Angus Profile picture
Architect / Urbanist / Sustainable Urban Mobility / Active Travel / Co-founder @SKELFBikePark
Jul 10 4 tweets 1 min read
For comparison the active travel budget for the *entire country* is £220m/a.

It's long past time for @transcotland
to redirect funding for climate emergency era obsolete road schemes like the M8, A9 & Sherriffhall to sustainable modes. A short history of M8 Wooodside project costs:

*Year* *Cost* *Completion*
Sep 21 £35m Late 23
May 23 £100m Late 24
July 24 £152m Early 26

That’s a >400% rise in costs over a three year period.
Jan 30 25 tweets 3 min read
So, Edinburgh's Circulation Plan is finally out!

The CP set out to significantly rebalance our streets city-wide to meet our now - *extremely pressing* - 2030 Net Zero & 30% car km reduction commitments.
After almost two years of serious graft, the CP has evolved into a huge, sprawling, ambitious, highly complex piece of work that has involved CEC officers, consultants & stakeholders alike often grappling with approaches that are still genuinely novel in the UK context.
Jan 30 8 tweets 2 min read
Agree: Its definitely not either or!

The CPs finalised networks have been much more heavily discussed & properly integrated with other workstreams & modes than the tram work & as such
are likely to be much more definitive (than an offhand paragraph in the tram report)
🧵 Happily, the CP cycle network plan shows the whole Roseburn NEPN corridor being retained as part of the 'secondary cycle network'.