Andrew Hammel Profile picture
US lawyer/writer/translator in Düsseldorf. Words German & English. Hot steamy takes, charts, stats, praise of Düsseldorf, and cat content. Frank Drebin stan.
Mikko Niskanen Profile picture Stormvakt ⚔️🐉 Profile picture harbismi Profile picture Bunmi Profile picture Rob in Germany (avoiding politics mostly) Profile picture 8 subscribed
May 25 10 tweets 2 min read

Back in 2015, as a million young males from the most unstable and sexually repressed nations on earth streamed into Germany without any background checks, I predicted we might have a problem.… 2/ You see, these young males would have basically never seen any woman in public with her ankles or hair uncovered, much less her midriff or legs. But they *do* get Western pornography on their cellphones. So, I asked, what are we to expect when arrive in Germany?
May 7 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ So, a short legal primer. I am a US lawyer who has lived in DE for 20 years and translated German constitutional-law treatises, so I am an expert. Like most European countries, Germany has laws prohibiting group libel (Volksverhetzung). 2/ Article 5 of Germany's post-war constitution, the Basic Law, protects freedom of speech.
Apr 28 28 tweets 5 min read

One of the many taboos in the German immigration debate is why it's mostly young males (73% males, 78% under 34) who apply for asylum in Germany -- a trend which is becoming more pronounced.
2/ If you point out this fact, you will be met with feel-good moralizing ("Asylum has no gender") or puerile strawmanning ("Oh, so you're going to exclude them just because they're males. Great. Now I understand who I'm dealing with.")
Apr 26 10 tweets 2 min read

A tendency of Germans and especially their bureaucrats is a fixation with enforcing rules to the exclusion of common sense and (in certain eras) basic humanity. Wait for the 2 stingers at the end of this insane tale.… 2/ This is a story told by Boris Palmer, the Green Party mayor of Tübingen, Germany. Former Green, actually -- he was basically forced out of the party for questioning Green orthodoxy.
Apr 7 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ Federal crime stats for Germany from 2023 have been leaked to a German newspaper prior to general publication. Here are the year-on-year increases over 2022:
✅ Overall crimes: +5.5% vs. 2022, +9.3% vs. pre-pandemic 2019,… 2/ ✅ # of criminal suspects: +7.3% (2,246,000)
✅ # of suspects w/o German nationality: 41% (+ 17.8% yoy)
✅ % of recent immigrants among suspects: 18% (+ 29.8% yoy)
✅ Burglaries: 77,819 (+ 18.1%); burglaries in Berlin: +35.2%
✅ Violent crimes: 214,099 (+8.6%)
Feb 19 21 tweets 4 min read

Die Welt just published an important article on why Germany can't deport anyone. Currently there are 250,000 people living in Germany who have no right to be here.… 2/ Most of these are rejected asylum seekers or people who have committed serious crimes. They're called "Ausreisepflichtige" because they have been informed they have a "duty" (Pflicht) to leave the country. Only a trivial fraction leave voluntarily, since life in Germany
Feb 14 10 tweets 2 min read

I'm chuffed to reveal that Quillette has published my piece on antisemitism in Germany, which I think highlights some pretty serious journalistic malpractice.… 2/ If you read English-language press coverage of Germany in the New York Times or Guardian or NYRB or almost anywhere else, you've probably come across the claim that according to German government statistics, "90%" or "the overwhelming majority" of antisemitic hate crimes in…
Jan 8 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ About a year ago, I predicted that Germany would soon start seeing the kinds of protests that often topple Third-World governments, in which masses of people protests cuts to fuel or food subsidies. In poor countries,… 2/ millions of people live from jobs which require them to use fuel, but which don't pay enough to allow these people to buy fuel at market rates. So millions depend on the government to provide them fuel at artificially low prices. These subsidies of course have a distorting
Dec 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ Die @Welt has an interview with a co-author of the groundbreaking Dutch study on the net economic costs of immigration, which has sparked a huge controversy in the Netherlands. The top line finding is that immigration has cost… 2/ the Dutch state an average of €17 billion per year since 1995, mainly in providing generous welfare benefits to unemployed migrants. Work migrants from Western (blue) & non-Western (black) are the only net contributors. Asylum seekers are the biggest net drain. Image
Dec 3, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
1/ One reason "populist" parties are gaining ground in Europe is the feckless, mealy-mouthed response mainstream politicians have to terror attacks. A 26-year-old French guy (2nd generation immigrant) just stabbed a German tourist to death in Paris.… 2/ He was shouting "Allahu Akbar" as he attacked people near the Eiffel Tower with a knife and hammer. He had a previous criminal conviction for planning a similar attack, for which he received a sentence of...four years. He was on a terrorist watch list and had pledged to ISIS.
Oct 30, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read

A thread based on my personal experience. I visited Sofia, Bulgaria a few years ago -- lovely city, strong recommend. I saw this book at not just one but several outdoors stands at a local book fair: Image 2/ I've forgotten what the words mean, but the illustration says it all. A few minutes later, sitting on a park bench, a guy bummed a cigarette from me. We got to chatting, and I told him I came from Germany.
Apr 29, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
1/ All German mainstream parties have worked (with differing motives and techniques) since ca. 2000 to transform Germany into an energy-scarce society: Shut down nuclear, pre-emptively ban fracking, build in permanent dependence on energy imports...… 2/ subsidies to force a premature transition to intermittent, unreliable wind & solar. The result was predictable, and predicted: Germany has by most measures the most expensive energy in the world. Companies are therefore shutting down operations in Germany.
Mar 11, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ Another story from Germany's broken, collapsing immigration and criminal-justice systems: Suleiman A. arrived with 700,000 other young males in 2015 with no background or security checks. 2/… He had no papers, and claimed variously to be from Djibouti or Somalia.
Feb 8, 2023 40 tweets 7 min read
1/ Lefty German journo Lukas Hermsmeier (@lukashermsmeier) has just written (yet another) New York Times opinion piece claiming Germany is facing a resurgence of the extreme right and not doing enough about it.… 2/ He starts out: "[J]ust two months ago, the authorities arrested 25 people for planning a radical right-wing coup to overthrow the German government." But then immediately admits: "The group’s ideas are bizarre and the plot had no serious chance of success."
Jan 27, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
1/ Thread: It's not just German energy policy which is broken. German immigration and asylum policy is also totally dysfunctional, as a recent high-profile mass murder shows.… 2/ On January 25th, a man stabbed a 17-year-old girl and her 19-year-old companion to death on a regional train from Kiel to Hamburg. Seven other people were wounded, some of them with life-threatening injuries.
Jan 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ So, I'm a US lawyer and journalist working on a very long piece about the Motion to Vacate in the Syed case and I've got a couple of genuinely 100% sincere questions for @TheViewFromLL2 and @EvidenceProf. 2/ On November 1, 2022, the Baltimore Banner published this piece:…

Mosby and Feldman seem to interpret this note as indicating that "Mr. B.", as we will call him, *himself* threatened Hae Min Lee.
Jan 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ In case you're wondering why so many Germans are terrified of nuclear energy, it's because the German media and some politicians have consistently published misleading information on the technology, including gross exaggerations of the harm caused by Chernobyl and Fukushima. 2/ The German Green Party, for example, had to officially apologize after it tweeted, on the anniversary of Fukushima, that the *nuclear accident* had killed tens of thousands of people.
Dec 29, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ As I've noted before, Germany has is stuck with its current leaders, even though the coalition has lost majority support. The reason: German center-right parties are still following a policy of absolute non-cooperation with the populist-right AfD 2/ Overall the AfD gets about 13-15% of the vote, with much more in the East. Since the center-right parties only get about 35% of the vote, they have no hope of forming a ruling coalition without the AfD, and they are still 100% committed to the AfD freeze-out.
Dec 26, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
1/ People sometimes ask me why German industry & industrial unions haven't put pressure on the government to lower energy prices. The short answer is below: German union chief says Germany *and* Europe need to create an "industrial policy" to prevent firms leaving. Image 2/ Decoded, what this means is that Germany should keep spending yet more billions of Euros (which it doesn't have) subsidizing domestic firms to prevent them from relocating to lower-cost countries -- or perhaps pass laws forcing them to stay.
Nov 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ The process of escalation and radicalization continues in Germany: "Last Generation" activists invaded the Berlin-Brandenburg Airport, some gluing themselves to the runway, others riding bikes around to disrupt operations.… 2/ This time around, the action was criticized by every German political party and even "climate experts" (used advisedly) close to Last Generation. Yet, of course, speakers from this extremist faction will *still* be invited onto nationwide, publicly-funded talk shows.
Nov 6, 2022 41 tweets 8 min read

What are the chances that "Last Generation" and like-minded folks will escalate to intentionally killing people? As a student of German terrorism of the 1970s, this interests me. A thread. 2/ German history has a template for this type of radicalization Student activists became more and more uncompromising in the late 1960s. They started out with disruptive protests like we're seeing now.