Anonymous Comrades Collective Profile picture
ACC is a journalism collective dedicated to exposing Nazis, racists and fascists. Official Twitter. Please email vs. DM. Email accollective at riseup dot net.
Jul 11 8 tweets 4 min read
Continuing coverage of the 'Nationalist Coalition!'

Meet 25-yo Michigan transplant James William Kreger aka ‘James Karlsson’ of The White Papers Policy Institute - Nazi Propagandist and Sperm Donor Exposed!…
A collage of three face photos of 25-year-old James William Kreger aka 'James Karlsson' of Howell, Michigan. In the center photo he wears a McDonald's uniform polo with the letters "WPPI" for "White Papers Policy Institute" imposed over the shirt logo. James William Kreger who uses the alias 'James Karlsson' is the big brain behind the 'White Papers Policy Institute,' a make-believe think tank intent on mainstreaming fascism and racist policies. That is, when he's not being a college student in Sweden. Image
Jul 2 6 tweets 2 min read
In our continuing coverage of the 'Nationalist Coalition':

Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Hate – Tennessee Nazi Micheal Anthony George aka ‘Great Ape Niggy’…
Image Micheal Anthony George of Savannah, TN, most recently part of the Nationalist Coalition fiasco, commonly used the alias 'Great Ape Niggy’ and was one of the creators of the notorious racist subreddit 'r/coontown' Image
Jun 19 9 tweets 3 min read
Still waters run deep, but ACC is back with an exposé of the newly formed 'Nationalist Coalition'-- new name, but same old dirtbags--with a few fresh faces to boot (or should we say 'jackboot'?) 'The Nationalist Coalition' is the maggot infestation born from the rotting carcass of the NJP. Thanks to a tipster, we've got the dirt on these doofuses Image
Dec 28, 2023 36 tweets 15 min read
It's time again for the annual Anonymous Comrades Collective Year In Review- and what a year it has been! We started off 2023 by reporting on the drama of nazi book publisher Antelope Hill Publishing's relocation to a fancy McMansion in Harleysville, PA. Btw, 'Antelope Hill' is a very intentional name for this publisher (*cough* Ad_lph H_tler 😬)…
Dec 31, 2022 25 tweets 18 min read
It's that that time of year again! You guessed it! Time for the ACC 🎇Year In Review🎇 where we look back at all the nazi losers we've encountered over 2022. Let's begin!
1/25 We started the year off by exposing the white nationalist pastor Blake Louis Kilbourne, aka “Super Lutheran” of Dickinson, ND
Dec 31, 2021 36 tweets 18 min read
2021 is coming to a close, so it's time for the 🎆Big Anonymous Comrades Collective Year In Review Thread! 🎇 Let's check out all the awful people that got exposed this past year and what became of them.
1/ Image As a side note, Twitter locked our account earlier this month because they deemed our post on Vic Mackey/Andrew Casarez as "inappropriate." We appealed but they denied it only four minutes after we appealed, which has to be a record.
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