Ante Krištić ⛪ Profile picture
Christ, Zagreb, Croatia - my identity by that order. Husband, father. Medieval history (of Croatia) addict. Logical. Still enough place for Dinamo and Man Utd.
Jan 21, 2024 31 tweets 8 min read
Malo o grobovima hrvatskih kraljeva.

Pročitate li ovaj 🧵 saznat ćete odgovor na pitanje gdje su se nalazili grobovi nekih naših vladara i kako je hrvatska historiografija došla do te spoznaje.

Ove informacije trebao bi poznavati svatko tko imalo drži do povijesti Hrvata.⬇️ Image U prvoj polovini 13. st. u Splitu je živio i djelovao kao arhiđakon stanoviti Toma, čija je ostavština djelo o povijesti salonitanske (=splitske) crkve poznato kao Historia Salonitana. Image
Dec 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Do you know what is a [small?] contribution of 3 members of Croatian people to the whole Christian world?

What could be possible relation between Christ, Gethsemane garden and Croatians?
🧵 Image Well, the year is 1681 when 3 brothers, Antun [Anthony], Pavao [Paul] i Jakov [Jacob] Branković, Croats from city of Sarajevo (🇧🇦), decided to sell everything what they had and buy a Gethsemane garden from its then owners (some Turkish Muslims) and gifted it to the Franciscans.⬇️ Image
Dec 19, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Posljednja bosanska kraljica Mara Branković, udovica kralja Stjepana Tomaševića, nakon pada Bosne (lipanj 1463.g.) nekoliko godina živjela je u [mletačkom] Splitu, u samostanu Sv. Stjepana pod Borovima (na današnjem Sustipanu).

To su oni borići s druge strane zaljeva.

O tome... Image ...jasno svjedoči pismo mletačke vlade svom knezu u Split datiranom 11.XII.1469.

Iz tog pisma saznajemo da je splitski knez prethodno pisao u Veneciju da kraljicu Maru u samostanu često posjećivali neki Bosanci i Ugri. Image
Apr 20, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Unpopular opinion:
Kralj Petar Krešimir IV i hrvatske granice!

Jesu li i vas (na)učili da je hrvatska [srednjovjekovna] država svoj najveći doseg/opseg ostvarila za vrijeme vladavine kralja Petra Krešimira IV?

Te su teze najčešće potkrijepljivane kartama kakve vidimo ispod 👇🏽. Image Karte su neujednačene što se tiče srednjovjekovne Slavonije. Potpuno s razlogom jer izvori za Slavoniju toliko su škrti tako da ni dan danas ne postoji apsolutan i neoboriv stav da je Slavonija bila u sklopu Hrvatskog kraljevstva, a ako i jest, u kojim granicama [prema istoku]. ImageImage
Jan 3, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
Thread 🧵
Jeste li znali da se područje koje danas obuhvaća gradove #Okučani, #Novska, #Daruvar i #Pakrac u srednjem vijeku nazivalo #Svetačje?

Mili-isječak iz povijesti srednjovjekovne Slavonije + jedan iz popisa [u pravilu izostavljeni] hrvatski ban. Termin "srednjovjekovna Slavonija" puno je drugačiji i širi od onoga što je danas poznato kao moderna Slavonija.
Jan 13, 2022 45 tweets 12 min read
Heroes of Gvozdansko!

#OnThisDay (January 13) in 1578 Ottomans captured Croatian fortress #Gvozdansko.

This event has absolutely no echo in European history because it was one relatively small fortress which fell to Ottomans among so many others.

One mega BUT follows Story of its siege and final fall into hands of the enemy hides most vivid example of the greatest possible heroism of the defenders absolutely rare in the history of warfare which amazed even the enemy.
Nov 6, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
House within the house.

City of #Bol on island #Brač, #Croatia.

What is the story behind this remarkable object?

Thread ⬇️

📸 by @sky_high_lullaby99 (instagram profile) During the 19th ct. in the town of Bol lived a large Vuković family of 6 brothers.

3 of them were priests and the other 3 were successful naval captains.

The brothers owned a fairly large sailing ship which successfully traded the Mediterranean and earned them a great wealth.⬇️
Jun 30, 2021 27 tweets 8 min read
Srbi i Turci, mit o velikoj mržnji, srpskom stradanju i junačkom otporu
Dio II

U prvom dijelu mogli ste vidjeti u kojim su se okolnostima susrela dva svijeta, srpski i turski, u kojim okolnostima je došlo do prvog velikog sukoba (1371.) u kojem je srpska vojska izašla poražena. Prije nego nastavim, dečkima koji su se tad skupili pod vodstvom braće Mrnjavčević svaka čast.
Imali su ambiciju napasti Turke, satrati ih i otjerati iz Europe.

Ambicija je to koju europski kršćanski zapad tada nije prepoznavao.

A nije niti "prava" Srbija.
Jun 28, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read
Srbi i Turci, mit o velikoj mržnji, srpskom stradanju i junačkom otporu

Dio 1

Nerijetko s istočnih akademskih i drugih krugova možete čuti narativ o nekakvoj stoljetnoj patnji i stradanju srpskog naroda od strane Turaka. Historijski gledano to baš i nije bilo tako.

Thread⬇️ Image U turskom osvajanju „zapada“ Srbi su Turcima bili od svih naroda najbolji saveznici i nijedan slavenski narod nije se toliko okoristio višestoljetnom vladavinom Turaka kao Srbi.

A o nekakvom višestoljetnom otporu nema govora.
Apr 14, 2021 51 tweets 30 min read
Dalmatia through history.
Part III:

In previous 2 threads you could have read:
1) about the therm Dalmatia and what it meant in the time of creation
2) what was left of her after crash of Roman authority and arrival of Slavs

In this "sequel" we will see how Dalmatia, from the scattered cities and islands, has become what we consider Dalmatia today.

I will also explain where the historical pretensions of the Italians to Dalmatia came from.

Let's go in order.
Apr 13, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Malo o @Electrolux Hrvatska.

Možda ja krivo razmišljam, ali svejedno sam razočaran pa da se pojadam...

Od kad sredismo svoju gajbu, a ima tome više od desetljeća, skoro svi aparati u kući su Electrolux...
1. Indukcijska ploča Zanussi (isto njihova), zamijenjena nakon 12 godina novom Electrolux
2. Pećnica
3. Perilica suđa
4. Perilica rublja
5. Sušilia rublja
6. Grill plata
7. Mikrovalka
8. Kuhalo za vodu...

I u svakoj kategoriji top uređaj.
I uglavnom sam zadovoljan; uređaji svi traju.

I pazi sad...
Apr 13, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Ajmo Bayern... Ove polušanse moraju se počet i zabijati...
Apr 13, 2021 5 tweets 7 min read
On April 13, 1221 pope Honorius III wrote to citizens of #Split inviting them to fight against pirates of #Omiš and that he sends them his legate Akoncius as suport in organisation of fight vs. pirates and heretics.
⬇️ #Omiš then was managad by count Malduk and bis brothers, members of noble family #Kačić, one of 12 legendary Croatian noble families.

Citizens of Omiš had centuries long tradition of piracy and in those times it was not only local problem.
Apr 12, 2021 6 tweets 8 min read
On April 12, 1304 we have recorded presence of Mathew (emissary of Serbian king Stephen Uroš II Milutin) in #Dubrovnik passing by on a meeting with ban of #Croatia and #Bosnia and master of #Hum Paul I of family #Šubić for the interests of his realm ("na rabotu kraljevstva mi"). Image Earlier that same month king Milutin wrote to Dubrovnik asking them to prepare a vessel for his emissary and to transport him to the city of #Skradin, where the seat of ban Paul was.
Jan 19, 2021 24 tweets 12 min read
#Dalmatia through history.
Part II: How Dalmatia became #Croatia

In Part I (👇🏿) you could find out how the term Dalmatia originated and what it represented at the time of its origin (after 9 AD).

Now let's move on further.⬇️
The province of Dalmatia was large. It included the territories of modern states:
- Croatia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (without Sava valley)
- Montenegro and
- (western) Serbia.

Well, how did we come from THAT Dalmatia to what we know today under the term Dalmatia? ⬇️ Image
Dec 15, 2020 17 tweets 7 min read
Dalmatia through history.
Part I: The Name

The name Dalmatia is today well known throughout the Globe. Average European knows for sure it is southern part of Croatia, a little less average don't know that „Croatian part“ but relate it as tourist brand and destination.⬇️ Dalmatia region and its cou... Throughout the globe the term Dalmatia is recognized by one sort of dogs, a Dalmatian, which originates from it.

Walt Disney made this enormous free advertisement so even an average American at least heard of it.⬇️ ImageImageImageImage
Dec 14, 2020 14 tweets 6 min read
Dalmacija kroz povijest.
Dio I: Ime

Manje više svi znamo što predstavlja Dalmacija danas; to je najjužnija i najljepša regija Hrvatske, prebogata povijesnom i kulturnom baštinom.

Evo par zanimljivih informacija iz prošlosti koje vas možda zanimaju, a niste ih znali. ⬇️ Porijeklo imena Dalmacije.

Ime Dalmacija je rimsko i datira iz prvog stoljeća poslije Krista.
Međutim, korijen toga naziva još je stariji, ne znamo ni sami koliko datira u prošlost...