump will investigate and prosecute those who happen to be his political enemies at the moment (but who are in a greater sense enemies of America). But there are many layers of hyperbole built up on..
Nov 28, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
I have suggested many times that the plan in motion right now is an information war (as opposed to those who fantasise about Trump being the 'real' president, various Law of War imaginings, two constitution scenarios, etc.)...…
...consisting largely of media content and lawfare, but also including Trump's rallies and other political events.
This Politico article describes the circumstances surrounding the puzzling delay in receiving a decision from the D.C. Appeals court on matters of Presidential...