Andrea Chalupa Profile picture
Journalist. Wrote/Produced @MrJones_Film Host @GaslitNation Books: DICTATORSHIP: IT'S EASIER THAN YOU THINK!, ORWELL & THE REFUGEES
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Jul 17 10 tweets 3 min read
We are in the fight of our lives, and the media normalizes Trump like they did in 2016. Listen to this week's @gaslitnation, The Kremlin Convention, on the #RNC2024 and the "both-sidesing" of America's far-right driven political violence crisis🧵… "The ridiculous drone of bleating sheep from Animal Farm in the mainstream media call on 'both sides' to turn the temperature down." --@gaslitnation
Jun 13 11 tweets 2 min read
Eighty years after countless people gave their lives liberating Europe, fascism makes a comeback in European elections. @terrelljstarr and I discuss the MAGA virus, its devastating impact on Ukraine, and how to resist it in this week's @gaslitnation… I asked @terrelljstarr, who's in Ukraine, the impact of MAGA deliberately delaying aid for 6 critical months, giving Russia the advantage. It's bad.
May 22 11 tweets 2 min read
Project 2025 is 900 pages long, because they don't want you to read it. Anne Nelson read every creepy page and breaks it down in the Gaslit Nation Project 2025 Super Special.🧵 Trump as a puppet of the Christian nationalism, Heritage Foundation, KKK and white Jesus holding an AK-47 with a Koch label on his robe Project 2025 is the radical right's blueprint for dismantling American democracy. They want to eliminate the Dept of Education, turn the FBI/DOJ into the president's personal security forces to crush his enemies. It's straight out of an authoritarian playbook. #Project25
May 17 11 tweets 4 min read
What's Russia's greatest weapon in its genocide of Ukraine and fascist global war on democracy? Western corruption. Here's a thread of urgent solutions of how to fix this and ensure Ukraine wins🧵 Image It cannot be overstated Trump/MAGA through Mike Johnson successfully delayed aid to Ukraine for six critical months, helping Russia’s military advance. This is treason. Trump and all MAGAs in Congress are traitors to our country and undermined our allies…
May 8 11 tweets 3 min read
The threat to democracy is greater than Trump. Our Founding Father's made painful compromises to establish the Constitution🧵 James Madison, the Father of the Constitution, feared two Senators for every state would give too much power to smaller states, thwarting the will of the majority. He was right.
May 1 10 tweets 3 min read
Russia uses our own weaknesses against us, to entrench their weaponized corruption. That's how they build power and take over countries from within, like in Georgia🧵 Corruption is America's biggest weakness and threatens our national security. Take, for instance, the Act 22 tax loophole that lets rich Americans buy up land in Puerto Rico to avoid paying federal taxes.

Yes, this exists.
Apr 18 11 tweets 3 min read
Meet Paul Weyrich, one of the architects that turned the Republican Party into a Christian nationalist battering ram attempting to overthrow our democracy Image Weyrich is a co-founder of several far-right groups, including The Heritage Foundation that leads Project 2025, a plan to mass-purge the government, destroy all checks and balances, turn the FBI/DOJ into Trump's personal security forces, and much, much more
Apr 11 11 tweets 4 min read
Digging into Speaker Johnson--a staunch evangelical, and the other MAGA Christian nationalists blocking aid to Ukraine in the House, I discovered that Ukraine plays a role in their demented "end times" world view 🧵 Mike Johnson is a staunch evangelical. He was featured in a German documentary on taking his daughter to a purity ball where she signed a pledge to never have sex before marriage. Purity balls are seen as dehumanizing to young girls and women…
Mar 8 11 tweets 4 min read
What's life like in Orban's Hungary, the most corrupt country in the EU? Miserable, especially if you're a child (high malnutrition rates), a young adult, a woman, LGBTQ+ person and ally, a refugee, and anyone with an open mind🧵 According to a recent study, Hungary is the most corrupt country in the EU, a trend that accelerated under Orban…
Jan 25 11 tweets 4 min read
Remember this shocking story from the 2016 election? The Trump campaign gutted Ukraine aid in the official RNC platform. Today this is mainstream for the GOP, with McConnell folding on Ukraine aid. This is catastrophic for the US and the world🧵… The recent transformation of the GOP into the Party of Putin began gradually, with only a few in Congress, like former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who the Kremlin considered an asset, according to the FBI…
Dec 13, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
We need to talk about the Reagan Revolution. In many ways, we're still living in it, with wealth inequality worse than in the Gilded Age and elite criminal impunity🧵 Image According to French economist Gabriel Zucman, who studied under Thomas Piketty, author of the bestselling book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” the 1% in America hold more wealth than the Carnegies and Fricks of the Gilded Age…
Nov 29, 2023 22 tweets 7 min read
Let's look at a Russian-linked financial backer of George Santos. Did they get their money’s worth with George Santos in Congress? The answer is yes. 🧵 Image It starts with Viktor Vekselberg, a notorious sanctioned "Putin's wallet", otherwise known as the Russian oligarchs tasked by the Kremlin to spread Russian influence (corruption) by making major investments and donations in democratic countries…
Apr 21, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
🧵Fox News needs to be sued out of existence. Catch up with the latest @gaslitnation to see how Fox News threatens our democracy and national security Image "Discord Traitor Bro Jack Teixeira's use of the bear vs. pig meme shows that he's staunchly anti-Ukrainian. What likely made him that way? Tucker Carlson and the cult of Trump." - @gaslitnation…
Feb 14, 2023 25 tweets 13 min read
The latest episode of @gaslitnation is out tonight. Catch up with last week's episode "Trump Lost, But the Coup Won"… "The only part of Trump's coup that was truly defeated was Trump himself. Damage, infiltration and elite criminal impunity and cruelty live on."
- @sarahkendzior…
Feb 3, 2023 20 tweets 11 min read
This is a thread of the latest episode of @gaslitnation where @sarahkendzior and I discuss why we're likely not going to see a Trump indictment, only more book deals for prosecutors who failed to get any accountability… "Trump and the FBI and his relationship with not only Russia but other countries is a multi-decade operation and a very complex topic."
- @sarahkendzior…
Jan 14, 2023 21 tweets 11 min read
It's the weekend! Catch up with the latest episode of @gaslitnation: The Reality TV Congress… "I'm interested in Katie Porter's campaign for Senate, because she's anti corruption and the antithesis of Dianne Feinstein."
- @sarahkendzior…
Jan 8, 2023 21 tweets 12 min read
Catch up with the latest episode of @gaslitnation where @sarahkendzior and I discuss the latest news on the Kremlin's war on democracy and Kremlin dark money in Congress… "It will take a decade for Russia to rebuild all that it lost in its suicidal war in Ukraine. Now is the time to give Ukraine everything it needs to win the war."
- @AndreaChalupa…
Dec 21, 2022 26 tweets 14 min read
To cut through the noise on Ukraine, listen to our interview with @TimothyDSnyder who brilliantly explains what's at stake in Putin's war, how the war ends, and he shares insights from his own meeting with Zelensky… "Zelensky told me that the deprivation of security is unfreedom and the deprivation of freedom is unsecurity. I think he's right." - @TimothyDSnyder…
Dec 16, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! There'll be scary ghost stories, and tales of the glories of war criminals from long, long ago! Welcome to our @gaslitnation Festivus🧵… "Viktor Bout led an assembly line efficiency of war crimes across Africa, which included child soldiers. What makes him most dangerous, and useful to Russia's failing war, is his expertise in logistics." Hear the full episode on @gaslitnation…
Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Twenty-five people have been arrested in raids across Germany on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government… "Other suspects came from the QAnon movement who believe their country is in the hands of a mythical "deep state" involving secret powers pulling the political strings."
Oct 25, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
NY cannot become complacent in the race for governor. Lee Zeldin's A grade from the NRA means he would make our state less safe and rollback gun safety laws. Here's why and how to vote for @GovKathyHochul and help get out the vote 🧵… Hochul is a leader on green energy, helping create 10,000 jobs and bring $8.2 billion in invesments, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, lowering carbon emissions, improving air quality and public health…