Jazz Fans Against Racism Profile picture
Rooting out racism while rooting for the Utah Jazz. Supporting athletes who #SpeakUpandDribble. Intersectional. #TakeNote
Feb 8, 2022 40 tweets 12 min read
Friends it's time to talk about my church a bit. I preface this thread by saying I'm currently an active and lifelong member of the LDS Church & was employed at the church's university BYU for 8 yrs. I speak as an insider who loves my faith and wants it to be better. #takenote 1/ It's no secret that my church is a predominant part of Utah culture. It's also no secret that racism has been part of its history. Up until 4 yrs before I was born Black men were barred from being ordained to the priesthood and Black women from receiving temple ordinances. 2/
Jul 14, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Did you see @SenMikeLee's latest Op-ed about Critical Race Theory published yesterday in the @DeseretNews? Let's discuss! Please enjoy this thread about "Critical But Theory." 1/13

deseret.com/opinion/2021/7… Lee begins: "I learned as a child it is much easier to tear down than to build something worthwhile. It seems our political discourse has forgotten this simple lesson."

Indeed. For example, Lee's been spending a ton of time lately trying to tear down the boogeyman of CRT. 2/
Jun 17, 2021 25 tweets 6 min read
Hey let's talk for a sec about sports fan depresh. (Caveat: we can still turn the series around tomorrow, but a lot of people are feeling really down today—including me! I am a fanatic, I take this stuff to heart!) Is sports fan depression a real thing? #TakeNote 1/ Yep. Therapists have said they often meet with client/fans who report feelings of loss, despair, anger, irritability, inability to focus on work or family, sleep disruption, and other common symptoms of depression. If u feel like this you aren't weird or bad or wrong or dumb. 2/
Jun 16, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Haha looks like Morris never heard of the burger bar, home of the "Big Ben." seems certain to me Morris never tried the lime ricky at warrens yet