Andrew Hammel Profile picture
Ami lawyer/writer/translator in Düsseldorf. Words German & English. Inventor of Angry Political Debate ASMR.
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Feb 19 14 tweets 3 min read
1/ This comment from a therapist who works with mentally ill Afghans makes an important point: The EU's de facto open-borders asylum policy -- and Germany's decision to allow applications from people without ID papers -- negatively selects for the most feckless/unstable migrants. 2/ She is currently treating four Afghan migrants. with schizophrenia. What she's learned from her interactions with this community is that there are two goals these young males have in Germany -- as they themselves confirm.
Feb 4 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ American woman moves to Spain and eventually gets fed up with the lousy cuisine, weird hours, lack of air-conditioning, etc. For American expats, Spain is in the "uncanny valley" -- it looks like a functioning country, but it's not quite there.… 2/ Middle-class Americans are used to a standard of general competence and efficiency that no other country *quite* reaches. If an American (or German) relocates to a place like Vietnam or Colombia, of course you're going to adjust your expectations because you don't
Jan 7 17 tweets 3 min read
1/ *Germany powerless to deport gang-rapist who continues to commit violent crimes.

Meet Yonas A., an Eritrean asylum-seeker. In 2017 Jonas, with three fellow Eritreans, gang-raped a 56-year-old woman from Passau, Germany.… 2/ They held a broken beer bottle to her throat and threatened to "stab her to death" if she resisted. Remarkably, Yonas was given a prison sentence for this crime, although it was of course only a couple of years.
Jan 4 29 tweets 4 min read
1/ *Mohammed fails citizenship test by a mile but might still get a German passport*
A failed citizenship bid by a Palestinian man is currently sparking all sorts of debate in Germany.… 2/ The man, let's call him Mohammed, entered Germany from Syria illegally in 2015. Since he is a Palestinian, he's considered stateless under German law. This means two things.
Jan 2 20 tweets 3 min read
1/ *Why Germany Won't Deport Violent Criminals*
Die Welt, the only German daily newspaper which regularly reports information unflattering to the German center-left political elite, has interesting numbers on foreign criminals.… 2/ To understand the situation, we need to understand a key distinction in Germany's über-bureaucratic immigration system: the distinction between "Ausweisen" and "Abschieben". Abschieben is actual genuine deportation -- a person is flown back to their home country.
Dec 27, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ German families in Lörrach moved to a suburban row-house development so they could enjoy green space and their kids could walk to school and play unsupervised. Now the city plans to build a container-based migrant shelter for 150 young males… 2/ in the green space. The containers will be surrounded by fencing and there will be 24/7 onsite security. The containers will be located only 20 meters from some of the existing houses. Local authorities say their hands are tied: They are forced by law to
Dec 21, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read
1/ ** CJEU: Even Violent Criminals Get to Stay Forever **
European courts, specifically the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) (formerly the European Court of Justice, ECJ) bear indirect responsibility for the Magdeburg Christmas attack. 2/ This sounds like right-wing rage clickbait (maybe it is!), but it's true, let me explain. Recent reports claim that Saudi Arabia asked Germany to extradite Magdeburg Christmas attacker Taleb al-Abdulmohsen to Saudi to face non-criminal charges.
Dec 5, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
1/ Angela Merkel is on a book tour and she's not giving a centimeter on the decisions she made. But she's having to scrape the very bottom of the barrel for arguments. Here, she defends her decision to destroy the German nuclear-power industry by pointing to...Africa (!). 2/ In Africa, she notes, "no country is building nuclear power plants", which means Africa is showing the world that we can "switch to CO2-free energy sources without nuclear energy." To anyone who has met Africa, this argument is obviously not just wrong, but delusional.
Nov 9, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ Ralph Ghadban was born in Lebanon in 1949 and emigrated to Germany in 1972. For decades, he has been a part of networks helping Lebanese refugees adapt to life in Germany. He has also studied the dynamics of Arab (mostly Lebanese)… 2/ criminal clans in Germany. The more polite word for them, which most German mainstream media feel obliged to use, is "large families". The clans are usually named after their most senior leader or found, for instance the "Abu Shaker" clan.
Nov 6, 2024 20 tweets 3 min read
1/ I've been predicting a Trump win for a while, but I didn't think it would be this big. This looks like a referendum on the modern Democratic Party. Harris ran an OK campaign, but was a terrible candidate. 2/ She had won elections only in deep-blue states and accumulated the most liberal voting record in the Senate.
Nov 1, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ The state of Berlin, whose finances are a catastrophe, has rented a hotel complex with three high-rises for €143 million over ten years to house 1,200 asylum-seekers, most of whom are unemployed. A meeting where local residents were confronted… 2/ with this fait accompli was turbulent, with local residents complaining that local resources in the area such as playgrounds and grocery stores were already strained, and that they had not been consulted about the move.
Oct 21, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ "90% of young doctors are foreigners, and 75% of them don't speak adequate German". A German doctor pseuodnym "Bernd Ahrens" gives a frank, anonymous interview. Like so many other German institutions, the health-care system here is quietly collapsing.… 2/ There aren't enough places in German medical schools, and the best students often leave Germany because conditions here are dire -- earning potential is low, funding is scarce, and the bureaucracy is stifling. So Germany is dependent on foreign doctors.
Sep 23, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ A few thoughts about the state election in Brandenburg. Brandenburg is the state surrounding Berlin. Not very large but somewhat important geographically. Greens drop below the 5% barrier, as in Thuringia, meaning they drop out of the state parliament.… 2/ This is the latest disaster for the Greens. Brandenburg is more liberal than many East German states, and the Greens were over 10% in the last election. Failing at the 5% barrier is a major catastrophe for any state party.
Sep 22, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ --German Protestants Want to Keep a Tajik ISIS Member here in Deutschland--
Here's an amusing tale which summarizes the German asylum system. After multiple attacks in Germany by people who were supposed to be deported but weren't, the Green Party… 2/ "Minister for Integration and Flight (Flucht)" (the title is a bit of virtue-signalling meant to imply that all migrants are "Flüchtlinge", or refugees) decided to grit her teeth, swallow her pride, and actually start deporting dangerous foreigners from Germany.
Sep 3, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
1/ The German way is often: First the government makes something unaffordable, then it forces you to buy it. Case in point, veterinarians. Germany, unlike almost any other country, has a federally-mandated fee schedule for veterinary services.… 2/ In November 2022, the vet lobby won a gigantic financial windfall: The Fee Ordinance for Veterinarians (GOT) was changed to drastically increase vet bills. Prices in general had only risen 19% since the last time it was updated, but the new GOT increased fees by 30-40%
Sep 2, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ Yesterday's elections highlight a flaw in Germany's political system. During the Weimar era, there were constant shifts in the political winds, which brought a succession of shaky coalitions to power. The Chancellorship changed hands almost every year,… 2/ bringing a new cabinet, and there were 9 general elections in 14 years. After WW II, the framers of the modern constitution, the Basic Law, saw the Weimar Reichstag's instability as one cause of the Nazi rise to power. So they created a system designed to be much more stable.
Aug 26, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ The revelation that the Syrian Islamic extremist Issa al H. who killed three people and injured eight in Solingen was a failed asylum seeker who should have been deported is making some waves. But how likely are such attacks? Let's do the math.… 2/ Last year, 351,000 illegal immigrants were allowed into Germany after saying the word "asylum" either at the border or when they walked into a local police station. That's literally all you need to do.
Aug 25, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
1/ Here's an incomplete list of things that would be happening right now if the murder rampage at the Solingen Diversity Festival had been committed by a right-wing German: 2/ 1. Politicians would have already promised to allocate hundreds of millions of Euros for "right-wing radicalization prevention" measures.…
Aug 25, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
1/ If you're wondering why news about the Solingen knife rampage suddenly disappeared from the mainstream media overnight, it's because a suspect was identified and was, predictably, a Muslim foreigner. 2/ At that point, mainstream journalists suddenly lose all curiosity and move on to more important stories such as gay penguins or Ozempic prices.
May 25, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read

Back in 2015, as a million young males from the most unstable and sexually repressed nations on earth streamed into Germany without any background checks, I predicted we might have a problem.… 2/ You see, these young males would have basically never seen any woman in public with her ankles or hair uncovered, much less her midriff or legs. But they *do* get Western pornography on their cellphones. So, I asked, what are we to expect when arrive in Germany?
May 7, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
1/ So, a short legal primer. I am a US lawyer who has lived in DE for 20 years and translated German constitutional-law treatises, so I am an expert. Like most European countries, Germany has laws prohibiting group libel (Volksverhetzung). 2/ Article 5 of Germany's post-war constitution, the Basic Law, protects freedom of speech.