Alexander Iulianus Profile picture
Pious to Jove, King of All | Platonic Hellenism | |
Apr 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The "Problem of Evil" presupposes the objective existence of evil. Since objective evil (that is evil by itself) does not exist, both solutions here are incorrect. What we call "evil" is the absence of goodness; when we experience evil, we experience a decline of goodness. Put simply: it is good to exist, thus anything that exists must be good.

Given all things share unity in the good of existence, the greatest and the least goods are actually one within this superessential union of goodness by virtue of their participation in existence.
Dec 20, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
There were a few who replied to this asking for clarification, so I shall provide clarification forthwith.

As the gods are prior to the cosmos, it is impossible for us to state that primally latent in any god or goddess is some sort of cosmic "function", "purpose", "role", etc. To state the essence of a god is to fulfil a "function" is equivalent to stating the function of trees is to be material for building boats. Trees existed long before humans were building boats out of them, and they exist and have their particular being for their own sake.
Dec 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is the reality: the age of nationalism is over; Europe faces forces so great and so immense that any kind of internal particularism will ensure Europe's incapacity to project power on the global stage. Its national cultures must be fiercely preserved, but Europe must be one. It's pure fantasy to entertain reversing the tide of globalism and industry. Both have been immensely harmful, but it's too late. Any nation that would attempt reversal would find itself the immediate prey of those who are fearless in exploiting the new world order.
Aug 10, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
Aquinas betrays his misunderstanding of Platonism by reading into Proclus the painfully common and erroneous dualist interpretation of Plato's theory of forms. The need he believes found lacking in Proclus is not one that occurs when the ideas/forms are properly understood. The false theory of forms that sets a hard duality between a thing and that thing's form, i.e., between an object and the idea of that object, is not Platonic. This comes from a narrow and facile reading of Plato, though unfortunately it has proliferated since antiquity.
Apr 15, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Procession-reversion simultaneity is the activity of any being that has proceeded; that is, any being that has 'gone forth' as something differentiated from its cause, thus the being itself produces the motion. But I shall explain: This proceeded being, or the procession, shares an imminent likeness/nature with its cause as causes produce what is like to themselves and not unlike. The degree to which they become unlike is in one being the cause and the other being the caused.
Apr 14, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Defence for early sexual education focuses on the claim that by teaching sexual consent to children, they will be better able to identify sexual proposals and situations, and so reduce the sexual abuse of children. However, they teach both positive and negative consent. Teaching children consent constructs a gateway to sex that didn't prior to exist. Early sex ed advocates say this helps children avoid sexual abuse when the gate is closed, but the other consequence is it formalises possibility for the gate to be opened.
Apr 13, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Regardless of how much we're told that 'technically speaking' Christian theology imbibes the world with the image of God, the attitudes Christianity gestates in its followers have always been against the world. It's evidence the spirit of the religion contradicts its theory. Of course, the response is to quote this saint, to refer to that theologian. The issue is that religion is much more than just the authorised view, it gestates in the soul a "feeling" derived from the religion's spiritual zeitgeist which transcends theology and doctrine.
Sep 28, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
It's absurdity to conclude that Emperor Julian's appreciation of Judaic dedication to proper observance of their cult meant that he desired to adopt their dietary laws. The main substance of his point here was to highlight Christianity's ethnic rootlessness: Jewish nor Hellene. It's a very common, strange, but real dishonesty so often offered by contemporaries that Emperor Julian had a serious appreciation for Judaism. Much of the substance in his critique of Christians is against Judaism, which he so clearly states is inferior to Greco-Roman tradition.
Sep 27, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
This is why pure reductive racialism is dysfunctional. It's European-descent people who are inflicting the hell of our day upon themselves. Yes, there are many causal factors as to why, but if morality and values were purely biological, they shouldn't change with the weather. Where races mark their greatest differences is in the breadth of their potency. Just because a race may have the POTENTIAL to achieve a certain level of goodness does not automatically mean every member of that race ACTUALISES the same level of goodness.
Sep 26, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I am reposting my tweets from this thread below because I thought it was worth sharing. Regards the Christian theology of divine grace and love which they say is given to all beings "unconditionally" by God. Read the QT'd thread if you want more context. The good of all beings is implicit in their very being, and all beings have their origin in the gods, so yes in that sense. However, there is no 'conditioning' with the gods, so to say the good of all beings is willed "unconditionally" would be fallacious terming.
Jul 21, 2021 23 tweets 5 min read
You misunderstand.

Body resides within soul as its activity, so union necessarily cannot be accidental. Sense faculties are product of the soul's prior activity expressed through its body; it cannot be 'of the body' in and of itself as bodies do not intrinsically possess senses. To say the sense faculties are a "necessary component" of an activity within its prior cause violates the principle of procession. As prior to sense faculties (SFs), intellect within soul gives rise to SFs alongside the rest of the body within which the SFs are integrally part.
Jul 21, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
There are so many 'heresies' to contend with within the sphere of European religion that it makes efforts to meaningfully convert people mostly a joke. Even if you succeed initially, they can so easily be led astray and come into a position where apostasy is inevitable. The truth is that calling our religio in its current state a "tradition" is at best mere rhetoric. Not because it can't become a tradition, but because what that tradition entails is an awful mess of disagreements and inconsistencies. Such cannot be meaningfully called tradition.
Jul 16, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
The process was a bit idiosyncratic. I begun with a simple Pythagorean assumption that 12 was a more complete number than 7, so it would be a better number of days in the week. From that, I begun to build the calendar just to see where it would take me. Since giving each month an equal number of days would've meant splitting some weeks in half between the months, I followed the Pythagorean logic of identifying the dyad with the feminine and the triad with the masculine, so goddess months have two weeks and god months have three.
May 21, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read

It's a sad fact many "converts" abuse the lack of a native European religious moral authority to affirm their existing habits and vices. Usually ex-Christians totally incapable of controlling their vices, they convert to abuse every ambiguity to try justify their lives. They treat apostasy as a liberation from chafing moral obligations, their "conversion" giving them licence to now indulge in every proclivity without guilt or circumspect. They treat the cultus deorum as a blank canvas they can use to paint whatever morality they desire.
May 5, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Much in the world makes sense when you realise that Judaism values a witness' observation of an event more highly than evidence for the event itself. Its judicial system relied on witnesses, the Torah stating two or more witnesses was enough to indict someone of a crime. This attitude of legitimate truth via witness came to us in Christianity, whereby the whole of Europe observed the truth of Christ not by evidence but by witness, and so we embraced the authenticity of witnessed account over evidence. Hence forgiveness absolves evil by agreement.
Mar 31, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
It is more than mere preference. Platonism is Soul's divine science towards truth, so the judgement is in what can be argued as nearer to what is true rather than what best suits our sensibilities. Platonism emerges from tradition, but it has also been refined over centuries. And this divine science gives us the means to perfect our traditions, an unprecedented capacity to not only know the true value of the inherited cultus deorum, but to also rectify its path should it be led astray and to help navigate it through the tumult of an unknown tomorrow.
Mar 27, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Why believe in many gods and goddesses?

Because the supremacy and glory of the Supreme is not to be thought compact or contained, but overflowing with an immeasurable magnitude. His court is not vacant, but filled with his divine godly vassals and holy retainers. Image All the cosmos in its multitude of forms stand as testimony to the supremacy and beauty of their King- why should beauty be here in such grandness and magnitude, and not 'There'? Surely we may say, with certain confidence, that what we find grand here must be even grander there.
Mar 25, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
— Hesiod's Theogony: a thread. —
I beckon thee, o divine Muses; ye sacred bringers of holy harmony and concord, to ye I raise my prayer: bear in me thy fruits most righteous, mould my thoughts to thy beauty, allow thy light illumine my mind, so all that I say may attest to truth. Image There will be two threads (due to Twitter's limitations), split into three parts.

1st thread:
1. Myth as theological allegory.
2. Modern difficulty interpreting Hesiod.

2nd thread:
3. The theology of Hesiod's divine succession.

Check the first tweet's QRT for the 2nd thread.
Mar 1, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
It is frustrating that Christians, when asserting the resurrection's historicity, their evidence is just the mere alleging by NT authors of there being some many hundreds of witnesses. When suggesting they could just be fabricated, it's replied "the lie would be simply too big." It shouldn't need to be said that the rate at which information spread in antiquity has utterly no parallel with today. There is this strange assumption that these witnesses could be verified with, that fabricating them would be impossible because people would check on them.
Feb 15, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the
organized habits and opinions of the masses is an
important element in democratic society. Those who
manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute
an invisible government which is the true ruling
power of our country. “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.
Feb 14, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Greco-Roman culture is generally still thought as superstitious today. But as for the "aesthetics", it's quite rich to enter into the European world and ask why it doesn't love and respect your culture - a culture totally alien to Europeans - the same as it does its own. If you have internalised a belief that European culture is superior to your own, then that is your own issue. There is no obligation on Europeans to reciprocate love just because of this, just as there is no obligation on other races to love Europe.