Piers Morgan invited one of the worst people online on his show yesterday, despite refusing to speak to @TRobinsonNewEra over fake "Islamophobia" concerns.
Myron Gaines is an open supporter of Hitler and Nazis and is openly against Jews. Here is a random thread. @piersmorgan
Myron Gaines AKA Amroud Fudl (probably embarassed with his Arabic/Sudanese name) frequently attacks Jews (but also Non-Jews) in short responses like these.
Dec 23, 2024 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
I'm an Ex-Muslim.
I know that many ex-Muslims & critics of Islam want to believe that the Christmas market terrorist in Germany is an undercover jihadist Muslim who pretended to be against Islam to harm non-Muslims.
It's more complicated than that. 🧵
First: Why did he do it?
According to him, he was at war with an Ex-Muslim refugee organization. He accused the German government of collaborating with this org to abuse Saudi refugees. He claimed that the government was after him because he was trying to uncover their crimes.
Oct 15, 2024 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
I don't know who Asmongold is, but he's right. The "Palestinians" are not the victims. Islam is genocidal.
Here is the evidence.🧵
1. Hamas openly aims for the eradication of Jews. It is in their original charter and in many speeches ever since. This is genocidal intent.
Aug 18, 2024 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Let's fact check.
This blurry image has been going around forever although it is vastly fake. To those who say, "Why are you defending the Talmud?"
Because somebody has to do the job when there are thousands who spread stupidity. I'll do my best.
4. Let's start with the easiest first. I would try to explain what the text actually says, but I can't because the text does not exist.
Yes, it is a fabricated source. There is no "Gad Shas." This alone should make the propagandists rethink their stance. They won't.
Mar 2, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Alright. Time to fact-check this story.
You have probably seen images of this Gazan child shared widely, accompanied by the claim that "Israel is systematically starving children to death" and that the child looks like this because there is no food left. That's false.
The moment I saw this I thought it didn't entirely add up. Why does only this one child look like this? How are most Gazans walking and running around normally and publishing TikTok videos, but this little child is somehow starving to death?
It turns out that the story is half-true. The most important context is left out in the viral story, and it debunks the claim that Israel is deliberately starving the children of Gaza to death.
The child's name is Yazan al-Kafarna. Yazan suffers from cerebral palsy which prevents him from eating food like all the other kids. Many cerebral palsy patients cannot eat food the normal way due to severe motor impairments that are there from birth, which is why they need assistance or pureed food. Some are fed with a feeding tube. Yazan is one of those children.
In this photo you can see two things:
1. While Yazan is severely malnourished the woman next to him is not starving. 2. He is in a hospital bed, attached to a tube.
While it is true that Yazan is underfed, this is not because of the absence of food but rather because his special nutritional and healthcare needs are not met.