Marketing strategy from interrogation, analysis, & visualisation. OSINT meddling.
'Knows some random shit', according to experts.
#rstats muddler.
Oct 5, 2024 • 26 tweets • 6 min read
Part 2 of the TV thread. (I broke it somehow)
The story so far: CRT then Plasma now LCD... you're all caught up)
Initially LCD TVs had CCFL backlights (Cold Cathode Fluorescent) - basically fluorescent tubes on the side of the screen that shone onto a reflective backing...
...and that illuminated the LCD screen. This meant that the screens could be quite thin, but did have the disadvantage that the uniformity of light across the screen wasn't ideal. This is sometimes called the "dirty screen effect'. <image is from Gadget review>
Oct 5, 2024 • 16 tweets • 4 min read
Ok, for the... er... eight people that requested it, a 🧵about TV technology and buzzwords.
To make the thread longer I'm going to add in a bit of history and context.
Here we go...
Until the late 1990s Televisions used Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs). They were big, heavy, bulky and had a limitation on the size of the screen - the weight of the glass and the energy required to shoot and control an electron limited the domestic screens to around 32 inches.
Jun 1, 2023 • 43 tweets • 10 min read
Ok, for all of you except those six misanthropes, a thread about laundering reputations.
This is not the process where a company or person admits that it has done something wrong and seeks redemption in the eyes of the public, it is the process of hiding dirty deeds.
The saying goes that what's on the internet is forever, but that's only partly true. Some of the content on the internet is ephemeral - it disappears when sites go out of business, when specific "right to be forgotten" laws are enacted, when social media accounts are deleted...