angelina🍯 Profile picture
🧹🧺🛁🧴she/her 18+. artist. multifan.
小lion 💙 勇往直前! Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 2, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
The conversation around BL is so interesting to me. I recently went to a film festival where two professors of mine had made GL movies. These professors were cis heterosexual males, and it was just a coincidence they both happened upon the same subject matter. It did made me think about to the impulse to make romances without the gender you identify as the center of the story. I think for a lot of cis heterosexual people who are so hemmed in by gender norms, it can really be freeing to work with two characters of the same gender.
Feb 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
let's fucking go #hourlycomicday thomas makes his case for going outside, his proposal is rejected
Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I love going to art supply store it’s so full of the weird little guys and I don’t have to hide what a freaky weird guy I am bc these are my people The guy who helped me with finding my art supplies spent ten minutes making a completely useless plastic handle for the bag I had out of tape & I just let him rock. Like okay u gotta make me a handle. I get it. You needed that and I respect it.
Jan 9, 2022 198 tweets 31 min read
Soulmate AU where.. you don’t get a mark you get the other persons injuries. Zzs waking up covered in hickies & being so pissed his soulmate is a s l u t It gets worse, his soulmate has used a needle to scratch "who are you" into his leg. Zzs "writes" back: F U
Nov 30, 2021 164 tweets 25 min read
wenzhou AU where... zzs moves to a small town to lick his wounds & die, & wkx is..... the local witch. ... 🤔 gu xiang is his apprentice obviously. wkx mostly does... small things. blessing homes, keeping ghosts out, tarot readings, cleaning energy... ppl think he is charming (everyone is still careful, anyway.. a witch is still a witch even when they deal in small magic)..
Nov 30, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
did anyone else read that fic Endless Summer? anyway screencap from Girl who Leapt Through Time redrawn to be wenzhou from that fic... *quiet sobbing* Image here is the fic btw it's so good god bless…
Nov 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
JBY & ZZS best friends bc they are the worlds biggest overthinkers Zzs & jby besties