Anna Grzymala-Busse Profile picture
Professor of Political Science @Stanford. Religion, democracy, political parties, Europe, post-communism, the state, and other anxieties.
Apr 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Thrilled that "Tilly Goes to Church" is now available in #FirstView @apsrjournal! The article argues that contrary to bellicist accounts, war did not consolidate states in Europe.

Link here: Instead, medieval popes launched wars, alliances, and crusades against secular rulers, to ensure their own autonomy and power. This papal conflict is closely associated with the rise in the number of states and statelets starting in the 12th century. Image
Dec 5, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Book 🧵
1. My book, Sacred Foundations: the Religious and Medieval Origins of the European State, is coming out with @PrincetonUPress in January 2023. (Pre-order in time for the holiday season, why not?)……? Image 2. How did the state arise in Europe? I argue that the medieval Catholic Church both fragmented territorial authority—and served as a source of institutional templates.