Archer Bowman Profile picture
Christian, husband, father, veteran, former Never-Trumper. Liberty, women's spaces, Amendment X. I/Me/Mine
Dec 26, 2018 9 tweets 10 min read
@Calimerog11 @ReallyAwakenNow @WelshPatriot74 @YouTube You sound like my kind of person, except I think you're a bit confused.
I did NOT vote for Trump. I think the guy is a First Class A-Dub. However, he is the duly elected POTUS and I'll give him a shot because, like you, I'm a patriot and took an oath to the Constitution. @Calimerog11 @ReallyAwakenNow @WelshPatriot74 @YouTube The problem I see is vast corruption in our government that has chosen party over Constitution. We say the Obama admin violate the Constitution and the abuse the power of the national government to punish and silence those who simply had differing political views.