Para Handy Profile picture
Teller of truth. Exposer of liars. Champion of the underdog. Scourge of hypocrites. Ochone ochee if Dougie was here he would tell you
2 subscribers
Oct 26, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Nicola Sturgeon did not break the ministerial code rules the Scottish Government's Independent Legal Advise.
We go live to BBC Scotland to witness their news department's luminaries reaction to this news
Glenn Campbell Laura McIvor
Sep 6, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
'Operation Branchform'
Scottish Police/COPFS are on the spot. Its a factor they never considered.
Donors to the SNP Fundraiser.
@MeidasScotland through 38 degree petition got 832 donors in 30 hours stating 'Monies donated were spent within the remit and spirit it was given.
It shook the UK Unionist Establishment set piece takedown of the SNP
Prosecute and they face the defence spectacle of Donor/Witness after Donor/Witness Hour after Hour, Day after Day, Week after Week testify
Monies donated were spent within the remit and spirit it was donated
Aug 24, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
You don't know what you've got till it's gone.
The Scottish Government governed since 2007 by a minority SNP administration have improved the lot of the Scottish people in the face of a UK Government with the opposite in mind.
read on
It is an impressive itinerary individually and as a whole the lives of everybody in Scotland are just that bit better than the other component parts of the UK despite the efforts of Unionists.
Aug 15, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
Open letter to the Independence Movement.
We are all being played by the UK Unionist Establishment aided and abetted by an all too willing UK Press and Broadcasters.
What has happened over the last 10 years is textbook to the point its 'bloody obvious'
Read on -
The SNP under Alex Salmond caught the UK Government flat-footed with no game plan for the scenario. They believed in their arrogance Jack McConnell's boast on the announcement of the Scottish Parliament electoral system 'We have legislated the SNP ever getting power'
Jul 27, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Nuclear Power Generation is neither.
Safe - Green - Clean.
It is beyond dispute, debate or argument
From Mining the Uranium ore - Processing into fuel - Generation Plant - Post operation clean up - Waste
Mining the Uranium Ore.
Pollutants from mining of uranium can contaminate aquatic ecosystems for hundreds of years, threatening downstream communities and fish and wildlife. Even small amounts of some pollutants can poison fish -
Jul 16, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
How to cancel the TV License.
1. Go to website
2. Complete form
Important! TICK box that you want your records delated to comply with GDPR regulations (by law they must comply)
3. They will contact you to confirm you don't meet requirements
4. Confirm
1/… TV Licence authority contact you every 2-3 years to enquire if your circumstances changed.
If the letter is addressed to you by name. Return it advising they have broken GDPR regulation and therefore the law. Instruct them to resend marked for the 'Occupier' sign 'Occupier'
Jul 2, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Scotland's Central Bank
Timeline for creating a central bank and therefore a currency trading on the International Financial Markets.
Answer: On the day of Independence.
Precedent: Slovakia.
Nation state came into being on the 1st January 1993 from the break-up of Czechoslovakia.

Jun 30, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
SNP 'Problems' and the reality.
Big play has been made on these problems, and the SNP stupidly have acknowledged and accepted the accusation.
Two main accusations
1. SNP Finances
2. SNP Government Public services
So let's look at each
SNP Finances.
Fundraiser achieved £600k monies were accounted for in yearly audits.
Playing on interpretation of 'referendum campaign'
No friends of the SNP Clerkin, Murray, Campbell (wings version) complained to the police. Note all 3 had recent run-ins with Scot Police
Jun 26, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Alistair Jack Bet
James Cook the 'Scotland Editor for BBC News'
Made an editorial decision to put a news embargo that Alistair Jack Secretary of State of Scotland placed bets on the General Election Date. This information was known by the broadcaster weeks ago.
Joe Pike Political Investigations Correspondent for BBC Scotland advised he had the information first hand from Alistair Jack. The broadcaster has been careful not to divulge the date they got this information and the date James Cook decision was made to impose a news blackout
Jun 2, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read
Points John Swinney @JohnSwinney should raise in the debate to the Unionist Party's
1. Will you reverse the 1999 Marine Boundary order that assigned 6,000 sqm of Scottish Seaboard as far as Montrose to English Jurisdiction?
2 cont 2. Will you change the Internal Market Bill allowing the UK Government to privatize Scottish Water Due to the legislation allows that to happen without consultation or agreement with the Scottish Government?
3 cont
May 11, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Proposed SNP Policy on interaction with the Press and Broadcasters.
1. Compile a list of examples of bias from individual Journalist Impersonators. So they can be challenged ie 'Don't trust you to be Impartial, Balanced and Unbiased but will give it a go, want to challenge that' 2. No guaranteed question at any press conferences no matter the Individual or Press and Broadcaster they represent.
3. Short curt answers, No follow up questions, Coordinated set piece ambushes met with 'I answered that earlier' and move on
Apr 7, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
Scottish Labour (Optional Identity Title of the Regional Accounting Unit of the UK Labour Party)
Are making a lot of effort in pushing 'Time for a change'
But are reticent in committing to or even saying what these changes will be.
Here are some issues they can clarify
1: Rescind the 1999 Marine Boundary Order that transferred 6,000 sq mile of seaboard to English jurisdiction
2: Keep free University Tuition
3: Keep free personal and nursing care to everyone who needs it, regardless of age.
4: Keep Baby Boxes filled with essential items
Feb 25, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Scotland didn't start the fire.
BBC, GB News, Sky TV, ITV, STV, Channel 4.
Daily Record, Daily Mail, Sun, Star, Scotsman, Herald.
Sunak, Starmer, Sarwar, Ross every one's a dead loss.
Stuart Campbell, Clerkin, Murray, Scottish Police in the pockets or the elite
1/ House of Commons, House of Lords, Holyrood, Colonial Quay, Queen Elizabeth House.
Democracy, Autocracy, People Voice, Mandates ignored.
PFI, Faslane, Rusting hulks, McCrone Report.
Orange order, Zionism, Russian donors, Referendum refused.
Dec 23, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Israel states it has the right of self-defence and therefore the right to retaliate against any attack.
However Israel is designated as the 'belligerent occupying power' of Palestine (Gaza-West Bank)
In International Law the inhabitants of the occupied territory have the right to resist.
Article 51 of the UN Charter makes that clear and beyond dispute.
Therefore actions taken by the IDF are not covered in the Geneva Convention under 'Self Defence'
Dec 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Reminds me of the 'I am your King monologue from 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'
“King Arthur: I am your king.
Peasant Woman: Well, I didn't vote for you.
King Arthur: You don't vote for kings.
Peasant Woman: Well, how'd you become king, then?
[Angelic music plays... ]
1/ King Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. That is why I am your king.
Nov 6, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Operation Branchform the Scottish Police investigation into an allegation £600,000 was unaccounted for in the SNP accounts.
The investigation started in July 2021 and is still ongoing.
So let's do some accounting on the accounting of the numbers involved in the investigation.
2 full years so lets say 48 working weeks per year plus August ,September, October this year = 12 weeks this year giving a grand total of 108 working weeks so round down to 100 weeks of Scot Police investigation.
Oct 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The next 2 years.
Labour has a 10% lead in the polls over the Conservatives.
Too close for Labours comfort they will double down on mirroring the Conservative right wing reactionary free market policies the vote winner with the English voters the only ones that win elections
These right-wing policies are abhorrent to the Scottish voter.
This explains the unprecedented effort by the UK Unionist Establishment together with their client Press and Broadcasters to break the SNP now before the reality hits.
Oct 6, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Rutherglen and Hamilton West By-Election 5th Oct 23
The view from the Bridge of the Vital Spark.
What can be taken from the result?
Firstly it was a bad night for the SNP there is no getting away from it.
It should hurt and cause reflection on the cause of independence.
1/ Press & Broadcasters.
In a post-victory post-orgasmic ecstasy at the result they will be going to their work with changes of underwear and copious quantities of Panty Liners to avoid to seepage of their erogenous secretions leaving a trail behind them.
See thread on what to do
Sep 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Thames Water: List of places across London left without water… So it's the start of the water crisis in England. Be in no doubt this is the future in the country as the declining levels in the aquifers where most of England's water comes from becomes unrecoverable. Compounding lower river levels that caused this outage.
Aug 9, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
SNP and the Press and Broadcasters.
For Scottish Self Determination to be achieved the SNP have to face the fact that every Newspaper and Broadcaster are Unionist and they ain't going to change.
Therefore treat them the same way as Unionist Party's - as opponents.
There has to be a sea change in the party on how these Journalist Impersonators are dealt with.
1. Confront them with the fact they are Biased Unionist mouthpieces working for Unionist propaganda outlets.
State it as a matter of fact and challenge them to dispute it
Jul 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
BBC Scotland
TV drop of of 33% of viewers since 2014
Radio 17% of population tune in
The Nine flagship news program 12,000 viewers
Such statistics in normal business would result in a top to bottom clear of staff and a new business model / offer to stop the decline.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is the basis that all business is judged on.
Clearly, BBC Scotland does not include how many watch or listen to their output in their KPI's
It is a staggering conclusion to reach for a broadcaster that's aim is to communicate with the public