Andrew Magee Profile picture
Psychotherapist in private practice @iomlain | Radically soft | Likes green cars | Opiniones meae
Mar 16, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Thread: I've been meaning to write about trauma for a while now, so here goes: Firstly, psychological trauma is broadly split into two types. There's big T Trauma which relates to one specific traumatic 'index' event; and little t trauma, which refers to multiple smaller repeated traumatic experiences that occur over time. This thread is about big T Trauma.
Feb 23, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I read a tweet yesterday that joked about how seamless the transition from the plague to WWIII had been, and it really left a mark on me about how much this will negatively effect people's mental health. What I'm going to say next will probably get push back: You don't have to know every detail about the war in Ukraine, or about war anywhere. You don't need to know every detail about climate change. Nor do you need to know every detail about homelessness, corruption, famine, poverty, or pestilence.