Senior Developer at Paizo, RPG writer, former archaeologist, cook, and general history/science enthusiast—he/him
May 31, 2019 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
I have many feelings about this (one is just “WTF”).
Others involve sexual violence having no place in convention games, GMs being ambassadors of the game they’re running (and the TTRPG experience as a whole), and more. Since con season’s started, it’s worth a reminder for GMs.
First off, I am upset that this happened and sickened that someone was exposed to this experience. Conventions and gaming should be fun.
I hope that this person can enjoy something more of the expo and that this GM runs no more games.
Jun 23, 2018 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
@dreadpiratedan asked me for tips about writing one-shot adventures in the spirit of Pathfinder Society scenarios. There’s a lot that goes into that, so I’m writing up a series of recommendations tonight and over the course of the next week.
I’m also happy to answer other questions and make this more of an ongoing thing, so speak up if you’d like to hear more.