Anonna Dutt Profile picture
Reporter @IndianExpress | ex @httweets | ex-fellow @endmalaria | alumnus @ACJIndia, @SCMCPune | RTs not endorsement | email: | she/her
Jan 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Woke up to relatives sharing stories of Wuhan scientists warning of NeoCoV that has a mortality of 1 in 3. Alarming, but not really true. Headlines were misleading. Websites played a game of Chinese whisper, quoting a Russian publication quoting a non-peer-reviewed paper. 1/4 With science moving at a fast pace during the pandemic, we have all been referring to non-peer-reviewed papers. But there was no reason to write alarming stories. The mortality of 35% quoted in study is based on estimates off of MERS, not something that's happening. 2/4