Andrew Ng Profile picture
Co-Founder of Coursera; Stanford CS adjunct faculty. Former head of Baidu AI Group/Google Brain. #ai #machinelearning, #deeplearning #MOOCs
Armchair Pundit ... America, Love It or Leave It! Profile picture Ali Asim Kazmi Profile picture Sergey Matyunin Profile picture Charlie Heitzig🌻 Profile picture Neelesh B Profile picture 13 subscribed
May 31, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
1/Thrilled to announce: 3 new Generative AI courses!
* Building Systems with the ChatGPT API, with OpenAI’s @isafulf
* LangChain for LLM Application Development, with LangChain’s @hwchase17
* How Diffusion Models Work, by @realSharonZhou
Check them out: Image @isafulf @hwchase17 @realSharonZhou 2/Building Systems with the ChatGPT API: Go beyond individual prompts, and learn to build complex applications that use multiple API calls to an LLM. Also learn to evaluate an LLM's outputs for safety and accuracy, and drive iterative improvements.…
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
1/The call for a 6 month moratorium on making AI progress beyond GPT-4 is a terrible idea.

I'm seeing many new applications in education, healthcare, food, ... that'll help many people. Improving GPT-4 will help. Lets balance the huge value AI is creating vs. realistic risks. 2/There is no realistic way to implement a moratorium and stop all teams from scaling up LLMs, unless governments step in. Having governments pause emerging technologies they don’t understand is anti-competitive, sets a terrible precedent, and is awful innovation policy.
Jan 3, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
1/Several leaders share their hopes for AI in 2023, including finding key missing pieces that will enable algorithms to reason, building a personal data timeline, improving AI processes, discovering new principles for explainability, and using generative AI for active learning. 2/Yoshua Bengio wants to develop new architectures that can discover and reason with high-level concepts, rather than just brute force the learning process by scaling up existing models’ data and compute.…
Dec 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
1/Large language models like Galactica and ChatGPT can spout nonsense in a confident, authoritative tone. This overconfidence - which reflects the data they’re trained on - makes them more likely to mislead. 2/In contrast, real experts know when to sound confident, and when to let others know they’re at the boundaries of their knowledge. Experts know, and can describe, the boundaries of what they know.