Arielle Medford, MD Profile picture
Medical Oncologist @MGHCancerCenter, @MGHBreastOnc, @harvardmed | Past Chief Resident, MGH Internal Medicine | Posts my own
Aug 3, 2022 19 tweets 35 min read
@TumorBoardTues 1/19 #TumorBoardTuesday #BreastCancer #OncTwitter

45yo 👩🏼 non smoker 🚭 with 2 kids is diagnosed with T2N0 TNBC
Fmh: mother (78) HTN, grandmother BRCA+
🧪Genetic testing shows BRCA1 mutation

🤨How would you proceed? @TumorBoardTues 2/19 #TumorBoardTuesday #TNBC
Rxed with Neoadj AC-T (IO not approved at time), followed by B/L mastectomy.

🔬Pathology showed 5mm residual disease.

ER 0%
PR 0%
HER2 0
Ki-67 90%
Stage ypT1aN0

She receives adjuvant capecitabine.
@dradityabardia @MPishvaian @JohnEbbenMDPhD