How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App God/Christ is "all things in all things" (1 Cor 15:28; Col 3:11) & "in him all things in heaven & on earth r recapitulated" (Eph 1:10) & his "Body is the fullness of the One who fills all things in all things" (1:23), then our relation to Christ guarantees our relation to all. all is obvs too much for a literal 3 yr old (esp. all at once). The way I recall talking w our kids when they were that young is basically just points 1–3: God loves all creation & nothing can stop God's love. Not our mistakes & not even death. We know this bc of Jesus. Gathercole has already set the definitions and agenda for the substitution discussion, we (at least "we" scholars and theologians in the guilds) need to have this discussion on these terms. Anything else and we'll be speaking past each other—speaking different dialects.+ was expected to return: Act 1:11 & 3:20–21. But I think these texts—Mt 26:64; 28:18; Lk 22:69; Acts 1:9–10; 2:31–35; 7:55–56—indicate that "coming on the clouds" corresponds exactly to Dn 7:13–14, which is an ascension/enthronement to receive "authority."’s noteworthy that it does not appear 1) in any relation to the apostolic kerygma, 2) as the grounds for basic "ethic" of conforming to Jesus' death in any NT text, or 3) as the grounds for the gentile mission. But it's these v things that those who think imminence is "core”+ I say, "one man’s act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all" you'd know I'm clearly a universalist, but if I point out Paul said this in Rom 5:18, then it's suddenly "underdetermined/ambiguous." conclude in my diss that this is the v schema Paul is directly opposing in Romans. This is the view of the person Paul addresses & corrects in Rom 2:1, 3, &17ff. *But even if u don't agree w that*, I want to show how Rom 2 is fundamentally incompatible w the rest of the letter.'s ministry teaches us that esp when something becomes a popular "movement" we need to make explicit that w/e we do the telos must be abt conforming ourselves/our communities to the justice of God, which is always abt exalting the material conditions of the poor & oppressed.