Andrea R MD, Profile picture
ER Doc ret. Politics, dogs, cats, cooking. Block all MAGA, antivax, forced birth, ammosexuals and fascist assholes. Mansplaining: case by case basis.
2 subscribers
Nov 2, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Keep vilifying doctors. You know the ones who wore garbage bags to work to try and save your asses from a virus the guy you voted for refused to do anything about. Sure blame us for laws that are only there because the guy you voted for put RW nutjobs on SCOTUS 1/ Sure, blame us for asking you to do the bare minimum, wear a mask, get vaccinated but noooo, you couldn't be fucking bothered. 2/
Aug 26, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I have delivered a few babies in my time, mostly during residency, a few in med school, one as an ER attending and I can tell you it is the most nerve-wracking, stress-inducing thing I have ever done. 1/ Mind you, I was an ER doc, never knew what was gonna come through the door but I can tell you whatever it was, it is better than a family's hopes riding on a healthy baby and having those dreams dashed for whatever reason and there are a hella lot of them. 2/
Apr 30, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I have been thinking about this quote all day. How could Red States "monitor" pregnancies? A 🧵 1. Would pediatricians be required to report the onset of a girl's 1st menses?
2. Would they track all pregnancy test purchases?
3. Mandatory reporting of a pregnancy diagnosis to the state's Department of Health?
4. What about tracking those who use contraception? /1
Mar 28, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Gonna say this once. I am sick and fucking tired of people blaming Hillary for 2016. We're you fucking idiots asleep? The msm was hellbent on reporting every negative thing about her while showing empty Trump podia waiting for him to show up. /1 Joe and Mika had him call in every damn day, giggling and trashing her. Yapping about emails every day. The nytimes with their countless articles about her unpopularity, (sound familiar?), emails, pneumonia, while ignoring Trump's pathology./2
Mar 11, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Not a scholar of this stuff but I spent hours and hours on the nytimes Gun Report arguing with ammosexuals about rape. Swear to god these dudes fantasize about rape 24/7. They live it. 1/ If you have an an anti-emetic handy, go on one of their feeds, they dream about raping women, they dream about shooting rapists, it is fucking weird. I am not fucking kidding. 2/
Dec 9, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I have some thoughts, a🧵. Before the Dobbs decision, abortion was kind of an abstract political talking point right? "Safe, legal and rare" was the mantra on the left, no one ever talked about the real life consequences of banning it did they? Big fucking shame imho. /1 The right went all into the dead baby crap, little crosses in front of churches, protests and harassment of women going into clinics but nobody ever imagined what would happen to women if Roe was overturned. Settled law right? /2
Nov 8, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
So when I say the media needs to learn to talk about abortion, The following thread is what I am talking about.
Time to quit pussyfooting around and repeating Republican lies.
Do your fucking job. 1/ NO abortions happen at full term or after, that the media let's them slide with this bullshit is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Women do NOT terminate their viable pregnancies at term, do you even hear your stupid selves? 2/
Oct 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
So the women's health care deserts in red states I am talking about are not just in the short run, they will last for years to come. We already have seen them even before Dobbs in states like Texas that did everything to defund PP, it will get worse. 1/ Medical students, residents will shun programs in those states, their significant others will as well. Newsflash, HC workers tend to marry other HC workers, it won't just be women who will suffer. 2/
Aug 11, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Did Hunter withhold PPE from Blue states while doctors were wearing garbage bags, reusing masks and watching their patients and colleagues die? /1 Did Hunter enable the murder of a US resident journalist for money? /2
Jul 13, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Look. I lived in Ohio for over 27 years, I voted. Voting in Ohio means shit. We voted to end partisan gerrymandering, Republicans ignored it, over and over and over. Now you fucking dummies have voted in a Republican Supreme Court. /1 It is hard to live in a state with stupids, I mean seriously, who votes for Gym Jordan? I get that his district is insanely gerrymandered, that was exactly what the voters said they didn't want, OH SCOTUS said to change it and the Republicans refused to do so. /2
Jun 30, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Okay, a warning. If you have the fucking nerve to blame this shitshow on RBG or Hillary Clinton, best see yourself out. /1 Where the fuck were you in 2010 when you let the House and Senate flip red? Too busy to vote I guess. Obama got you some better HC and how did you repay him? By giving Congress to republicans, congrats. Thanks a bunch for the endless Benghazi hearings friends. /2
Jun 25, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Whoever coined the phrase "Twitter isn't real life" was a man and he was big wrong.
I am telling you right now, being a woman on Twitter is EXACTLY like real life, without the groping. 1/ It's being told by some rando that your years of experience does not outweigh the ownership of a penis. 2/
May 13, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Honestly, I do not know what red states are gonna do. Who will deliver babies in your state? You are already seeing a decline in residency applications for ob-gyn spots. Here's the rub, med students get engaged and marry who they meet in their bubble. I did. /1 So a potential ob-gyn doc will skip your state and guess what, so will his/her future spouse whether he/she is another doc or nurse. Why would a doctor want to practice in a state that will put them in jail for treating their patients? /2
May 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I didn't expect my thread on CPC's to get as much play as it did. I wrote it to educate and wound up learning so much from women who were victimized by these facilities. Thank you for telling your stories. 1/ I also got many responses from around the world, people who are horrified about what is happening here. We get ya, so are we. I have a daughter and that is partly why we are getting out of Ohio. 2/
May 12, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Nothing like being attacked by another blue account. Yes, I am a real doctor, went to med school, did a residency and practiced. I have opinions, lots of them, I also have facts, here's one; Crisis Pregnancy Centers are anti-choice shams masquerading as real medical centers/1 You may have noticed the billboards all over your town, here's what you need to know. They are religiously affiliated, forced birth fanatics. They do NOT have doctors on staff, they have minimally trained ultrasound techs and so called counselors to bully women. /2
May 8, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
Hi kids, just your friendly neighborhood doc here to remind you about the Dickey Amendment.
When the ammosexuals try to cite stats, they are quoting shit that is skewed, want to know why? The Dickey Amendment. /1 Not many people know about it and that is a fucking shame. That is why I am here to educate you and spread the word. The Dickey Amendment was passed in 1996, in a nutshell it prohibited any federal money to fund CDC studies that would say that more guns lead to gun deaths. /2
Apr 27, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
I want to drive home the point that a molar "pregnancy" is not a pregnancy and will NEVER result in a live birth. I don't know what these doctors were thinking but holy fucking shit, hello malpractice. /1 I realize these laws are vague, on purpose to scare docs but c'mon people, there comes a time when you have to do the right thing. Forcing a woman with a cancer to sit in her car to wait for a deadly complication ain't it. /2
Apr 19, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
So when SCOTUS outlaws mifepristone, all evidence so far says they will, what will women in red states do? Provided they won't be detained at the border, they will travel to blue states if they have the means. /1 Which brings me to my idea about what to do with red state ob-gyn residents in training. As I have mentioned before, a surgical residency requires all trainees to log all their cases to qualify for graduation. /2
Mar 30, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
Joy Reid did an interesting segment on Idaho's new "abortion trafficking" law and by interesting I mean frightening.
Minor women will in essence become prisoners of the state that seeks to force them to give birth. /1 Of course minor girls who have means will be fine but that is the whole point of these laws isn't it? Keep them poor, pregnant and miserable. /2
Mar 29, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Gun humpers LOVE to talk about DGU's. Fact of the matter is, they are few and far between. They are more likely to shoot themselves, their wives or leave the gun out for their toddlers to play with than use it for defense. /1 This myth is pervasive among the ammosexuals. Rape is a big theme, super big. Protect the white woman with your big, bad gun.
Fact is, these guys kill their partners with alarming frequency.
Plenty of studies confirm this. /2
Mar 9, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Ugh, now I must rant. No Bobo, teen pregnancy is not a good thing. These girls are not ready mentally and physically to be pregnant, nor are they ready to be mothers. I can tell you from my own extensive anecdotal experience treating these children that it is a fucking mess. 1/ Most of the time, these girls are too scared to tell their parents/parent that they are pregnant and have no resources to guide them. You know what that does? You have a young girl who presents to your ED in labor who has had no prenatal care.
Super fun. 2/