Andrew Polino Profile picture
American living in Australia 🇺🇲🇦🇺 Digital producer, national and global journalist, video editor, VR enthusiast, and skilled maker of hot sandwiches.
QA_Diva Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jul 10 14 tweets 3 min read
Let's call #Project2025 what it is: a plan to rob Americans of their freedom.

Whether "free country" makes you think of the Bill of Rights, "life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness", or whatever else, Trump & the GOP will steal it.

Here's what we lose under Project 2025: 🧵 FREE SPEECH: Project 2025 puts the FBI and DOJ under Trump's control. Do or say something he hates, and he'll have his DOJ prosecute and penalize you. If your state's prosecutor doesn't want to charge you, Trump will have them kicked out and replaced with one of his choice. 1/
Jul 10 14 tweets 3 min read
Let's call #Project2025 what it is: a plan to rob Americans of their freedom.

Whether "free country" makes you think of the Bill of Rights, "life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness", or whatever else, Trump & the GOP will steal it.

Here's what we lose under Project 2025: 🧵 FREE SPEECH: #Project2025 puts the FBI and DOJ under Trump's control. Do or say something he hates, and he'll have his DOJ prosecute and penalize you. If your state's prosecutor doesn't want to charge you, Trump will have them kicked out and replaced with one of his choice. 1/
Jun 29 13 tweets 3 min read
Since the Supreme Court's Chevron decision has taken independent regulation powers away from government agencies, let's take this opportunity to review what happens now if Trump wins and the GOP gets to launch Project 2025.

Hint: The 2 are connected. 🧵 Abortions could be made nearly impossible nationwide, because

1. Abortion would not be subject to any safety regulation under the Dept. of Health.

2. The president would force the now-powerless FDA to rescind its approval of mifepristone and judges could declare it illegal.
May 20 10 tweets 4 min read
Working in a newsroom in Tampa, Florida for 1 year really drove home how much horrific awfulness you learn to accept as normal life after a while. Just another week at the office.

Here are a few stories I wrote that really encapsulated Florida's utter insanity. 🧵 1/ There were a LOT of shootings. High profile mass murders, domestic violence cases, road rage with guns, and a ton of arguments or personal beefs that turned violent. Teens fired at each other in public. It really was like the wild west out there!…
May 20 8 tweets 2 min read
After 37 years as a solid American, I've left the U.S. My wife and I have been living in her home town of Melbourne, Australia since January, shortly before our baby was born.

We'd always talked about doing it someday, but something happened last year that forced our hand. 1/ 🧵 We lived in Tampa, FL where I worked for local news. My wife got pregnant. We had insurance through my job, so we thought we were golden.

We weren't. We still faced high copays for OB visits and meds for my wife, who had a brutal pregnancy. But that wasn't what drove us out. 2/