Anthony Coley Profile picture
NBC News, MSNBC, & CNBC contributor; Former Head of Public Affairs, U.S. Justice Dept. Obama-era Treasury official. Former Capitol Hill aide. Views are mine.
May 19 5 tweets 1 min read
Morehouse Man here 👋 Quick thought's Biden commencement address 🧵
1/ Biden met the moment. Authentic remarks. He kept the focus on the grads, while weaving in his personal narrative and how his Administration is improving people’s lives... 2/...This is key for a generation who doesn't fully know Biden's backstory thanks to their media diet and age [want to feel old: they were born *after* 9/11!].

My friend @JamalSimmons wrote about this recently
Feb 29 4 tweets 1 min read
What I know for sure: DOJ prepares for every possibility, especially on really big cases.

Even if the Supreme Court waits until the last day of its term (late June-ish) to announce its decision, Trump is still more likely than not to face trial in federal Court THIS year.🧵 How? Any # of ways, like the Gov’t replying to briefs in 2 days not 7. Or bigger ways, like the Court directing Smith to present his argument in 1-2 weeks not 4-6 as Smith estimated. FWIW seditious conspiracy trials w/ mult defendants have been conducted in 8 weeks. /2
Dec 19, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
🧵 on now-debunked narrative that Garland's DOJ wasted 2022...

My great frustration running comms at DOJ is that I couldn’t always correct the record on things that were factually wrong – matters related to grand juries, for instance. 1/ That inability to insert key facts into the public discourse often leaves the public with a wrong impression – or incomplete context – of DOJ’s work.

In the gap, many well-meaning people speculate wildly and often come to wrong conclusions. 2/
Jun 7, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Here’s my public service announcement, a reminder, for the day: Trump creates and thrives off of chaos. It’s his playbook. And sometime uninformed people are cited, wrongly, as credible sources. (THREAD) Remember when a “senior Justice Department source” told a nat'l outlet that Garland didn’t know the date or time of the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago on Aug 8th or was asked to approve it? False. Garland rebutted that on-the-record on Aug. 11th. (2)