ArielTroster (she/her) Profile picture
Councillor for Somerset Ward in Ottawa. Liaison for Women and 2SLGBTQ+ Affairs. Laser focus on ending homelessness. Follow @Somerset_Ward for official updates.
Aug 15, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
The sentiment I hear from so many folks in Centretown when knocking on doors, is that people feel like they can never leave their current apartments, because they will never be able to afford to stay in the neighbourhood otherwise. Here are some ideas on how to help (a 🧵) ... 1. We need to stop the loss of moderately priced rentals in the city. We lose 7 affordable rentals for every one that we build. A rental housing acquisition fund could buy up these homes when they go up for sale, and transfer ownership to non-profits like @CCOChousing.
Jul 3, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
A 🧵 on why “keep taxes low” is a disingenuous and irresponsible municipal campaign promise.

Did you know that municipalities manage 60% of Canada’s infrastructure and only receive 10 cents on every tax $? That’s roads, bridges, buses, trains, pools, community centres + more. Property taxes are municipalities’ only source of revenue, except for some federal funding sources that go straight to cities (the Canada Community Building Fund and permanent transit fund, if you must know). Property taxes are a bad source of revenue, no one likes to pay more.
Mar 19, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This piece by @shawnmicallef poses important questions. We absolutely need more purpose-built social housing, but we also need more housing, period. Greater density is not the enemy. But councillors must remain impartial and not take developer donations.… I will not take money from developers in my campaign for city council. But that doesn’t make me anti-development. We need development that benefits the community, stops urban sprawl and offers more places for people to live. That means thinking beyond the single-family house.
Feb 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The kids in Centretown are not okay: nightmares, panic attacks, fear of walking down the street. The Canadian flag now scares them because they see it displayed along with symbols of hate. They know that their schools are being targeted. They can't sleep because of the noise. After two years of constant pandemic fear and vigilance, children in downtown Ottawa are now worried that the convoy members could hurt them or their neighbours. They don't understand why this is happening. None of us do.
Jan 30, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Kid’s school confirmed it’s closing tomorrow because they can’t guarantee the safety of children due to the anti-vaxx, white supremacists who are speeding through Centretown streets + screaming obscenities at residents. @OttawaPolice, time to run these extremists out of town. These extremists have led to the closure of at least three vaccine clinics, several schools, the Rideau Centre and countless small businesses. Residents are shaken and afraid. I have lived in Ottawa since 2004 and NEVER seen anything like this.
Jul 4, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
Twenty years of conversations about consent in the queer community have prepared me well for the slow emergence from this pandemic. Some advice … 1) Be honest, have hard conversations, don’t lie. 2) Always accommodate the person with the higher protection requirements. I don’t normally wear a mask for outside interactions and am now fully vaxxed. But if a friend feels more comfortable this way, the mask goes on.
May 12, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: In light of the confusing communications from the Ontario govt about AstraZeneca, I thought I would share some common communications principles that would have really helped put people at ease yesterday. Number one is always: know your audience, write for your audience. What's more important is what an audience wants and needs to hear. Not simply what you want to communicate. Yesterday, the Ontario public and particularly #GenXZeneca needed to hear: You did the right thing. Thank you for taking this life-saving vaccine.