Andy Boreham 安柏然 Profile picture
🇳🇿🇨🇳 Columnist, video @ShanghaiDaily • • Fudan M.A. • INFJ • DM open • 上海日报 • 复旦大学硕士 • 不是吹捧中国的投机者,而是讲述事实的媒体人
PaulJRca Profile picture pachamamista Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 3 12 tweets 13 min read

Have you heard of "Tankman"?

He's the man who stood in front of a tank in Beijing after the so-called "#Tiananmen Square Massacre" of 1989.

But have you seen the entire clip? What happened to him?

I'm going to show how you were lied to... (1/12) Image Here is it. The entire clip. You thought it ended differently, didn't you?

You thought he was brutally massacred and that the Western media was just sparing you the trauma of it all.

But now you know, he didn't die. He wasn't even hurt.

Guess what? There's more! (2/12)
May 31 8 tweets 3 min read

I’ve had a sore throat for about six days. For the past three nights I haven’t been able to sleep much.

I hate hospitals, but I had to go today.

Come with me to a military hospital in Shanghai… 🇨🇳 Image After describing my symptoms, the lady on the front counter said I should go to the respiratory department.

I registered and paid on my phone.

At 2:15pm I had a number.

Doctor fee: 25 yuan (US$3.45) Image
Jul 22, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read

⚠️Before you read the thread below, first answer the following quiz, and don't cheat! 🤣

How many ethnic minorities does #China have?

(Video version of this thread here: ) Okay, if you chose 55, you’re right! If not, don’t worry – you’re not alone!

Many in the West think Chinese people are just that: Chinese. That’s technically correct, but looking at it that way oversimplifies just how complex and diverse the 1.4 billion people of China are. Image
Feb 24, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
⚠️A QUICK ROUNDUP: China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis was released this morning, with 12 points. A short thread. 🧵

Since day one, China’s position on the Ukraine crisis has centered around peace talks & ending the fighting ASAP (the West has ... Image largely ignored this). Now it’s super clear, with more meat.

China now also calls on all parties (incl. the US-led West) to promote peace talks and avoid “fanning the flames and aggravating tensions,” to respect the sovereignty of all nations, to abandon the Cold War ...
Feb 13, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
OHIO: US media are barely covering a massive environmental disaster unfolding there after a train carrying vinyl chloride derailed and exploded.

A journalist reporting the incident has been arrested.

⚠️This disaster would not occur in China. Why? A short thread. 🧵 FIRST AN UPDATE ON OHIO:
⚠️When vinyl chloride burns, is produces dioxin, a potent carcinogen. Despite this, Ohio officials have told residents all is fine.

⚠️Reports suggest handling of the disaster has been poor.

⚠️Locals reported finding dead animals.

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